Malaysia petrol prices next year

last time i dunno where i saw a sign board saying
anyone saw it before.... i think i saw it on tv news le........................
mutanX said:
hurm...what to do??protest??what u get when u protest??nothing..
like u protest at KLCC..petronas tower..u get sprayed by FRU...

yeah....n get beaten by those blardy FRU...if u r non-malay, better stay far away. coz i saw many footage (in showing FRU only targetting non-malay to beat.

as expected, nothing goes down. malaysian petrol supply expected to run dry in 10-11yrs time. so, u can imagine the petrol rate by then. better start do ur 2007 budget bros & sista.
habiehhh laa.. later there will more hijacked or robbery in da country..50 jmillion micro chip lost and some more whatever lost dunno?
JacEK said:
as expected, nothing goes down. malaysian petrol supply expected to run dry in 10-11yrs time. .

let me correct you, the predictions on Malaysians oil reserve is 25 years.

while Iraq's (which has 2/3 world reserve) is predicted to last for about 500 years. still wondering why America invaded them??
zan said:
let me correct you, the predictions on Malaysians oil reserve is 25 years.

while Iraq's (which has 2/3 world reserve) is predicted to last for about 500 years. still wondering why America invaded them??

Mr Zan, Could you please highlight where your information comes from? I will be happy if you can show me the website which stated the Iraq has oil reserve that can last more than 500 years.

I didnt say that you're simply flaming around, I hope we as a member who post in the forum will give the right answers and not by our own opinion. Of course, we can have our own opinion, but, please, stated there is "My Own Opinion"!

Thank you.
forwarded from a fren :

Kalau betullah cara kira kos petrol begini... awak ditipu hidup-hidup...

Price petrol per barrel worldwide = USD60.00

Processing fees per barrel = USD10.00


(Exchange rate: USD1.00 = RM3.70)

Means: USD70.00 x RM3.700 = RM259.00 per barrel (in total)

Note: 1 barrel = 200 Liters...

Kira balik... RM259.00 / 200 Litres = RM1.295 (per Liter)

per litre is only RM1.295 and not RM1.92 ...

No such thing as gov subsidy.. RM60 for petrol and the possessing fees
is fixed by worldwide...

# Please pass this info as the rights of a consumer to know!!!
acbc said:
Drive a car - endure higher petrol n toll hikes
Ride a motorcycle - endure daily nightly roadblocks from cops (most likely u lose a lot due to bribes)

So, choose...

There's no need to be afraid of roadblocks if u follow the rules. So, dont break the rules
in 2005 , my friend told me petrol will increase till 1.9XX, it came true, in 2006, he told me again 2007 will reach around 3.XX . Hope its not true !!!

time to take off my turbo liao =___=

bro, u r fortunate enuf to play with ur turbo....

i wanna buy a turbo car as my weekend car perhaps, a RX7 next yr, looks like kaappiisshhh!!!

no more.....
fstrader said:
forwarded from a fren :

Kalau betullah cara kira kos petrol begini... awak ditipu hidup-hidup...

Price petrol per barrel worldwide = USD60.00

Processing fees per barrel = USD10.00


(Exchange rate: USD1.00 = RM3.70)

Means: USD70.00 x RM3.700 = RM259.00 per barrel (in total)

Note: 1 barrel = 200 Liters...

Kira balik... RM259.00 / 200 Litres = RM1.295 (per Liter)

per litre is only RM1.295 and not RM1.92 ...

No such thing as gov subsidy.. RM60 for petrol and the possessing fees
is fixed by worldwide...

# Please pass this info as the rights of a consumer to know!!!

IIRC not 100% of the crude oil being distilled becomes petrol/gasoline right ? . theres other stuff like diesel and kerosine from the distillation process too ?
oil price hike ? wat can we do ? just make a safe budget. change to small caps car as 1st car and big car for family around town in weekend . Like mines i used kapcai or kancil in rainy day to work and citra in weekend with family
I thought the market price is kinda stable at 50 USD per barrel, then how come these smart asses want to again, reduce the petrol subsidy?

Last time, they increase 30 sen, some fxxing ministers told us they'd save some RM4bilion. and they wanted to better the public transportation. and then, they were comparing the prices of petrol in the world/ ASEAN countries.

I dont care about other countries petrol retail prices. I dont live there. and the public transportation is no better now compared to 2,3 years ago. how come? answer me ass-holexx!!!!!

these pussy-cats dont pay for petrol. they dont know what its like to pay for petrol. then, their families also dont pay. they just dont know anything.

stupid, fucxxing, smart-asses
wat i can say is that, recently there r juz too many changes in our country...

the price of petrol n toll raised up so fast...

if u compare with previous years, where got such thing? at least slow n steady...but now fast n gila~!

this is the correct way to calculate the price issued by the G..but this is last year la.. at rm1.62..what to do..change G laa
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kecepuss said:
i heard there's car that using water as true izit? if like that i want to Korek telaga (well) at my house..hehehe for future water pump station..

bro,now there a new technology that use water 50% and fuel friend is one of shareholder in this company and maybe next year i will sell new component for water n fuel combination for car...all u heard is true n Pak Lah already launch this car but u cant see this car on the road now cause under inspection by puspakom...

thats a great news..............
hi bro,

next year will be increment on petrol price n nobody cant reduce or maintain the price like now.this is true cause im related with petrol people and this is not a rumous..all of u can talk about this,but nothing happen to price.the best way u can do,increase ur income n work hard n smart for that. Even other people stay on top on nation, they will do the same thing like now....

save ur time to do something rather than talk only..

that only my opinion n sorry if that hard word for u all.

Just wanted to add, I think the questions we should be asking is;

Where is all the money that the govenment is saving?
We pay more for petrol, govt has to subsidize less. We pay more for toll, govt pays less.

BUT YET, where is all this savings that the govt claims?
Do we have better education for the people?
Do we have better medical facilities and services for the people?
Do we have better salaries for the govt employees?
Do we have better roads and infrastructure?

WHERE IS ALL the money going?

That I think my friends should be the question.

We have people being denied medical attention in emergency rooms.
We have police and fireman earning RM 650 per month.
We have schools with no teaching aids, no Over Head projectors.
None of the new roads in KL are major highways that are free. In fact the tolled roads have barriers and construction that reflect self interest. channeling traffic volume only to the tolls. NOT to disperse traffic.

So my question to all those who vote next, WHERE IS ALL THE MONEY GOING?
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atoksat said:
hi bro,

next year will be increment on petrol price n nobody cant reduce or maintain the price like now.this is true cause im related with petrol people and this is not a rumous..all of u can talk about this,but nothing happen to price.the best way u can do,increase ur income n work hard n smart for that. Even other people stay on top on nation, they will do the same thing like now....

save ur time to do something rather than talk only..

that only my opinion n sorry if that hard word for u all.


bro, you're wrong, you're definately wrong, I strongly disagree that all the crap that youd said, last yr G had improve the petrol price for ~30%, this yr I assume increase max by 50cent, its another 30+%, and most of the main highway will increase on another 11 more days, somemore lots of crappy tax on our vehicle, I myself travel a lot, so I can feel the pressure.

yeah, work harder and smarter, not to become rich, but to cover our s2pid G, what f*ckin theory is this? last christmas they said they'll use the money that they save from petrol to build a better road, ended up with?

sometimes I cant really understand what our s2pid G thinkin bout, but I know its time for me to get myself a kap chai
ala... actually the G s2pid lah... i stay in jb man... see those sporean come pump full full... we all pay for taxs, G pay the subsidies.... but wat do the sporean pay... even in north also.... thais come pump our petrol... the G pay subsidies for them also.... not fair at all...then say too much to subsidies...then increase price...this dun even affect sporean and thais...
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