Manchester united football club

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united gave man city the title already imo. its almost impossible to overtake them now, given the large goal difference and TO BE HONEST (im a man u fan), they have been playing crap football, i have not been watching man u's game since last season cuz always ended up with disappointment.

and of all teams... give to man city... sigh..
It hurts!!! And it still fu*king hurts till now~~~ >.<" My heart feel very very painful~~~ Win, draw or lose, its just a football game!!!! But my pain came at d way ManUtd bottled d 8 points lead in just 3 weeks!!! Tht's shocking!!!! I think we put way too much pressure on d team n SAF for d derby game... The draw with Everton at home really have done d damage, both mentally n physically to our team!!! Where is d supposed experience tht we have had tht won us many titles?! Why it didnt hold d team together?! Carelessness, complacency n immaturity have cost us dear in this title run in~~~ True champions just do not throw 8 points away with onli 7 games to go~~~ >.<"

Like many of u, as a Die-hard ManUtd fan, my heart keep telling me there r still chances for ManUtd to clinch d title this season as its not mathematically out yet!!! Still hopeful tht Newcastle will do us a HUGE favour by drawing Shitty at their St. James Park!!! Who would bet against d Magpies as they have had a great season at home n Shitty r normally average away~~~ BUT... my head told me tht its all OVER when we lost our game at Etihad!!! We cant even hold out for a draw on d big day where d whole world were watching, so how can we expect to win d title this season?! Even if Newcastle do us a HUGE favour, can we win both our remaining matches with d way we r playing at the moment?! Hmmm... Heart vs Head!!!

I do not blame d tactic tht SAF employed at d Etihad... Its always d players tht were on d pitch count!!! Just like d game against Wigan n Everton!!! We played an attacking formation, but what do we get from d 2 games?! DISAPPOINTMENT n FRUSTRATION!!! Wondering what is going on in some of d players mind!!!! They hv cost us d title!!! =.="

So, is this defeat good for us in d long term?! Will this result finally make SAF to splash d cash in d market in d coming summer?! We need at least 2 big players in d midfield...

Other than tht, all we can do now is pray hard tht Newcastle will b able to beat Chelshit tonite n keep their ECL dream alive... Then they will have more motivation to beat or hold Shitty in d coming weekend game!!! Sigh!!! Now we have to 'beg' others to help us on d title run~~~ Pathetic!!!! Haha...


After d lost, papers r saying SAF will buy buy buy~~~

Source: - Home of the Daily and Sunday Express | Sport | Football


Our hope of retaining d title have been rising by d result of yest games - Newcastle won n Bolton lost!!! From d table, Newcastle have got every chance to claim d 4th spot provided tht they win their last 2 games!!! And d same can b said to QPR, as they r now above Bolton on goal diff... So, QPR too hv to win their last 2 games in order to stay up!!!! If both Newcastle n QPR manage to win their last 2 games, then it will b a GREAT help to us!!! We have got to win our last 2 games as well in order to take advantage!!!!

Yes, Chelshit defo have an eye on d FA Cup final this week n their squad have been stretched to d limit lately... But Newcastle did played a good game for winning d 3 points at d Bridge!!! So hopefully Newcastle great form continue especially at their hom, they are very handful!!! We have to bank on them to do us a favour now!!! P. Cisse look very HOT at the moment!!! Just pray tht he will score d winner against Shitty this Sunday!!! Hehehe...

Other than tht, hopefully all things goes QPR way as well this Sunday... So tht they will need onli a point to stay up in d final day!!! Hahaha... It will enable them to PARK d bus at Etihad for tht... DO what we were unable to achieve!!! ^O^ ^O^ ^O^

But back to us n our own game, Swansea is not gonna b any easy for us as well especially tht SAF hv to pick d players up mentally, after losing to Shitty!!! Its not time to point fingers at the moment... We have to pull together now even though we onli have the slightest chances to retain our title!!! The players owe this to us, the fans!!!

Come Sunday, all players have got to have the right set of mind to play against Swansea regardless what happen at the St, James Park (as they play earlier)... We need to keep d fight till d end, just do not let Shitty get it in an easy way... If Newcastle manage a win or a draw, then it will b a big boost to us!!! But if they lose, we still have to win our game against Swansea as there is 1 more last game to go... Ball is round, nothing is impossible in football!!! A team as experience as us can bottled 8 points, what else cant happen?! ^O^ ^O^ ^O^


Congratulation to RM n C. Ronaldo!!! They hv won d La Liga title~~~ Finally for Ronnie as well!!! They have done very well this season especially Ronnie!!! He just keep on scoring n breaking all kinda scoring records!!! And now he is neck to neck with Messi for d top scorer in d league... Best of luck to him!!!

RM together with B. Dortmund r d most consistent teams in Europe... Both teams r improving all d time, and their fighting spirits along d season r very great!!! They will b very very handful in next season ECL as both team will continue to strengthen... So, what can we do in order for us to climb back up to d summit of Europe?! Take away our injuries this season, our team still look very average as compare to d top of d cream in Europe!!! We really needs to do something, else SAF dream of landing his personal 3rd ECL title will b a distance target!!! ^.^

Recent reports do link us to Pique of Barca again, as Pique have had a burst up with Pep due to his high profile personal life with his singer gf... Hmm... I dun mind having him back as i think Pique have matured a lot in d few years tht he had with Barca... But again, why would he wanna to leave?! Haha...
Here come d weekend n d most crucial time of d season for us after losing to Shitty~~~ All eyes will b on Newcastle v Shitty game where H. Webb will b d referee~~~ I hope Webb will not disappoint all d Devil fans!!! Hahaha... Keep giving red cards to Shitty players n keep rewarding penalty kick to Newcastle!!! ^O^ ^O^ ^O^ But seriously, i would think its a 45-55 to Shitty favour as they have a stronger team in their disposal... But as we all always said "The Ball is round"!!! So everything is still possible provided tht its all to play for till its mathematically out of reach!!!!

Many seasons back, we were fighting against Newcastle for d title where d infamous K. Keegan rant infront of d TV was 1 of d highlight of tht season... Today, we r begging for their favour to save our title race!!! Hahaha... How things can changed~~~ But to b honest, Newcastle have got to fight for themselves more than to help us, to keep their ECL hope alive!!!! So, just wishes them BEST of luck in beating Shitty at their own St. James Park!!! ^.^

As for our game, Swansea have been 1 of d revelation of d season where their brand of football have been getting great reviews all over... So, it will not b an easy tack for us to beat them, and if possible by a high margin too!!! Swansea love to keep d ball on d ground by passing them all d way out from defence... It will b a very interesting game for us!!!

With both Evans n Welbeck out for sure, changes might need to b made... Chicharito look d most likely to get d nod to play with Rooney upfront for this... But i hv a feeling tht SAF might play Owen too... Mayb as a 2nd half sub~~~ Then in d middle, Nani, Scholesy, Carrick n Valencia for us... At d back expecting Evra, Rio, Smalling n Jones to keep things tight!!! Our strongest available lineup for d time being~~~

We have to b solid from d back, we cant effort to concede any goals now as we r way behind Shitty in tht area... Again, high concentration is needed... I expect Swansea to play a high pressure game on us, where they will b chasing every ball from d start... Cos its d best way to play against us!!! So we have got to beware of all this... Keep attacking them from d flanks, b clinical with d chances we have n work hard for d 3 points!!!

Chances of us getting a high scoring win r not big as Swansea defence have been pretty solid... But we have to keep believing in ourselves, keep going!!!

My prediction: ManUtd 4-0 Swansea; Newcastle 2-1 Shitty!!!! ^O^ ^O^ ^O^ Oh ya, oso d FA Cup score: Chelshit 1-0 Loserfool!!!! LOLzzzzzzzzzzzz~~~
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Manchester United blew it if they were to hand the cup to Man Shitty....I really hope miracles do happen. Only way to retain the cup,
ManU have to score more goals...and pray hard that Man Shitty will get a draw..hope god be with ManUtd...
No way QPR will be able to draw at Etihad, a win is impossible..

The day man utd drew with everton, the title is already being given away..The devils can only blame themselves for throwing all their 8points lead away so cheaply..To lose only by goal difference is truly heart breaking..

Oh ya, the goal difference is quite alot, man utd have to win 10-0 away to sunderland to win the premier league..hehe..Not forgetting dat Shitty might thrash QPR as well..
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So, our slightest of hope go hanging on for another week after we beat Swansea to a 2-0 home win!!! Its not a very good performance by our players, but as SAF said, they hv at least done their job by keeping d pressure on!!! To b frank, it was a very powerful display by Shitty at d St. James Park where they managed to beat Newcastle 2-0!!! They hv d squad n d players to do so... Even Newcastle were playing better than us with their fighting spirit n energy!!!! To me, i think our game against Swansea yest were not very good!!! =.="

Yes, everyone expect us to score few goals in yest game... And for those of us who knows how d Bookies work, will defo know tht they will b controlling d scoreline else they will b losing $$$ kao kao... So hopefully d Bookies will give us something BIG to cheers abt next week by denying Shitty a win!!!! ^O^ ^O^ ^O^

I think its a very very slim chance of tht happening!!! For QPR to win at Etihad is almost 1% and for them to draw there, properly abt 5%... But at least we have got abt 6% of hope!!!! Yes, we have bottled our glorious chance of winning d tittle with few stupid performances in d past weeks... But GOD keep giving us hope... QPR D. Cisse scored a late winner yest to keep their survival hope alive... And make it a big day at d Etihad where Hughes will b desperate to 'pay back' what he thinks is right to d Shitty bozz for sacking him... So, hopes r there for us!!! Just do not give up~~~

Currently i think d Shitty players r full of confident... Hopefully they will b doing a Evra or Rafael by showing bad complacency n collapse!!! ^O^ ^O^ ^O^

---------- Post added at 03:41 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 10:16 AM ----------

Got a newz regarding abt Shinji Kagawa!!! This piece of newz claiming Kagawa have spoken to a TV in Japan by saying tht he is heading to Old Toilet in the coming summer... I would b more than happy to welcome him to our team as he has been doing really well for Dortmund in d German League for d past 2 seasons... Some hv even claimed tht Kagawa is d BEST players in d BundesLiga for d 2 season running... I"m sure he will b able to improve our team in terms of attacking, given what we r having at the moment... He have got great ball skills, very alert, fast pace, energetic n down to earth attitude!!!

Source: KAGAWA: I WILL JOIN MANCHESTER UNITED | Football Transfer News, Football News, Fixtures, Results, Match Reports, Stats

Besides Kagawa, i think we desperately needs an anchorman in d midfield as well... Someone in Keano's mold, who can n love to break legs~~~ ^O^ ^O^ ^O^ Heard tht P. Pogba have decided to join Juve... FINE!!! Out he goes, so tht SAF can plan for d future without bothering abt him... Get someone who r good at holding d ball in d middle... An option other than Carrick!!! We needs some young energetic players who can bring our team back into life!!!! Yes, experience players r very important but at times our play r damn slow off d block!!! Against Swansea, our players were chasing shadows at times~~~ =.=" Something need to b changed or at least give options to d manager to change his game plan!!!
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We definitely need a good anchorman and a support player for Rooney upfront. We were very promising at the beginning of the season but faded away as the season goes by. It's like we are clueless. It looks like the players do not know what to do anymore. We need fresh legs and creativity. Vidic will be back next season and he'll be like a new signing at the back. With two new and great midfielder, we shall regain the title back from shitty.
This year is not meant for ours. We gave away 8 points EASILY. The players should seat and ponder what went wrong and come back stronger next season.
Now Hughes came out n told Shitty tht he wanna revenge n pay back for what they did to him when he was there~~~ So, at least QPR r fire up now!!! Yes, stranger things happened b4 in football matches... A penalty n a send off will change d whole course of d game!!! Hmm... Hopefully GOD is a Red Devil's fan!!!! ^.^

Other than tht, i hope all ManUtd players will change their attitude towards all games... I definitely think some of them do feel complacent for sure when we were 8 points up!!! SAF shld do something on this... Sack some of them if possible, so tht d bad virus will never spread to others anymore in d coming seasons... To b frank, i still cant get over it... The way we bottled d lead... >.<" Serious crime!!! The more i think d more i'm wondering abt whether we shld keep Evra as a captain n give Rafael more chances in d future... Evra have been bad for most of d season... And Rafael just do not seems to learn from mistakes!!! He let us down b4 in d ECL game where his sent off cost us d ECL title tht year!!! Then this season against Everton for eg., his stupid defending was real BAD!!!! Sigh~~~~
Looks like MU's chances are gone. But as a fan, I am still praying hard for a miracle.

Looking back at trends and so on, there has never been any time when the title was decided by goal difference. I think it will be the same this year. Either team is gonna lose points in the final match of the season. It could be MU or MC. I just hope its MC that will lose points and since they've waited for 44 years. I think waiting more won't make any difference for them. Hahaha.

Lets wait n see.

But seriously, we need more players. They don't need to be big names. We never had big names in MU lately apart from CR. But still we went on winning titles after titles. Of course, stars would be very good but who SAF buys next is damn crucial. I don't want another Michael Owen, Forlan or others. I want players like Scholes, not the best in the world but still his appearances made a bloody big difference. Look at Yorke and Cole, not the best strikers in the world, still we produced. We need a balanced team. A team that plays naturally with the same understanding. Then, we can win.
Yes, rafael shud be dropped or sold..There're so many young right backs better than him..
I watched d Newcastle v Shitty game n i really like Kabaye!!! He is a very hard working player in d middle and with great ball holding skills... Never panic when he was surrounded by a sea of Shitty players, with his calmness he still managed to pass his ball out of d difficulties... I dun mind having such calibre player(s) in our team... Energetic yet skillful!!!

We have been linked to Chieck Tiote of Newcastle too... He is a defensive midfielder, a position where we urgently needed someone to add some steel in d team... After watching this game, i doubt Tiote will b d 1 tht we badly needs... His passing aint good n some of his challenges were as rash as our Rafael!!!! We do not need 2 'high risk' players in our team!!! But Tiote have got a very good 'engine'!!!

I think we needs some urgency in our midfield, no matter who we r buying come summer... I believe all of us did realised tht in some games, our play were very slow off d block!!! We r always at our best when we r playing at a high tempo game!!! Tht's why SAF have got to look into this!!! It was really a "mystery" tht our early season passing game have gone into drain without reasons~~~ SAF promised us tht we will b playing similarly to Barca free flowing football after our loses to them... We started d season real well and everyone was so excited to see a brand new ManUtd abt to dominate d EPL for a long time to come... "BOMB"~~~ Suddenly, we switches back to our old time playing style minus d solidity!!! >.<" I dun mind we go back to d old playing style (mayb injuries forced tht) as long as we look solid n hard to beat like before... But... This never happened!!! =.=" Till now, i still can figure out what's d main reason... Hmmm...

I believe this season will b a HUGE learning curve for SAF n his coaching staffs as well!!! How did we bottled tht 8 points lead?! Eventhough we win d title on d last day of d season come Sunday, this is still not good enough!!!! We needs solution n answers to d collapse!!! Before tht, we were proudly saying we do have d experience to go all d way with d lead... But where was d experience tht we were talking abt when we needed them most?! >.<" SAF did mentioned d Everton game cost us dear... He said Evans was carrying injury in tht game n wanted to continue playing with it!!! So, who's fault was tht!!! With Smalling n Jones on d bench as cover, why d hell let Evans play with injury n risk conceding goals, which we actually did!!! This was really 1 of d f*ck-up decision~~~ Both d player n d coaching staffs shld react fast on it!!!

Other than tht, we do needs a player to share out Rooney's burden in our team!!! His form have been bad for d past few weeks... Unfortunately, we do not have player(s) who can operated in tht position or SAF just do not trust his other players in there?! I believe if we get Kagawa, this issue might b able to soften!!!! Kagawa played behind d striker in Dortmund, and hopefully it will helps!!! Rooney might needs 'freshen up' during d season in order to make sure he stays top of his form!!!
Bad news, Eden Hazard said he's going to Shitty, the noisy neighbour snatch everything from us, the title and now the wonderkid..:banghead::banghead::banghead:
Hazard said he is heading to EPL next season n he insist "Blue" will defo b d color for him~~~ Errr... So i assumed tht he is referring to our away "Blue n Black" kit!!!! Hahaha... So, let's welcome Hazard to our team!!!! ^O^ ^O^ ^O^

There r lots of rumours flying ard at the moment... So, my advise is do not believe them all until d deal is being finalised~~~ Here is a newz saying Shitty is struggling to agree a pay package with Hazard and they r looking at alternatives now!!! Hmm... Which 1 to believe?! Furthermore, there is no prove tht "Blue is defo d color for me next season" is directly coming from d player himself!!! So there is still chance for us if SAF is being serious in Hazard!!!

Source: Manchester City line up Younes Belhanda as alternative to Eden Hazard | Mail Online

With onli a single game left on d season n its not looking good for us, all i hope is our team will b fully concentrate in beating Sunderland on Sunday!!! They just need to b focus as what happen in d Etihad is not priority for them... We need to win n we need d 3 points to stand any chance of a last minute MIRACLE from GOD!!! Tht's all i hope for~~~
Anywhere he goes is fine to me as long as it's not shitty..

---------- Post added at 04:06 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 03:57 PM ----------

But then again, impossible Shitty cant afford his wage demand with their current financial status..
Mayb Hazard is asking a same pay package as those established stars in Shitty~~~ And d board will not wanna to upset them as Hazard is very much un-tested in EPL, so they refuse to agree tht to him... And if its d pay package issue, i think we stand very slim chance to land him... Hahaha... Unless Hazard have great desire to play for ManUtd, then d club can offer a pay package including bonuses n ads income into in to make it as attractive!!! Else, we hv to move on like SAF have said: No 1 can challenge Shitty Oil monies!!!!

There r few interesting transfer newz:

1. 1 of the major paper in UK saying ManUtd will b going for Ass-senal RVP!!! =.=" How much can we pay him n how much will d transfer fee b?! Hahaha... Its totally fantasy football~~~ No way we will b landing RVP come summer even though he just have another year of his contract to go, unless RVP is desperately playing for us with lots love for ManUtd!!! Hahaha... Else, its just plain paper talk to me~~~

Source: Football premier-league: Exclusive - Man United set to make sensational move for Arsenal star | Radio talkSPORT

2. Then our old favourate Teddy Sherlingham have said he is confident tht ManUtd will defo go back for Sneijder in d summer n will finally get their man!!! =.=" Sherlingham said if SAF wanna a player, he will keep trying until he gets him~~~ Just like how SAF got RVN!!! Hmmm... Unless Sneijder willing to lower his pay to ard 120-150k, else nothing is gonna happen!!!! And age wise, he is out of our requirement consideration!!! Shinji Kagawa n co will look more likely than Sneijder now~~~

Source: 'Sneijder will join Manchester United this summer' - Sheringham -

3. Great to know tht (if its real) our board have gave SAF green light to go n get L. Baines from Everton!!! From d report, SAF gonna hv Baines as Evra replacement n not his understudy!!! Evra turn 31 come Monday, and his unconvincing seasons have triggered SAF to look for a new LB!!! I really hope this deal will go through!!! Baines - Solid, experience in EPL, good at dead ball situation, have got decent pace n r discipline!!!

Source: Manchester United want Leighton Baines and could bid £10m as early as next week for Everton defender - Mirror Online

Ghana international Kwadwo Asamoah, now playing for Udinese, is being linked to us!!! He is known for his tackling skills n SAF wanna him in our team!!! Err... Never heard of him b4~~~ Hahaha... He (23 year old) is being priced at 10mil, and if he is a talented player, i dun mind SAF get him in to develop into a star~~~


Tht's all for today's transfer newz~~~ Nothing is concrete yet!!! Hahaha...

Have a nice day, all Devil fans~~~ ^.^

---------- Post added at 11:30 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 11:18 AM ----------

A good article to read: Manchester United must splash out on Eden Hazard to stop City progressing - Football - Sport - Evening Standard
Saw this days ago too... ^.^ Good luck to him~~~

Make sure we get Kagawa... Then an anchorman (mayb J. Martinez or Kabaye as Yann M'Vila is heading to London), a LB (L. Baines)and mayb a striker (dreaming of Falcao!!!! ^O^ ^O^ ^O^) will do liao~~~ Hahaha...

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