Klang Anyone?

seng chai,
yes man u have answer very well... ahhahahahahaa!

wat monster monster.. mazeki one willl soon be monster la and oso fatality one.. we see their car must park roadside liao.. wahahahahahaahahaha!

aijooo me not in ahbeng type la.. sori la ur mod all outdated la not ngam for me.. ngam for our former president nia.. wahahahahahahahaha!

good morning ahseng tailou~!!!

no need to tell also know wat mike taiko put in his ride already

twin surbo... =p
all u r interested is de honda turbo onli.. apa la u wanna put in ur mini cooper issit? eheheheheheeh!

mine is stock car nothing to shout about la... mazeki and ur one is de best coming soon le.... hehehehehehe!

yes yes! 2nite will be de trial run!

walauwei...lucky Tan Tat Wei no here after gip him tiu.. hahaha
i not japanese mafia le ahseng taiko.. i subang gengster only...

mike taiko
klg general told me u install sumthing already... so kenot hide jor...
hahahaha..same la subang gengster or wateva gengster still yakuza ma rite...any prove that saying mike install sumthing ka....hehehe!
kenot la ahseng tailou... he very very big pangkat wan.. he will kill me if i tell...
if he know sure tiau cui n rape kau me wan lo... i wanna char kuat there before i die.. =p
even mike taiko also affraid of him wan lo...no one can stop him!
ahseng tailou.. help?!
I know who said one and who kenot keep mouth shut but nevermind la.. sudah cakap mah let it be lor.. nothing special oso mah.. can't do much oso de new stuff until trial run has completed... wahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!

hahaha!!! mike taiko damm chun le.. like that also can know.. but i wont tell out who incase.. u guys know le...
btw mike how is it after install??
so gatality, till nw u havent try the char kuat ka...when la wei??? mike n i been waiting for ur FR so long liow....try oredi let us know la..hehehe
ahseng tailou... u n mike taiko try kor ma.. still wan me to go meh.. nvm this time i drag kobee along... he seems intrested that day TT told him..

ahseng n mike taiko need u guys help on thursday TT... car got problem jor...
will explain to u guys on thursday TT.. car getting old need turbo to boost it young again =p
pls bring ur saloon girl to TT this week or i call subang n klg gengster geng come find u.. =p
Hey Fat...where still got saloon girl here.......Saloon girl bo liao le.....

Now lonely driver back....and continue project D prepare for R3TA at September want with slow modding all hahahahaha.......
u r alwis welcome to ask for advise le.. ah seng as automotive consultant will advise u more loh.. ehehehehehehe!

make sure ur car ok and up to best ability and must be power.. den join my formation of new Project-D klang division to tah pai those ah beng car all.. wahhahahahaahahahahah!


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