

You think I print money?
Helmet Clan
Mar 3, 2005
Yesterday i experience a nightmare like never before. It's really scary and real.

In my nightmare, i was taking a lift up a building which is a hotel in HongKong cause i notice HK car no plates when i walked towards the lift. I'm not clear about the hotel name but it was a new 5 star hotel cause that's what i saw in my dream.

I enter a lift with my wife and a woman carrying a baby also entered the lift with us. We were going to the 13 floor of the hotel. All of the sudden the lift malfunction and the speed of the lift keep increasing and when i press the Emergency stop button the lift just stop and start to decent furiously..and it the door opened up, i hold on to the handle bars as tight as i can and my wife was screaming then everything i see become slow....

Half way the lift de-rail and was thrown out the window because the lift is like those you can see from outside wan. we fell hard and upon impact i can feel the impact force going through my body and the whole lift just wreck the woman carrying the baby died instantly and half her body gone. while the baby survive but was injured in the head. My right leg was kena hempit and my wife pulled me out by force and my right knee's was injured quiet badly as i can see my flesh being cut. my wife asked for help and i was like fainting alway.

When i woke up my right knee got the very pain sensation and my body feels wierd like very tired...It was the scariest nightmare i ever had. its so real that it made me scare to take lift today when going to government office. I took the stairs...

Never felt that frighten before...anyone got really scary nightmares to share..and hope to get some explanation why i never being t a place before but i felt like i been there...I always like this, after a nightmare like the above one i will sure go that place and feel weird like i being here before..why ?
Hehe Check this out.

I once dreamt that everyone around me was dead and splayed all over the floor and while I was walking around, I could even hear the squishing of their blood/organs under the soles of my feet. Suddenly I saw my mom sitting on the ground... saying that everyone is dead. But when I looked at her closely... her face was just a skull! Woke up crying. Haha I was 8yrs old. :p
gah this tread reminds me of the nightmare i had when i was a kid about an 8-face ghost that hides behind my house's toilet door >_<
true experience.. i was at n my gf,gf's sis n her bf..we slept in a room//there were 2 single beds..we combined the beds..the guy was on my left while my gf was on my right side.. middle of the nite..had tis dream tat my rims on my car was stolen..then i was scraeming in my sleep,:don take my rims..don take my rims"i was pratically in tears...haha..i was half awake tat time..turn to my left saw the guy stare at me blurr blurr with "WTF" expression on his face// haha// turn around face my gf cover my face wif pillow n balik tido..haha
My dad told me he dream of me being in an accident and die.
And another fren dream of me dying because something nonsense like i was chased by bad guys together with my wife and ended up being shot. Can't really remember his dream.

Now that's scary man. Why must they tell me ?!?!?!
jeremy said:
true experience.. i was at n my gf,gf's sis n her bf..we slept in a room//there were 2 single beds..we combined the beds..the guy was on my left while my gf was on my right side.. middle of the nite..had tis dream tat my rims on my car was stolen..then i was scraeming in my sleep,:don take my rims..don take my rims"i was pratically in tears...haha..i was half awake tat time..turn to my left saw the guy stare at me blurr blurr with "WTF" expression on his face// haha// turn around face my gf cover my face wif pillow n balik tido..haha

Bro, your rims must be super expensive or maybe limited edition...and maybe has a better ranking in your heart than your gf...hahaha... just joking...:_:
when i was in kuantan after bowling tournament late at night i was so sad cos i can make it to finals then i played ps till late i think was 4 am. i stay with few of my friend in a room they slept already then while i was playing games then suddenly my friend screem i was WTF then i look at him he was hugging the cub bord door saying "DONT LET ME GO DONT LET ME GO " that time i was stun speech less then the next morning i told him in public then we lough like hell
i have nightmares after that when wake up i really feel my whole body damn tired
but mostly sweet dream but some time end up wet dream lol!!!
wet dreams are ok la ..

scary ones the killa... sometimes it makes sense, but most of the time for me it doesnt..
Sometimes like wat titanrev says.. feels like have been to da place b4.. dejavu man!
actually i have some dejavu b4
i dream about some place some time bowling alley
but i havent been there b4 but when i go over seas tournament i saw the same place it give me the chill feeling the feeling like i've been to future in my dream or gone back to history in reality
Daniel Lee said:
Bro, your rims must be super expensive or maybe limited edition...and maybe has a better ranking in your heart than your gf...hahaha... just joking...:_:

BSA rims oni..but loveee it so much...haha... ratio of dreams about my car compare to my gf is bout 8:3 ..hahaha
last time when i was small i had a nightmare it has some thing to do with ultraman
when i come back from school a monster appear and chase me it was the size of an adult then i try to defeate the monster by using some ray like ultraman then bum the monster exploade i tought i kill it but it grew back and this time bigger and step me and splat im crush and i woke up whole body soring like hell

i had a nightmare about my ex hahahaha
when i dream abt her its a nightmare lol.
Guys, what's the meaning of Dejavu ??

Did you guys have nightmares that haunt you...for a few years ? Like my nightmare the lift still haunts i scare to take lift already...dont know what to do now??:cry_smile:
dun b so scared le.. it's jus a dream... u might have seen a similar hotel/environment b4 mayb in movies/drama etc in yr lifetime.. n that's y u dream of it.. dun scare urself..
dejavu is when you feel you have lived/imagined that exact moment before

i get up everyday and the world is like a living nightmare, does that count?
When I was a small fart, I had a really bad nightmare too. I dreamt I was in one of those dark gloomy jungle, where the large trees looked like monsters that can move and have a fierce monster-ry looking face. I shouted for help when one of those trees moved towards me. Then, I opened my eyes. I saw my room but I could not move. I could still talk, though. In my room, I saw the nightmare environment blended in with my room. Meaning, I saw the grass, plants, those monstrous tree, etc. and also my room walls, closets, etc. My mum came in and turned on the lights, but I could still see the blended scene. I called for my mum to come near but when she came near, she turned into a monster also. Then I asked her to back away. When she backed away, she was my mum. When she came near again, she was a monster. Then, she came towards me with a "foo" (chinese yellow holy paper), or so I remembered, and placed it on me. Then I woke up normal.

On a not so extreme night, I would usually wake up in the middle of the night when everyone's asleep. I would feel like I'm holding a big thing in my hand. I'd then go to the room at the back and sleep on the mattress there. This room is totally empty except for just 1 mattress there. From the rumours that I hear, if nobody if sleeping in the room, it is advisable not to leave furnitures there. It will "invite" the ghosts to stay there.
I had a dream before too that involve holding things or stuf during my dream and when i woke up my hand still have the grabbing form like i was really holding onto something...

Yesterday night i had the same nightmare again...:cry_smile: Its totally the same but i dont know what's my nightmare trying to tell me...or what does this nightmare means...i think this lift nightmare is haunting me.

Do you guys have nightmare after watching a horror movie i mean those really horror wan like The ring, Ju-on and those japs horror movie.. I experience be4 and its very scary...
i had lots of nightmares b4..during the was very scary..but once i wakes up the other day...i cant remember anything....

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