Nothern Accord

Yeah, so long dont' see. Hang bila nak turun KL?. Ajak li convoy with Fobs dll.
After my father passed away then I got okay la and about turun KL dunno la when....a little bit bz on my new mother restaurant.....hehehe....become pak supir...
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f20b nanti kena tinggal oleh h22a oooooooooooooooooo,... convoy seorang seorang,...
f20b nanti kena tinggal oleh h22a oooooooooooooooooo,... convoy seorang seorang,...
Apasal nak kena tinggal pulak...ko punya lepas taruk toyol2, jembalang tanah..etc mesti ko yg tinggal H22A punya....:driver: :smokin:
i have the following for sale, from BB1 H22a (location: butterworth).

1. complete set of head, valve, spring , cover and all for H22A.

2. port & polished both intake and exhaust chamber, very nice and smooth engine response, no problem, as i used it a few years.

3. 4WS control unit also available.

& other parts for BB1, my BB1 sold already, left all the extra parts here.

interested pls pm me.
stream 2.0 02 above around how much???

stream kat apartment aku ada sebiji nak jual,... tokey used car kulim,... dia selalu pandu kreta tu balik,... nampak chun,...

oh, also, aki,... satt aku pm cf4 contacts kat hg
stream kat apartment aku ada sebiji nak jual,... tokey used car kulim,... dia selalu pandu kreta tu balik,... nampak chun,...

oh, also, aki,... satt aku pm cf4 contacts kat hg

Boleh..boleh, hang tanya dia tengok klu aku tak konfirm oooo..
pasal cf4 tu cancelled laa...
Tak la besar sangat....medium jer...
Bien punya uncle tu yang besar....RB1
huhuhu! apa program aki???

tak dak apa laa...
TAdi ada budak pompuan naik moto potong kot kiri pastu ada orang jogging kat tepi dia terus nak masuk kanan balik,...kena tepi bumper aku..nasib baik kena tempat stand kaki dia...lekat la kaler hitam kat bumper aku tu..aku hangin, terus follow dia kat belakang sampai dia gabra...hahahahaha...
Aku rasa macam nak cuit lagi moto dia sampai jatuh...hahahahaa..kejam..

Better wrote in English, nanti Tom will delete all of of post lak. Me kena already last time!

Better wrote in English, nanti Tom will delete all of of post lak. Me kena already last time!

eh,... bro aja, i tot the 'english only' thingy is for the specific threads??? or issit for all threads,...
All threads. Last time a lot of our postings in CF4 discussion been deleted by tom..not including missing data due to data crash lagik.
Okay Aja. thanks for the info...start from here, it'll be english..hehhehee
Sorry arr Tom.....
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