Manchester united football club

Diego Forlorn.... i somehow, kinda miss him in a way. lol....

Anyway, looks like thatz all we have for this summer's signing i guess... but maybe.. .there'll be some surprises coming..
Saw de 1st match btw Peru n Uraguay this morning... Sucky game... Peru won 3-0!!! Haha... Forlan was very ineffective in this game...

Stil waiting for SAF comment on de striking dpt issue... Heard he wil b back from holidays this wk, as well as Smithy n Boro bozz... Cos it needs all 3 parties together to get de deal going... If its really happening, i expect a world class striker to come in very soon as de pre-season gonna start not too long away... SAF wil need all his players in b4 then for a good preparation... I think next wk v will see some movement in n out from ManUtd... Curly Fries wil go too as he publicly said tht he need to consider his future away from ManUtd for 1st team football... Parma hv made a firm bid for Rossi lately too...

Team wil b trimmed a little b4 SAF adding more players in... Let's wait n see if any of our current striker(s) is moving out or not... And tht wil kinda let us know whether SAF wil bring in a world class striker not...
Wow!!! 2 of de ManUtd Legends r fighting it out for our Curly Fries!!! Both Keano n Robbo wanna him in thier team for de new season... Haha... I think Richardson is better off playing else where, as he might get a longer run in de team than at ManUtd... He proved tht he can play once when he was at West Brom... Errr... 6mil pounds?!! LoLzzzzzzzzz...

I think SAF wil assess de team now... Wil sell some players n get some $$$ for de Striker he wanna in very short time... Things got to b settle b4 our pre-season start...
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Possible, if we are interested in Berbatov in the first place. I'm not sure Fergie even considered Berbatov :(

But if we did, this might be the time to make our move and tempt the Spurs with a nice fat offer.
A big relief for me as Anderson finally got his working permit to play for ManUtd!!! Great job by de lawyer team... :_: Hopefully Anderson wouldnt b too tiring after playing in the Copa America... He looks de biz when i saw him played de 1st match for Brazil in de 2nd half as a sub... Hope tht he can futher develop himself under de guildance of SAF n CQ...

Time r getting tighter for SAF to land a suitable world class striker as July is jus ard de corner... Let's assess de current names being link to ManUtd... De Spanish La Liga is finally over, but Eto n Torres seems to remain in Spain for their football... As Barca is buying players to improve their oredi strong squad, so theres no solid reason as to why Eto wil chooses to jump ship to other club especially after Henry arrival... Unless... There is another out burst btw him n Ronaldihno... :_: As for Torres, if he chooses to leave A. Madrid (Haha... V hv heard tht for 3 yrs oredi), Loseverpool seems to b his next possible destination as there r more spanish speaking buddies for him n reports claimed he is a pool fan too... Sigh!!!

Back to England, names such as Owen, Defoe, Berbatov n Tevez r most link to a transfer to ManUtd... Owen is a proven name in de EPL n international games, but he has been out for injury for much if not whole of last season... So there is a BIG question mark hang over on him as whether he can make it back to de top level b4 he got injured... As for Defoe, a quick n skillful little player... For me, he is pretty similar to Owen but a few yrs younger than de former... So if SAF to choose Owen, y not Defoe as he has been very healthy n proven in de EPL too... And might come in a lower fees...

Berbatov had a very good 1st season in de EPL, he show everyone tht he got de skill, physic n de mentality to play n b successful in de EPL... B4 he decided to join Spurs, ManUtd was in de race for him too... So i hope its a sercet deal btw SAF n Spurs tht Berbatov wil b playing for Spurs for a season, if its proven good then he wil b on his way to ManUtd de next season!!! LoLzzzzzz.... :_: All aspects of Berbatov seems to fit ManUtd requirement, jus tht am worry whether he got de pace to keep it up with Rooney, Ronaldo Giggsy n Nani while doing counter attack...

When de season end n speculation of strikers joining ManUtd started, Tevez is de 1 tht i dun really wanna to see him at Old Toilet next season... Dunno y, mayb he hasnt done enough for West Ham to convince me tht he can make it for us... But... After watching de Argentina game 2 days ago, suddenly i told myself: 'Wow... This fellor hv got pace, skill n intellegent to b 1 of de great in de future'... Yeah, u r right... Jus tht very short 2nd half 20+ mins i started to change my perception of him... Strange!!! I must say thus far no players tht can make me change my mind in such a short period of playing time... LoLzzzzzzz... Mayb i doesnt watch him enough while he played for West Ham?!! :X-: So i do hope tht he comes to join us now as his age n de way he play wil do us good, but his transfer fees wil b a big stumbling blockto SAF with Inter n others offering him crazy $$$!!!!

Oh yeah, forgotten abt Eidur Gudjohnsen... He seems a surplus to Barca once Henry arrived... What can he offer us??? He is more like a target man to me, he can holds up de ball well n hv 2 great feets... But is he suitable to our style of playing??? Mmm... For me, buy him onli if v r to sell 2 of our current strikers in de team... Let say Smithy n Saha... Then hving Gudjohnsen in de team wil b great when SAF wanna to chage ard his playing style... But he is definately not our MAIN target if v r onli gonna sign up 1 world class striker...

What u guyz think???
Newcastle n Spurs wil kinda look good n stronger with all de new signings they hv n abt to hv especially Jol's team... They wil b harder to beat next season... With de new players n targets he is having, he is kinda showing everyone tht he means serious biz next season...


Yeah... Not much changes from de existing 1 hor... Nice... Haha...
read the papers regarding rafa thinking of signing Heinze.. aisey man... if heinze wanna leave.. he better go far far away.. lol.
Haha... Yalar... Dreaming jus like Rafa did!!! LoLzzzzzzzzzz... :_: Anyway, after O. Hangreaves arrival who needs Gerard??? Haha... Now tht v r jus bz abt which striker(s) SAF wil b adding to de squad!!!

Yeah, good tht Lan Par is trying to pull kao his Billionaire bozz's lanpar by tarik harga with him... LoLzzzzzzzzz... Rumours linking him to Barca or Juve... Wil b good to see him leaving de EPL to improve his sucky skills... Or else, O. Hangreaves wil b prefered as de 1st team partner for Carrick/Stevie in de national squad!!! Hehehe... :_:

Keano is trying to build a strong team too as he hv made few good signings as in his club standard... I think he wil b in de top 10 finish given his determination n toughness as a manager...
Congratulation to Loseverpool for ready to fork out 58mil pounds for Torres!!! LoLzzzzzzzzzz... Yep, u didnt read it wrongly, its 58mil pounds!!! Hahaha... What a sohai fees for a player of Torres calibre... With less than tht amount, ManUtd hv got 3 new world class players... Somore ManUtd r paying de full amount in few yrs time depends on performances, games played n trophies won...

Reds to splash £58m on Torres

If Loseverpool really do de deal, they better won everything tht r on offer for their club - which i strongly believe they r never able to do so, if not de club wil runs into RED n in danger of collapsing jus like Leeds Utd b4... Crasy $$$ spent with no real returns... I really doubt their new owners wil b spending tht much of $$$ jus in 1 signing... Sigh!!! :X-: Am sure besides Torres, there r stil lotsa great strikers out there to b discovered... So y take such a BIG gamble especially Torres not a high scoring player...

With 58mil pounds, u can get 3 T. Henry + few millions change!!! LoLzzzzzzzz... :_: Is today football biz tht good profit margin huh?! All billionaires all over de world jus rush into EPL to buy up clubs n spend their $$$ like nobody biz... Wonder besides de TV revenue, where else do de $$$ comes back so fast as their investment in players went??? Makan rasuah??? Accept under table $$$ to buy up matches??? LoLzzzzz... If not WHY, WHY billionaires think this is a good biz to them??? Haha...
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58mil?! that's outrages price man. No wonder inflation is happening badly. Itz crazy man. So nxt time some star player is going to cost 100mil pound 10 yrs down the road?!

Lets see if Torres is going to be the most expensive flop
i do believe all these are mere rumours
Rafa is not stupid.
He won't splash that amount to get only 1 player.
I thought Torres has a 27mil buy out clause?
so that doesn't make sense
Yeah, 27mil pounds for transfer n another 31.2mil pounds as Torres salary cos he is demanding a 100,000 pounds a wk!!! :X-: So total of de deal comes to 58.2mil pounds for 6 years!!! Wah lan eh... Loseverpool si beh uh lui le...
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