Malaysian Police sure know how to throw a party


1,500 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 14, 2003
Russian roulette??
LOL!!! Eat more fish and grow a smarter brain you idiot.
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Just in case the news goes missing from the link over time, here's the news.

Cop shoots himself in the head

PENANG: A police constable is believed to have accidentally shot himself in the head with his service pistol while in the company of his three friends at a flat in Taman Pelangi near Bukit Tengah here.

The 26-year-old policeman is in critical condition at the Seberang Jaya Hospital.
Sources said he had left a single round of ammunition in his .38 Smith & Wesson revolver after taking out the rest of the bullets on Thursday night.

The policeman pulled the trigger twice without the firearm going off, but on the third try the revolver went off and the bullet passed through his head at point blank range. His friends called an ambulance.

State police chief Deputy Comm Datuk Christopher Wan declined to elaborate, saying investigations were pending.


I thought bak kut teh makes people smarter?
rofl rofl
and i thought russian roulette is played by westerners long ago with those revolvers ...
now thats a real darwin award contender right there! and proudly malaysian too!!

hope he doesnt pass on his genes and tendencies to later generations. im not wishing him dead and im not heartless, the stupid bugger brought it on himself. siapa suruh?
sorry to say.
But I think he managed to survive coz he ain't got a brain in the first place...
Shackks said:
sorry to say.
But I think he managed to survive coz he ain't got a brain in the first place...

Doc A: Quick! i want to know the extent of his brain damage!

Doc B: Good news! the bullet missed his brains by 3.4cm!!

Doc A: How can that be!? the entry and exit wounds are right smack in the middle of his head!

Doc B: Well, uh.. his brain's not that big. the bullet passed thru skull, empty space and then skull again..

Doc A: ??

(Again, i reiterate that if this was an accident i'd understand, i wouldn't make fun of this if it wasnt for his stupidity in the first place. if he survives, he deserves it. if he doesnt, well..)
AE80TypeD said:
(Again, i reiterate that if this was an accident i'd understand, i wouldn't make fun of this if it wasnt for his stupidity in the first place. if he survives, he deserves it. if he doesnt, well..)

Female should have been involved in the "company".
PDRM will throw us some joke from time to time to make sure that we won't get BORED for our life in Malaysia!
We pay their salary, and they provide monkey show in return.
funny seeing that some guy shoots himself and we laugh about it...
i still wondering how they play russian roulette with bak kut teh...if they did...
satria_95 said:
I thought bak kut teh makes people smarter?
Y'all, I meant to say that in response to
NOSkill said:
LOL!!! Eat more fish and grow a smarter brain you idiot.
cos I thought bak kut teh makes people smarter instead of fish. That is what I meant. How can anyone at all play russian roulette with bak kut teh and what kind of damage to the head can bak kut teh do? I didn't realize that sentence was that difficult to understand. Suggestion of more fish and bak kut teh to the diet then.
Bolehland sure everything can happen in here loh !
About that idiot cop i feel so so so so funny ...........................:_:
Ummm, somehow this is tragically funny. Definitely a Darwin award winner.
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