Manchester united football club

shit man...
Smudge's worth only 3.5 quids?
i think even Heskey worth more than that.

Either this is complete garbage or..we are lining up for mr weak knee Michael Owen
i donno u don't ask's not like i am looking forward to it.The way i see it is that since Smudge is going there for so cheap...there could be something in return from the toons
Damn pengsan!!! :X-: Selling Gabby for 5mil, selling Smithy for 3.5mil n someone asking for Scholesy availability for 2mil!!! All added up oso cannot affort to buy tht SUPER STRIKER - D. Bent!!! LoLzzzzzzzzzzz... What's all this abt huh?! No one in ManUtd board able to do de MATHS?!! Haha... Buy expensive players but selling them cheap cheap... Jus look at Beckham, RVN, Veron, Stam n etc...

Newz from ManUtd web claim tht its a done deal?!

Manchester United Official Web Site

Haha... Mr. Weak Knee?! Haha... I like de nick!!! When v gonna hv Rossi back from loan, do v really need Owen??? Yeah, no diff btw Saha n Owen in terms of thier luck n no point keeping 2 injuries prone players in de same team le... Hopefully if Smithy really joining de Toon, it wil b a 1 off deal n no swap deal with any of their player... :_:

Am pretty 'sick' of hearing Torres saying he is staying put at A. Madrid!!! :Not_Impressed: V hv been after him for 3 seasons now... And everytime he is saying de same thing... So let him stay there for de rest of his career n acheive nothing la... With Barca adding players to de team, Eto'o oso not moving it seems... Then tht F. Quagliarella staying in Italy for next season too, who else on our originally wanted list hvnt say 'NO' to Old Toilet??? Haha... Headache!!!

Finally, Henry chooses to leave de Gunners... With A.Wenger onli promise to see out his remaining 1 yr contact there, tough time ahead for them... But i stil not writing them off jus yet, as their young team did shown some good football last season... But de point is can they ever make it happen again with their 'Boat' shaking now...
damn man.. i rather put a bullet into Torres's head... :P ...

Mr.weak knees... no doubt that he is a world class player, but he hasn't been doing well lately, especially after he left Liverpool. Although, we did gamble on van NIsty when he was injured at PSV, and also saha, but Owen was well injured and off form way longer than that.. it is going to be a risky investment, way more risky than the Saha gamble, which is stock has been on high and lows at manutd.

so, again, like i've said... why owen when we already have saha. Unless there's something that we dunno..
i nvr underestimate the gunners, as long as wenger is still there.. lol.

After Wenger, then i think it is a bigger panic. But to be honest, i'm going to miss watching Henry in EPL. Hopefully he'll do well at Barca.
I'm waiting till the end of next season when Wenger will likely leave at the end of his contract. Lots of interesting things may happen then. Fabregas anyone?
Haha... I dun mind having Fabregas together with Wazza, Ronnie, Nani n Anderson in de same team... Haha... It wil b awesome!!! Yum Yum!!!

Barca r hving pretty good attacking combination in Eto'o, Henry, Ronaldihno n Messi... Looks like they gonna b up there with few others in de Champions League such as R. Madrid, Both Milan teams n etc... If ManUtd gonna win it next season, v better get ourself prepare for it!!! But i think de burst up in de Barca team last season btw players wil hv some bad effect again... Cos all r 'BIG' players with HUGE egos!!!
Strange!!! T. Henry for 16mil pounds n D. Bent is 18mil pounds?!! Charlton think they hv a better player for sell than de Gunners??? LoLzzzzzzzzzz...

Do u guyz think with de new manager n all de new signing, de Megpies wil b good next season??? Are they gonna challenge Everton or Spurs for de 5th place finish??? Defintely they hv 1 of de best support in England, with de new manager, new idea n new way of playing football, I think it might take them 2-3 mths time to settle down...

With de TV revenue bulging for next season, all EPL teams r spending like nobody in de transfer mkt... Hopefully it wil benefited de quality of de EPL...
Another club - Boro claimed tht they hv agreed a fee with ManUtd for Smithy service next season...

Boro close in on swoop for Smith

But at least this figure r much better - 6mil pounds!!!

Sad to see Smithy leaving, but we can really guarantee him a regular place in de team... So i think this might b de BEST solution to both parties!!! All de Best to Smithy if this newz r proven true!!! :_:
darn... Smith leaving?! aijoh... and left with an injury prone Saha? Smith played well towards the end of the season wor.. did alot of assist.

As for D.Bent.. maybe itz another way to keep ppl away fr signing him... hmm.. poor Bent.
simply because he's an English chap and he
is young and promising.............that's about be fair maybe he's worth bout 10mil.
18mil is really too much
Today read NanYang sport section n it claimed tht ManUtd is all out to get Torres with 2xmil Euros... But at de same time, de club wil sell off Smithy for 6mil pounds n Rossi for 6-7mil pounds too with de interest from Parma, Juventus n Inter... Sigh!!! :X-: Dunno how true tht is gonna b...

Too many rumours at de moment, but tht's what get us exciting abt during this summer transfer period... Haha...
Now that I think about it, now that they've got Henry, Barca's attack is mighty scary. Eto'o and Henry are both seriously fast with good technical ability. And they'll have 2 tricksters flanking them, who aren't slow coaches either. Will they start all 4 of them at the same time? That I'm not too sure.
If 4 of them gonna start together, F. Rijkaard wil need to change his usual tactic which i think he properly wil... But when a team concentrated more in attacking, normally it wil kinda open up more 'space' for de opponent to expose!!! It all really depends on how Rijkaard change ard his players on hand to accomodate de additional of Henry fire power... Henry r pretty good cutting in from left frank too, so wil tht means Ronaldinho gonna play more center in de future? Mmm... If things r not properly arrange, players' EGO wil clash!!!

It excite me jus to think abt how ManUtd wil play against them in de ECL next season with our very own attacking play n our new attacking players... As long as Mr. Heart Attack is not on de starting lineup, i think v wil stand a chance against them!!! LoLzzzzzzzzz... I would like us to play against Milan again too... It stil hurt tht v chooses de most important game (ECL semi-final @ SanSiro) to hv played our worst game especially when v r supposed to b at our peak at tht moment... :X-:

As for Chelshit, they gonna sign Pato very soon which i think he is a really good player with big future... Sigh!!! How can v missed out such a talent??? Mayb v oredi hv Anderson??? Hehehe...
Emmm...I can be sure that just about everybody hasn't a clue about this kid or any other Brazilian wunderkind that pops up everyday of the week. Many don't make it. In fact, I'm not sure Anderson will make it. The only comforting facts are that top coaches including Big Phil Scolari thinks he's going to be the next big thing.
Yo... With the Copa America starting tmr, which is ur favourate team to win it this time??? ManUtd hv got Heinze in de Argentina team n Anderson in de Brazillian team... Oso ex-striker Forlan for Uraguay!!! Hehehe...

Wil watch onli de 2 big team play until de knock out stage... Most properly catching de replay or record it lo... No choice, live when am working le... Sigh!

Argentina!!! Argentina!!! Argentina!!! Haha... Oso interested to see how Dunga doing for his 1st major tournament!!! :_:

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