Manchester united football club

I know Fergie said he'll have a word with Nani. Basically I think he means to remind Nani that there are less talented cunts who will try to break your leg if you completely arse fuck them with your skill.

There's no disputing of the guilt of opposition players.
It's what we should and shouldn't do to protect ourselves.
But we need to distinguish that to Nani's case.
What Nani did was interpreted as an insult to and by the opponents.
Whether what he did amount to showboat by the audience/spectators,pundits is a subjective and different issue altogether.
And the message that everyone(that is against Nani's antics) tries to convey is, such actions attract unncessary risks to your own safety. Hence, why do it.

If you wan to showboat while in the midst of an attacking move - ie stepovers, flick ons etc - something which serves a purpose, i am sure it will negate the criticisms received.
That said, it will still attract unruly tackles from the opponents.
But at least, at the very least, it was done with a purpose.
And if the showboating serves no purpose but at the same time attracts risk, why do it. No?
The thing is I think they are overreacting.

Watch the incident that was deemed showboating again. I saw the ball in the air and Nani trying to get it away from the chasing Arsenal players ie it WAS for a purpose. He used some sick skills to accomplish that instead of hoofing it away. Le Arse players got pissed because they got pwned in such a way. They are the sore fuckers for reacting that way. It wasn't like Nani suddenly flicked the ball up in the middle of the park and started seal dribbling for nothing but to piss them off. In fact, because they reacted this way, I'd rather he have. I hope all these fuckers never get to see skillful, technically gifted players. They deserve only to get to watch big oafs hoofing it up to each other the entire game.

Why are they overreacting? Because they are Arsenal. They're the media darlings (FA as well). They can't be ridiculed or humiliated because they're sensitive and temperamental, you see. We've got to look after their feelings, you know. What next, limiting ourselves to only winning by 2 goals? Lets not score more. In fact, lets not play keep ball. Let's pass them the ball instead.
And the FA again proves they are a bunch of Arsenal loving fuckers by deciding after reviewing video evidence, not to punish Gallas for kicking Nani on an off the ball incident.

This is a new low for the FA.
The thing is I think they are overreacting.

Watch the incident that was deemed showboating again. I saw the ball in the air and Nani trying to get it away from the chasing Arsenal players ie it WAS for a purpose. He used some sick skills to accomplish that instead of hoofing it away. Le Arse players got pissed because they got pwned in such a way. They are the sore fuckers for reacting that way. It wasn't like Nani suddenly flicked the ball up in the middle of the park and started seal dribbling for nothing but to piss them off. In fact, because they reacted this way, I'd rather he have. I hope all these fuckers never get to see skillful, technically gifted players. They deserve only to get to watch big oafs hoofing it up to each other the entire game.

Why are they overreacting? Because they are Arsenal. They're the media darlings (FA as well). They can't be ridiculed or humiliated because they're sensitive and temperamental, you see. We've got to look after their feelings, you know. What next, limiting ourselves to only winning by 2 goals? Lets not score more. In fact, lets not play keep ball. Let's pass them the ball instead.

Agreed with Silver and Gti i got what you mean dude, cheers.

Anyway we should agreed 1 thing...arsenal is totally a sore loser team...right from their manager up to their player....:biggrin:
Had it been one of our players that lashed out and got away, then the next thing we know it's the front page news that United's player got away scot-free again.

The biasness has always been there and will always be there.
Nope, we wouldn't have gotten away, PERIOD.

Just this season, Ronnie barely brushed a Portsmouth player (the player actually admitted afterwards that he barely felt the contact) and he got a red. Rooney gets a THREE FUCKING LEAGUE MATCH suspension for a foul that wasn't a foul that occurred during A FUCKING PRE SEASON GAME.

ABU shit that is the FA. Players get reds for intent alone, that is the letter of the law. Now in this case, not only is there intent, there was contact and they tell us there's no punishment?

Ok fine, so what the FA is telling us is that players are ALLOWED TO KICK OTHER PLAYERS FOR FUN.

Somebody remind the players that it is OK to kick Gallas from behind when Le Arse visits Old Trafford in April.
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The thing is I think they are overreacting.

Le Arse players got pissed because they got pwned in such a way. They are the sore fuckers for reacting that way. It wasn't like Nani suddenly flicked the ball up in the middle of the park and started seal dribbling for nothing but to piss them off. In fact, because they reacted this way, I'd rather he have.

If you refer to my post minutes earlier, i am not disputing the groundnut size of the arse's brain.
The thing that i try to point out was - self protection. It's inevitable that opposition will try to hurt you if you're that good. The thing is how do we minimise such risk. That's all.

Had Nani been injured due to this incident, don't you think that it's not worth it?
Say for example the cute mohawk decided to lashed harder, and Nani out for 4 weeks.
And what can we do therafter? Complain?
And what will the arse suffer? Match suspension at most.

Let's not lose our our head in place of some ego booster there.
The thing that matters is result and get out of the match unscathed.
We were already home and dry at that time.

If you ask me, i will also say it's not showboating.
Nani just kept the ball longer than usual, evaded a few challenges and the arse felt insulted - hence the big outcry of showboating.
He could have just skipped the head juggling part all these showboating stuffs wouldn't be a discussion in the first place.
and about all these ABU shites, for me i just take it as a compliment.
It makes success so much more sweeter.
Hahaha... Silver, thx for having de same mind in de above mentioned few issues - Nani case, tht cibai Gallas, Sore arse AW and de example i brought up!!! Yeah, i would say am not trying to b racist in the 1st place when i brought up tht example!!! :biggrin:

Since AFC is not being punish for de FA for many times, i jus hope tht God wil do so by letting their key players 'relaxing' longer in their treatment room... LoLzzzzzzzzzz...

By putting all those crap away, there r few interesting matches coming up in the ECL i would like to share share u guyz view!!!

Pool v Inter: Wow, i think Inter r too strong for Pool at least on the paper as they r the form team with so many great players... But on the other side, when its a 1 sided bet, its always dangerous as v experience it for our derby match!!! Hahaha... So? Logically i would think Inter wil win no pro!!!

AFC v AC Milan: Shld b a great game!!! If AFC think they can win this game with thier speed n passing game, they wil b in big big trouble as v thought the same thing last season!!! Milan team is much more than tht... They r a very good team especially in Europe... Tactically they r superb and they do hv many key players tht can win this game too... With the shock BIG score lost at Old Toilet last wk, i hope AFC hvnt been able to pick up themselves with so many injuries they r hving... Am going for Milan experience in this 1... De most AFC can get is a draw... But am going for a Milan win!!! :biggrin:

Roma v R. Madrid: Mmm... Another interesting game!!! If RM think they can roll over Roma easily, they better think twice as Roma r very strong at hom!!! Am expecting a very attacking minded game for this 1, and am going for a slight advantage for de hom team!!!

Nope, we wouldn't have gotten away, PERIOD.

Just this season, Ronnie barely brushed a Portsmouth player (the player actually admitted afterwards that he barely felt the contact) and he got a red. Rooney gets a THREE FUCKING LEAGUE MATCH suspension for a foul that wasn't a foul that occurred during A FUCKING PRE SEASON GAME.

ABU shit that is the FA. Players get reds for intent alone, that is the letter of the law. Now in this case, not only is there intent, there was contact and they tell us there's no punishment?

Ok fine, so what the FA is telling us is that players are ALLOWED TO KICK OTHER PLAYERS FOR FUN.

Somebody remind the players that it is OK to kick Gallas from behind when Le Arse visits Old Trafford in April.

can see ur arguements but there is one thing that make it totally different from one another..... red card being flash.....thats the reason.....since when did u remember FA judge by the camera......they only used it to supplement the cases which already dealt by the referee on the pitch......if u say that arsenal is the darling (i wish we are) remember league cup final last year....adebayor being rfed carded because to be mistaken as somebody else....when viewd on tv hes not even there but the charges was changed to violent conduct because didnt obey the much a loving presents from a father to a darling child wasnt it?.....

anyway i dont condone the kick.....
can see ur arguements but there is one thing that make it totally different from one another..... red card being flash.....thats the reason.....since when did u remember FA judge by the camera......they only used it to supplement the cases which already dealt by the referee on the pitch......if u say that arsenal is the darling (i wish we are) remember league cup final last year....adebayor being rfed carded because to be mistaken as somebody else....when viewd on tv hes not even there but the charges was changed to violent conduct because didnt obey the much a loving presents from a father to a darling child wasnt it?.....

anyway i dont condone the kick.....
I remember the FA can step in if the ref missed something. They can review it on video and decide to take action or not. There was this one retarded case whereby the FA ruled that if the ref had took action, they can't take further action (I forgot the exact incident but some jerk off got away with a yellow when he should have had a red). So they can and I believe they have done that before.

Anyway, maybe (just maybe) you're right, maybe I'm looking at Manc glasses that the FA is biased towards Arsenal. But, I'm 100% right to say that they are fucking clueless. There is never any consistency when it comes to the FA. And they seem to have a liking to screw United over. Motherfuckers.

BTW, why did Adebayor and Bendtner escape punishment for their little fracas on the pitch?
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Found some extra spice in RedCafe;

Unbelievable that the FA are going to let this slide

Gary Neville celebrates a goal = £50,000 fine
Rooney gets sent off in a pre-season match = 3 game premierleague ban
Scholes raises his fist at Alonso = Straight red card

Gallas actually purposely kicks Nani in the back of the leg and Flamini tries to cut him in half with a dirty tackle = Nothing

Its such a blatant biast.

I can't believe you lot are actually surprised. I was expecting to wake up this morning to news like this:


Manchester United midfielder Nani has been charged by the FA for inciting violence in the FA Cup fifth round tie against Manchester United.

A statement release by the FA this morning stated that a tribunal date would be set in early march.

The statement also read.

"After reviewing evidence the FA have deemed the contempt shown by Luís Carlos Almeida da Cunha,
otherwise known as Nani, towards the Arsenal players was inappropriate and had the potential to incite the crowd"

If found guilty Nani will face a three match ban. A spokesman for Manchester United has labelled the charge as "unfair" and "ridiculous".

haha! yes indeed ... inciting the "away crowd" ... that had the potential to cause mayhem and widespread violence.

funny how previously the FA will claim that they can't take action if the ref had already acted on it.

then when Rooney and Scholes get red carded in the pre-season friendly, they were banned despite already being sent off. the FA then claimed that they can act on it if the referee reports it.

then when Gallas does this, they simply treat it as nothing since the referee saw the incident on video, and chose not to report it. but in the first place, the FA has the right to take action themselves, because the referee did not take action on the spot.

are they simply shifting the goal-posts depending on who is involved?
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like i said...its dependt on the last match casses......the ref said its non violent so deserved no further do u think the FA want to go and punish the players and goes against the REF that they choosed.....yes they do have the power but would a snake bite his own body....i dont think so mate.....ive realized there is lots of cases where they used their powers when the refs already implement it on the fields....and i think i know why...u start questioning a REF and u basically questioning referees as a whole....then u start questioning an outcome of the game.....u start asking for video replays.....u want to see if the balls goes in or not, is the striker offsides etc. etc.....the FA have to obey because they did used videos but the decision will be catastrophic.....the next thing teams bringing issues to the u want to bring kingdom come before it is due?

its not rite but i understand why they do it.....thats why seldom complains nowdays.....whatever happen its happen......we try to have a world of Zions and everybody want to be Cincinatus but it can never happen....

anyway.....i dont condone the kicking....and i dont support the decision either....there is injustice everywhere...not just against man u but almost every team...
I Love Arsene.
His eyesight is one to be reckon with.
It has the ability to filter what he ought not see.

Or can it be that he's a bad liar?
like i said...its dependt on the last match casses......the ref said its non violent so deserved no further do u think the FA want to go and punish the players and goes against the REF that they choosed.....yes they do have the power but would a snake bite his own body....i dont think so mate.....ive realized there is lots of cases where they used their powers when the refs already implement it on the fields....and i think i know why...u start questioning a REF and u basically questioning referees as a whole....then u start questioning an outcome of the game.....u start asking for video replays.....u want to see if the balls goes in or not, is the striker offsides etc. etc.....the FA have to obey because they did used videos but the decision will be catastrophic.....the next thing teams bringing issues to the u want to bring kingdom come before it is due?

its not rite but i understand why they do it.....thats why seldom complains nowdays.....whatever happen its happen......we try to have a world of Zions and everybody want to be Cincinatus but it can never happen....

anyway.....i dont condone the kicking....and i dont support the decision either....there is injustice everywhere...not just against man u but almost every team...
I'm questioning the FA in their consistency in that they are inconsistent in their ruling. I don't have a problem if they stick with what the refs decide, end of. Refs are humans and during the course of a match they will make mistakes. That's part and parcel of football. But the FA has since decided that they can have a say at a situation where the ref has missed via video evidence. They've done this before.

Since they've decided to meddle, they should ensure that they are even handed and fair to all the teams.
Shocking result for Pool!!! Hahaha... 2-0 hom win against Inter, i must say this is a fu*king good result for Pool!!! To me, they r 1 leg in the next stage oredi!!! Didnt watch de match as i wanna save my energy for ManUtd game tmr!!!

From the past experience, SAF wil not b going for a draw in France now... With Lyon at hom, they wil b going on attack against us... Thus it wil b an open game!!! Lyon Bodmer said ManUtd dun like to defence, but to me he is wrong!!! V hv been improving a lot defensively since he last played against us... In big matches like this, both Rio & Vida never disappointed us!!!

For us, v wil b going for a patient game as usual... But i believe v hv enough quality to win this game with the players v hv!!! If v stick to our game plan well, am going for a 2-0 or a 3-1 win for us!!! Hahaha... Rooney to score!!! :biggrin:
Team selection for today match:

LYON (4-3-3): Coupet; Clerc, Squillaci, Boumsong, Grosso; Toulalan, Juninho, Kallstrom; Delgado, Benzema, Ben Arfa.

MANCHESTER UNITED (4-4-1-1): Van der Sar; Brown, Ferdinand, Vidic, Evra; Ronaldo, Scholes, Hargreaves, Giggs; Rooney; Tevez.

Referee: Luis Medina Cantalejo (Sp)

Source: Ferguson needled at FA escape for Gallas | the Daily Mail
i don't care what the result be frank
but away goal is imperative.
Even if we are to lose 2-1 (touchwood) i wouldn't mind
A draw is already good enough.
A win, then, is a bonus.

It's the 2nd leg that matters and away goal will be decisive.

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