Nuclear power

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we wouldn't mind if you were to start from the beginning as we are all clueless about nuclear energy, its usage and ramifications.

hope to hear from you soon, although its not your priority at the moment :bawling:


Just to be clear on a few things, my irritation about some of the comments in this thread is not so much directed at you but on other posters.

Based on what you do and don't know, I thought you debated the issues in a credible, common sense manner tempered with a good dose of self-moderation and lack of conjecture....which is a lot more than I can say for some others.

I don't believe anyone need to be a nuclear physicist or a nuclear utility provider in order to engage in a reasonable discussion on the subject. I'm neither of those occupations, anyway. It wouldn't hurt either if the poster have had some experience dealing with related issues. What we really require is a little more common sense, and logical consideration of the deeper issues. Unfortunately, by and large, this is lacking.

Sorry that I feel this foum is low priority, but taking time away from real-life to engage in long debates here won't put food on the table.

And while I frame my full reply, here's something else to consider.....when ppl here keep talking about using nuclear energy in wake of the energy crisis, what exactly is the energy crisis ? Bear in mind, we are only talking about power utility functions. Unless they figure out how to miniaturize a nuke reactor for your cars, you're still oil dependent.
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Interesting you should say that - "You're still oil dependant". I agree!

Exxonmobil is the worlds largest energy provider and they provide less than 7% of the worlds energy and that's already considered the highest provision yet.
Just finished my competence assessor training. Will continue my primary school standard 3 drawing and hopefully can be done by tomorrow.

I'm surprise why no people talk about SCRAM. Why no people tell about the nuclear waste that store under the Japan plant was for building nuclear weapon, the reason why japan took risk to build a nuclear plant facing the big sea in stead of the other side which has less earth quake and no tsunami and etc. The Japan nuclear plant tragedy was man made to be happen.
I'm surprise why no people talk about SCRAM.

What for ? It's a non-issue as far as Fukushima is concerned. Are you are implying SCRAM could have saved Fukushima ?

Bloody hell......Do you honestly understand what a SCRAM is and what it can and cannot do ? :stupid:

P.S. I showed your post (especially your comments on the Geiger counters) to a couple of of radiation technicians (one of them have spent many years working in nuclear power for the US Navy). They are laughing their asses off.
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I only know people should do whatever it take to prevent something real big happen. And there is a reason for SCRAM to be exist. Emergency respond team from USA did sent all resources needed to Japan and they did arrived Japan before the situation become real bad. But due to political reason, Japan refused to use the resources. So from bad turned worst, core melt down and you can see what had happen now.

So please teach me what is SCRAM and what it can do and cannot do.

And also, show the whole thread to them and let them laugh. After finish laughing, they can quit their job for safety reason. So many years work in a US Navy nuclear power related field and still alive must be very lucky. If there is a chance, I would like them to explain to me why nuclear power is so dangerous and they still not yet quit the job. Or the risk just had been massively over magnified then FOC advertised by people.
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I only know people should do whatever it take to prevent something real big happen. And there is a reason for SCRAM to be exist....... So from bad turned worst, core melt down and you can see what had happen now.

Man, you do talk a lot of tosh, don't you ?

Before I answer you, let me say this.....

I have read a lot of the posts you make.

The trouble with you is you are self-important and narcissistic. You are abrasive and obstinate with your opinions and you like to think you are smart. Generally, you think ppl are stupid and beneath your intellect.

That kind of behavior will work with ppl who are less informed because you like to spend a lot of your time trawling the internet for obscure pieces of info and then use that info to start pecking people at the forums.

In this instance, you did just that with SCRAM.

With people like you, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

Although you merely scratched the surface and do not have a full understanding of SCRAM, it did not stop you from getting loud with it.

And so now, you think all of us here know less than you because we did not discuss SCRAM in light of Fukushima. Somehow you implied the engineers were lacking SCRAM at Fukushima or that they did not implement it adequately.

I'm going deaf with the ringing of your BULLSHIT bells.

Good thing your bark is worse than your bite.
Even better that you are also barking up the wrong tree.

Here are the facts :-

The SCRAM Emergency Shutdown System is now standard in all nuclear reactors (for other posters who want to know what is a SCRAM, please google keywords ‘SCRAM wiki’).

At Fukushima, SCRAM worked as advertised and automatically shut the reactors down when the earthquake was detected.

Even so, the trouble with a nuclear reactor is that it is not like a light bulb. You don’t simply flick a switch to turn it off and everything goes dark.

It’s more like an oven. You may have turned it off but within it there is still a massive amounts of heat.

After shutdown, the fuel rods do not produce nearly as much heat compared to an active chain reaction, but there is nevertheless still a lot of heat from the beta decay of fission material within the fuel rods.

For this reason, the coolant surrounding the fuel rods must be continuously circulated in order to dissipate the heat.

For the same reason, spent fuel rods (i.e. nuclear fuel that have been fully irradiated and no longer useful to sustain a chain reaction) continue to emit lots of heat from decay. Spent fuel rods are stored in holding tanks for a year or more and surrounded with coolant until decay heat reduces to a safe level. Storing in holding tanks also shields the radioactivity.


That is why I told you earlier that SCRAM was not an issue at Fukushima. It is therefore no big deal when no one here discussed SCRAM in respect of Fukushima.

But you just have to sound smart by bitching about SCRAM anyway, didn’t you ?

Who’s the fool now ?

Csl takes it up the arse …dooda dooda

And also, show the whole thread to them and let them laugh. After finish laughing, they can quit their job for safety reason. So many years work in a US Navy nuclear power related field and still alive must be very lucky. If there is a chance, I would like them to explain to me why nuclear power is so dangerous and they still not yet quit the job.

You thought the radiation technicians who laugh at your comments did so because they DISAGREE with you that nuclear power can be made safe ?

LOL You are even dumber than I thought.

Actually they laughed because you had no clue about the technical aspects of nuclear engineering and concepts. You were just talking random nonsense and aggresively defending your viewpoints. That's pathetic.

For f**k sakes, get over your freaking self already.
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So you said I'm stupid, and yes I'm stupid. And you said I don't know sht about nuclear power, and yes, I don't know sht about it. You also said I'm dangerous, and yes I'm dangerous. If the world is so smart, so safe, most advance countries wouldn't waste their money on building nuclear power that end up with killing its people and also risk their politician future. Their gov had been fouled by some stupid and dangerous engineers. They should not even let the scientist to touch this dangerous thing. But before pulling too far away, I think it is fair for me to declare that I know sht about nuclear power. After all, I'm not in this field nor had been through any related education. This fact cannot be change and it is more than 99.99% chance that I'll never will understand the entire nuclear plant system work. But I have 1 thing that those smart guy like you don't have - the positive attitude. I'll never simply give up due to my own limit. If I cannot do, then ask for help. If the help not enough, ask more. If there is a difficulty, overcome it in stead of turn the head away and move on to other thing and lie to own self that the problem never happen and will never exist.

As I mentioned, I don't know much about nuclear power system works. But at least I won't deny the possibility of its existence in this country at the very beginning. We all know that it was not the reactor suddenly blow up like a nuclear missile hit the ground. If we take the earth quake and tsunami away from the picture, it was due to cooling system failure and cause the core overheated. perhaps you can explain better in details on how the meltdown happen as you said I don't know sht.

Look at the japan plant that going to blow out, we don't talk about any political concern on the location placing strategy. We don't talk about natural disaster. We start from all cooling pump failed and core start over heat.

They have 3 systems as per reported. The main cooling pump, diesel powered backup pump and battery power backup pump. Generally 1st 2 system failed due to damage and last system die off because of running out battery. The reactor overheat and damaged. last I heard they are still spraying water to cool the reactor down while repairing the cooling system.

The cause of the failure generally can put it into this way - All pumps failed and not enough time to fix them.

Below is my idea. Although stupid like standard 2 student drawing, but at least I tried to suggest something before totally give up. Cost may be a lot higher but it will able to recovered in mid/long term. Target is to reduce the damage from energy crisis to the minimal level that possible to achieve at current stage. Completion date will be few years or a decade or more from now. Drawling is not completed in detail. Just for a rough reference.


Main point:

1. Floating platform to reduce damage of earth quake. Self contain cooling source.
2. Submersible system can let the reactor soak into water at the very last minute to pro-long the time for repair/rescue job. Can control manually or remotely. In-room pump can circulate the water when soaked into water.
3. Semi confine system that build from various radioactive resistance, reinforcement material and water leak prevention material and etc to minimize the radioactive material leak if the worst happen. And able to sink everything to the bottom then fill up with radioactive resistance material.
4.Multiple sources of cooling system, including pipe line that able to mount external pump and cooling source. At least 1 system can be operate remotely (control via satellite) and 1 system to be the conventional manual operating way.
5. Backup cooling water source. Additionally add few hundred KM length of pipeline to the nearest seaside for continuous water supply.
6. Designed to build at remote area which rarely going to develop in the future and free from Tsunami related natural disaster.

This may looks crazy. But same thing happen to an iPhone during 80's. As I'm not a highly educated engineer from what what university and work in what what nuclear facility, I leave the specialist to solve the technical difficulties. What I expect from my thread is to educate people as usual. This time is on attitude again but added more crazy essences that what advance countries have but we are lacking of it.

I never forget what my purpose of existence. I clearly know that i'm not the material of being a politician nor a person that can change the world in 1 night. I contribute my little effort that I can produce and hope it can inspire people in the future or the people can change the future.

And read my post again


I also don't know why it can drag until tech knowledge debate but I'll not refuse to know something new. If you are a tech guy, please tell me do you ever think about the solution and if yes please post. If never, then to be honest and tell us your reason. Even if you tell us you will object everything from the political party you don't like, will be accepted because politicians who represent the people also do that and had been stated on their party policy as compulsory (here goes your vote). We are not in USA or any other countries that each wakil rakyat is free from saying yes or no. (not again, drag till politic :adore: )

Forgot to mention, this crap design is like digging a big hole on the ground and put it in. Not like putting a fish tank on the ground. And there was a huge solar charger system for the backup battery never mentioned and forgot to put color.
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Why go large scale like Japan??

Nuclear power should be done on the smallest scale possible. Nuclear Submarines use the smallest nuclear plants that fit into a small submarine.

Power plants should be as small as possible so that the country can harness the power with the least risks, best of both worlds, while waiting for a safer technology or until its made fully safe.

The benefit can be imagined like this:

1. based on nuclear-submarine type of small nuclear plant, Malaysia can start with 1 state, eg, Johor to supply nuclear power to drive electric cars.

2. Subsidise owning an electric car. These to be powered by nuclear-generated electricity.

3. This will cut down CO2 emission greatly. There can be plenty of electricity enough to power homes and factories.

4. Utilizing CURS technology in cars, derived free energy can be re-directed back to the grid, earning rebates.

Richard Tan
Chill here bros... Don't get hotter than the already hot nuclear incident.

I'm in environmental science and studied a bit on nuclear power plant before. Though that is not my major field.

It is best and ideal to have many smaller plants. But financially, it is very tough because of "economy of scale". It is cheaper to build a big one and the price per power will be cheaper too. Lets say the cost of building one big one is around RM 20 billion. But building two small ones wouldn't cost RM 10 billion each. It will probably be RM 17 billion each. That is what I mean... So the cost doesn't justify...

And as for maintenance etc, whenever the lorries needs to transport stuff to the plants, if you have one plant, they will need to reach one destination only. But if you got many small plants in many place, all those places will have to be reached!

So small size plants are okay. But there is a minimum size and power to justify the amount of $$ spent.

I’m not even going to bother replying your points. All your suggestions are based on fantasy. It has no technical basis. Just complete utter garbage. I don’t want to spend any more time than necessary engaging in discussions with no-clue nitwits with an over-developed sense of grandeur.

To think that some of us here actually had experience dealing with radiation issues on a regular basis and understood more than most people on the subject, it is nevertheless insulting that we are still being second-guessed by half-wits like you and accused of being narrow-minded with an attitude problem.

I also don't know why it can drag until tech knowledge debate

Personally, I think the one with the worst attitude here is you.

A few posts earlier, you are the one forcing the discussion towards technical issues when you questioned why we did not discuss SCRAM.

Obviously, after being made to look foolish by me for not understanding SCRAM and its association with the coolant systems, you now decide to change your tune and accuse us of being technical.

csl, you are a fraud.

You cannot even engage in discussions in a fair manner. When things are not going your way, you decide to move the goalposts and stack the deck in your favor.

Basically, you cannot accept when people disagree with you, irrespective of how considered their opinions may be.

For example, you had a meltdown a few posts earlier when Mizunori debated with facts against you.

After all, I'm not in this field nor had been through any related education. This fact cannot be change and it is more than 99.99% chance that I'll never will understand the entire nuclear plant system work. .

Like I said, you are self-important and narcissistic. You have virtually no clue on the technical aspects but still that did not stop you from suggesting engineering solutions.

How does a guy who does not even understand how a reactor work actually have so much arrogance to suggest engineering solutions for nuclear reactors and, at the same time, accuse the collective community for being lazy, having a negative attitude and not doing all the research ??

Oh, by the way, when you drew up your picture on how to build infrastructure for a reactor, that is ‘technical’ despite your earlier suggestion of ‘displeasure’ for anything of that sort……not that you notice when it suits you. When it does not suit you, you accuse me of being too technical. Gee…… You really are dumb

What I expect from my thread is to educate people as usual.

As usual ? LOL...As usual you write a lot of science fiction and people here are not getting educated in any substantive way by your ramblings. Please get a hold of yourself. You are not that smart, even if you think so.

By the way, what does 'csl' really stand for ? "Crap by the Shit Loads " ?

---------- Post added at 12:03 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 11:42 AM ----------

Why go large scale like Japan??

Nuclear power should be done on the smallest scale possible. Nuclear Submarines use the smallest nuclear plants that fit into a small submarine.

Power plants should be as small as possible so that the country can harness the power with the least risks, best of both worlds, while waiting for a safer technology or until its made fully safe.

The benefit can be imagined like this:

1. based on nuclear-submarine type of small nuclear plant, Malaysia can start with 1 state, eg, Johor to supply nuclear power to drive electric cars.

2. Subsidise owning an electric car. These to be powered by nuclear-generated electricity.

3. This will cut down CO2 emission greatly. There can be plenty of electricity enough to power homes and factories.

4. Utilizing CURS technology in cars, derived free energy can be re-directed back to the grid, earning rebates.

Richard Tan

Hi Richard,

There's a minimum size to what is feasible to power a national grid compared to powering a nuclear sub.

Two very different considerations and two very different power requirements. Submarine reactors are rated at hundreds of megawatts whereas power utility reactors are well over thousands of megawatts.

I cannot confirm Veloc's numbers on the costs of commissioning but it does not sound unreasonable. Reactors, and their infrastructure and support, even the smaller ones are very expensive.

There is also the question whether a total national population of only 28 million have a really dire need for nuclear power.

For one thing, it won't solve the oil dependency issue.

For another nuclear power has always been supplemental to more conventional means of power generation. It has not replaced conventional power even in nations that employ nuclear power.

Another point is, nations with nuclear power are, by and large, heavily industrialized with heavy population vis-a-vis the rest of the world. Their needs for power probably justify the path towards nukes to supplement the power equation. Malaysia is just 28 million heads and not particularly industrialized.
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Sorry that I feel this foum is low priority, but taking time away from real-life to engage in long debates here won't put food on the table.

ah... i fully agree with that... we all have bills to pay :biggrin:
Below is my idea. Although stupid like standard 2 student drawing, but at least I tried to suggest something before totally give up. Cost may be a lot higher but it will able to recovered in mid/long term. Target is to reduce the damage from energy crisis to the minimal level that possible to achieve at current stage. Completion date will be few years or a decade or more from now. Drawling is not completed in detail. Just for a rough reference.


Main point:

1. Floating platform to reduce damage of earth quake. Self contain cooling source.
2. Submersible system can let the reactor soak into water at the very last minute to pro-long the time for repair/rescue job. Can control manually or remotely. In-room pump can circulate the water when soaked into water.
3. Semi confine system that build from various radioactive resistance, reinforcement material and water leak prevention material and etc to minimize the radioactive material leak if the worst happen. And able to sink everything to the bottom then fill up with radioactive resistance material.
4.Multiple sources of cooling system, including pipe line that able to mount external pump and cooling source. At least 1 system can be operate remotely (control via satellite) and 1 system to be the conventional manual operating way.
5. Backup cooling water source. Additionally add few hundred KM length of pipeline to the nearest seaside for continuous water supply.
6. Designed to build at remote area which rarely going to develop in the future and free from Tsunami related natural disaster.

1. Assuming that both the government and the people of Malaysia buys your idea, how are you going to lay your water pipes from the 2 water reservoirs 1km away since your plant is "floating", unless you are saying the pipes are elastic?

In the event that earthquake or large tremors crack the wall of the man made lake/omfghugeassmommawatertank/whatever you call it, what happens to the surrounding area when water seeps through? we are talking about millions of liters here, judging by the size of your drawing.

2. for you to submerge the reactors, every square inch of the plant has to go under water, which is ridiculous. now if you say you wanna build a water tank around the reactor that can be filled with water within a short time frame, that is more believable... but then... you would need bloody hell lot of pumps. i'd really like to be the water pump contractor for your plant :biggrin:

3. to sink the whole plant in water is beyond comprehension for me. i am unable to process such radical ideas. :adore:

4 and 5. this would be your 4th redundant system for cooling purposes and additional water supply going FEW HUNDRED KMs, including your submersible reactors. i think by now, the costs of cooling would be higher than building the plant itself.

6. i'm sure environmentalists would be celebrating since you are suggesting to build the plant deep inland at areas such as forests or mountains (remote areas as you said). :beer:

Only you have the patience to even reply to his insane ideas.

The concepts are so ludicrous it does not even merit any consideration.

Why anyone would even build an abomination like that to submerge a nuclear power plant is beyond me.

They have these giant nuke waste tanks at Hanford, USA where they secure all the hi-level wastes from their nuclear weapons program. Not only were they a nightmare to maintain, but over time, pretty much all of them have leaked in one way or another in a special expose by Scientific American (I still have that magazine). These days nuke wastes are rendered into a stable storage form by vitrification.

If you have to submerge a nuke plant in his water monstrosity (unheard of), how will it be possible to restablize and maintain something on this scale over hundreds of years when the possibilities of groundwater contamination becomes ever more present when the containment itself degrade.

Unlike normal power plants, nuke plants cannot simply be scrapped and decommisioned in the normal sense. The wastes and equipment remain radioactive for generations.

It seems to me this guy thinks he can spout such nonsensical rubbish but we are somehow not allowed to call him into question. As soon as you disagree with him, he'll start accusing you as lazy, narrow-minded and having a negative attitude.

man, this guy sure loves the sound of his own voice.

---------- Post added at 08:29 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 08:10 PM ----------

pun much? :biggrin:

but seriously, interesting topic hehe

In case you did not notice, this topic has revolved around 'csl' and His Almighty Visions to save the World from itself.

I got a better idea.

Put csl in a nuclear containement enclosure together with a PC with broadband internet connection.

The amount of BS coming henceforth from within will create enough steam to run turbines with enough Mega-wattage to power the entire northern hemisphere's combined powergrid for 12 generations.
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There are 2 main reasons you disagree nuclear plant:

1. Still have choice that afford to bare.
2. Personal financial will not effected even though electricity bill raise 5 times or more.

I would like to thanks someone who spoil his own image just to demonstrate a negative side of typical malaysian thinking. The country may not know who you are, but your contribution will last as long as the country exist.

Below has some pics as explanation and correction for my previous idea. Please don't take it too serious. Just the material choosing alone need a big engineering team to study and make recommendation. For example, there is a limit for cement to hold on its own weight. If wanted to to exceed that, multiple type of materials and structuring redesign will be needed. My idea is just a possible solution out of so many. After all, the jap plant is quite aged. I don't know what is the latest development on the plant design and other hardware that to assist the plant building, eg earth quake sensor, advance composites material, engineering breakthrough and etc. My idea selling point is to minimize the radioactive material spread in the worst case. You are welcome to modify or come up with a better idea. I may be able to sketch for you with microsoft paint. But don't expect my level can draw a WRX or monalisa like the one saw on youtube.

2 pipe lines. Pipe line not difficult to repair. Just don't pump water and weld metal on (or cut a piece of pipe and weld it to join if pipe pulled apart). But long length able to flex and stretch quite a bit.



As far as I know, the place I work have a layer of special material (like plastic + rubber) buried 4ft under ground to prevent chemical spill and cause long term effect to the nature (need to remove the whole area land that above the protection layer for check and neutralize when plant shut down). My post stated various type of material was meant for the water pool. I expect if the plant blow out like a nuclear bomb, everything will collapse and cover up the sht then we can just pour cement on top to cut the radioactive effecting radius to minimum.

Just wanna ask, if 1 day, no more oil money, energy crisis happening, what you wanna do when you have no more option? You might have many options, including migrate to other country, but not behave like a rich man son who only know how to ask papa for money even though already 30 years old.
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nice idea u have there.. but what if a mega disaster strikes and render the safety mechanism useless? (e.g. the mechanism that lowers the plant into the hole).
CSL, you might better to register copyright for your nuclear power plant's plan/sketch/draw. :biggrin:
Building nuclear power plant does not justify it costs in Malaysia economically speaking, it just a In- thing like a fashion where everywhere is shouting global warming so automatically, building nuclear reactor can put Malaysia further in World Map.

1) Cost of nuclear reactor is expensive and it take longer time to build than coal or gas fired plant.

2) We got natural gas in Malaysia, but do we have uranium mine? Logistic is also a cost.

3) Last and most dangerous, Malaysia does not have competent pool of people to maintain and run a nuclear power plant. It take year to train one, and with the current trend of brain drain, surely will "cabut" after few year, also a problem.

Our strength lies in building gas fired and coal fired plant, something to ponder, why not focus on strengths instead of something we knew nothing about and need to start from scratch?

Recently, Petronas announce that they discover a new gas field off cost of east Malaysia, so no worries about oil or gas running out, at least not in decades.

Nuclear Reactor is probably nothing more than a public stunts to show the world and may not represent the most logical choice based on Malaysia current situation.
My idea is at least a decade or 2 behind the technology available today. I don't really expect something to build exactly like this to be honest. The whole purpose is just to show people the correct attitude and spirit when facing a problem. Not like some people like to cry like a baby or spread the fear to the public to create chaos or etc.

Besides increasing the power supply, we can also reduce the power demand, by having better town planning, introducing (or creating) more energy saving product (LED buld for toilet?), designing energy saving home/office structure and etc. Alternatively, we can also introduce something like soft loan for solar/wind power energy system for home or company. There are many ideas or way to prevent the need of nuclear power. But based on today's average Malaysian way of thinking, I have no choice but have to support for it. Millions of rakyat are still earning below average and we need to put them into the picture other than our own financial status.

Time will not wait anyone. By the time we start needing it, usually will be a decade too late. If can know earlier, there will be no beggar. In stead of waiting till the last minute, why not make it happen when we still have chance. I can't imagine what the cost gonna be when the world is greatly demanding for it, be it fuel or nuclear. But I only know if the electricity price can be lowered, then we can see electric powered vehicle on the road sooner. If we think we have plenty oil/gas reserves and no need to worry, it is ok. Throw the problem to our next generation is a good idea indeed. We enjoy whatever available, since life live only once.
Explain to me the logic of submerging an entire damaged reactor complex in water and then attempting to send personnel and equipment into the irradiated liquid to attempt a restabilization. You want a deep dive salvage operation into a pool of radiactive water ? How long are you expecting the dive to take during ingress and egress ? What are the time alloted to work in this environment ? is it even feasible ? During an emergency, how quickly do you expect personnel to surface ? What about the dangers of the decompression 'bends' to personnel if there is no option for them to slow their rate of surfacing ? How stable is the entire submerged structure. Assuming the submersible equipment of the reactor is damaged...say in an stable then would your sturcture be in a submerged mode ? If the bilgeheads are compromised and if it capsizes or tilts underwater, how will that affect salvage ?

How are you going to keep a containement structure this large from maintaining it's physical integrity over the multiple generations it takes for radioactive half-lives to reduce themselves to a safe level ?

As for complete entombment, it has been tried before with the sarcophagus at Chernobyl. They have years to do it and for years they keep doing it. To this day, it is a nightmare to maintain. If they cannot do it on a smaller scale with the large containment tanks at Hanford, what makes you think they will do it with your behemoth ?

Actually, do you even know what I'm referring to when I mentioned 'Hanford' ? Have you actually studied the engineering behind Hanford ? nevermind...I guess you don't know I am talking about.

What exactly do you mean by "Semi confine system that build from various radioactive resistance, reinforcement material and water leak prevention material" ? Can you be more specific on what exactly is a 'radioactive resistance' material ? By that, I mean you tell me the name of this material.
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