Locations of old and new speed traps!

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Sep 21, 2005
Hey Zth.com and membas! I have heard rumours of the local authorities putting up traps and cameras firstly along LDP about a month ago, now recently i heard that Federal highway got also! Can this info be verified? Is it true? Plz help!
If you drive safely and within speed limits, you will have nothing to worry about... Heh heh heh.
yeah i'd really like to drive according to the speed limit sometimes, i obey the speed limit going to KLIA as it is reasonable at 110km/h... but a 80km/h speed limit on federal is a bit too slow, and even got 60km/h at LDP, so slow... right? i normally cruise at 100 lah at least... plus sometimes if some guys wanna have some challenge then let's ride! but with the camera or laser there i would hate to drive! i'd end up taking the bus coz driving is such a bore! c'mon lah... i'm being reasonable am i not? (according to the law i'm not of course, but besides that :biggrin: )
I honestly think that there are no fixed traps and cameras on the LDP and Federal Highway. Most of them would be mobile and will change locations...
60km/h at LDp is really slow...
Will got honked is drive at that speed
Lolz!~ :p
gomen already set the rules, now it is up to us to follow it or not... :D
talk bout speeding, me personally no komen la...

some highway signboard only 60km/h...i wonder how ppl drive....the highway so long...drive along at 60km/h sure wil feel sleepy....

if u r driving back to penang or kedah...cruising at 100km/h...i think wil take a very long time to reach n wil feel bored/sleepy....

*dunno la..drive wit mood...hope no saman :biggrin:
as long as the road infront of me is clear...there is no speed limit....
come to think of it... dun tink so got any fixed wan on ldp and federal.. if got... i think my fren bankrupt edi ler... just to pay saman....
They should think about flexible speed limits. It might be OK for the speed limit to be set at 60kph during the day, but I think 80-90kph is more appropriate at night.

Highways on the other hand, should never have speed limits. But considering how well our people take care of their cars, the G decided that it was only fair to have one.

My idea;
Abolish speed limit on the highway.
Compulsory car checks every 2 or so years.

Make it compulsory to send your car for a Puspakom checkup every 2 years or so to verify its road-worthiness. Other than that, neither the JPJ nor the Police can fine you for having a modified car. It's been working for ages here in Japan. Why not at home? Oh I forgot.. crook cops. Revving other people's cars like it's no one else's business. Oh here's an idea, more revs means more sound.. duh.. (I might just install a rev limiter on my car.. and since they're so dumb, they probably won't know why the car can't rev past 5000rpm)
*sigh* this system will be nice.... but dun bother to hope la... the stupid G will not even come out with the suggestion.. let alone approve it...
erm.. last week i'm not sure which day...
got speed trap just after carlsberg there is 1 bridge at federal highway
duno i got kena or not.. not sure the police shooting his laser which direction..
the idea is very good. but then you get a dumb fella taking his standard kancil to 140. or any small car and pushing to its limits. people will be safe if they know what is their limits. my friend who cant drive fast tries to because some of us do. and that is very dangerous.
The problem is big vehicles like trucks also share the same highway as normal cars, and they are usually the main cause of accidents (minus the idiots who drive Kancils at 140kph) Since these trucks usually drive slow (80kph minus the brave morons) they become a moving hazard to other cars. I always feel unsafe when overtaking one of those giant balak trucks.

I try not to use the highway whenever I go travelling. I think normal roads are much more interesting and fun compared to the straight and boring highway.
shall we change all the KMH to MPH? :D
hey all, in case you didn't notice. There is a big white camera mounted on top the "bridge" beside the electronics company building on the LDP. I think it may be for monitoring traffic, though i'm sure it can be used for the "other" purpose which we all hate. Anyways got some tipz for people who travel to Penang frequently. The speed traps are variable along the highway and my friend has some advice regarding evasion of summons. If you travel during the day your chances of getting summon is quite high. Last time he travel during the day every weekend he got 3 summonses for speeding in 2 months. So he started travelling at night instead. so far, drive like racing also haven't got a single summon yet. So for some reason it is less risky at night, and also less costly... hehe Hope it helps!
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