KDG and Imperial HID


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Jan 23, 2004

Anyone has try this 2 brands before? I read from the magazine that Imperial can pay it installment.Im interested in this brand since got this plan.Need some advice from you guys.Thanks.
imperial concept HID i heard is not bad...but too bad the stock already finished...went to GC motorsport in sg wang last week and the dood told me they won't be bringing in IC anymore but another Korean brand

Is it.If the product so good why they want to stop it. Aiya.. then i miss the boat. You got any frens using this Imrerial thingy?
hon...i do not know if they stopped production but i know GC motorsport stopped bringing it in anymore..i also missed purchasing it as well...there are a few city club members using and recommending it...
Been using them for a couple of months now. so far so good...(touch wood) I also never know they are not bringing in them anymore. Anyway, their glare shield are not bad. If you are using H4 then glare shield is a MUST! Don't know bout KDG though... but if not mistaken they told me it's the same stuff as KDG... just rebranded. I know they are using the same packaging. Just different brand name only. I might be wrong though...
as what i know.....KDG and IC are using the bulbs came from same factory, but ballast i think is different......

or u visit HID.com.my......they selling nice HID kit there........OEM ballast(bosch or hella ballast from BMW,Merc,etc)and the same factory made bulb...........

those aftermarket from korea or germany 1 very expensive.....around 1k~3k.........
but HID.com.my 1 selling RM800 i think........

u go find for SonnyCooL in HID.com.my or HIDseller in Zth........
GC motorsport is the main distributer for this product? Act,i plan to install it by this end of month.Most probably will take Imperial.As i read from the hypertune mag,there are quite a lot of acc shops selling this product.

what colour temp you using? i plan to buy the 6000k as it has the best brightness and color.
I'm using 6000K too... tempted to get 8000K... hehehe...
I just emailed an agent from GC motorsports and yes, they are out of stock for IC. According to her, GC is the South Asia Distributor for IC so not too sure if other shops have it...
Off topic abit, i see now most cars fitted with after market HIDs is very damn glaring when they are coming from opposite direction. It damn bright and glaring but i see the light projected to the road is not bright why ah ? izit because they remove the glare shield just to give the impression it look very bright ?

Mine dont look glaring from the front but light projected to the road surface is much better than them. I'm using the glare shield by the way. i ask this because when i saw their HID, i was like WTF theirs are so damn bright but mine is not....
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i installed the IC HID last 1 month++ ago at GC motorsport @ D'sara Uptown. The current package offer in the Hypertune mag is RM1188 ... cash and carry with installation. if you pay by credit card (by installment), then you need to pay 3% interest...

GC only supply 6000K, 8000K and 12000K. 6000K and 8000K bulb = same price but for 12000K, need to top up another RM150 to RM200... so far, seldom people getting 12000K.

yes, the IC HID have H4 LOW bean and HI/LOW beam.

Low beam only = RM1188
Hi/Low beam = RM1788

for those who already install IC Low beam only, you dont have highlight anymore. same goes to me. now i planning to upgrade my bulb to HI/LOW beam. i talked to them already and they agreed to trade in my less than 2 month old bulb... with new HI/LOW bulb with extra money...

HID does not glare the opposide driver if you have adjust your headlamp properly and install the "U" shape cover inside the headlamp. this to prevent you from shinning the light ... up and blink the opposite driver. So far, they honestly told me that, 6000K is more brighter than 8000K coz of white light. They said mostly people install white light (6000K) for driving and some install blue light (8000K) for the sake of "pretty" or "showing off".

Beware my friend, blue light is illegal as stated in JPJ website. So far they didnt mention any HID white light is illegal.
normally china HID is not bright enough if compare to those korea made 1................just looks nice from outside.........china kit usually just copy from others us or europe brand......
they are using LHD* and not RHD*, so what china do was just copy so those ppl using china kit now majority is LHD*

the "U" shield normally wont prevent glare.....abit only lar........

korea made sheild

side view (--------

front view "O"

china made shield

side view -------

front view "u"

dont boom me if im wrong...................
ahhh..should've gotten the IC HID earlier...but good news is that their stock will come in after November this year and can book as well...anyone interested I can PM you the e-mail addie...go for hi-lo as RM1.7K is quite an OK price...and yes, installing the shield will help lower down the glare, hence the name shield glare...
the GC motorsport @ D'sara Uptown now - just came 2 set of HID... can go there now. so far i asked them and they said they still the distributor of IC... then he said "who said we already stop distributing... we still selling them now".....
nonameNo said:
the GC motorsport @ D'sara Uptown now - just came 2 set of HID... can go there now. so far i asked them and they said they still the distributor of IC... then he said "who said we already stop distributing... we still selling them now".....

bro...you sure the 2 HID sets are IC?yeah i know they are still the distributor but they said they ran out of stocks....
LeChuCk said:
bro...you sure the 2 HID sets are IC?yeah i know they are still the distributor but they said they ran out of stocks....

yes, im sure coz i saw the two box with my own eyes and then they take out one of them to show me HI/LOW HID... coz i intend to change it.

they ran out of IC but they still the distributor. they said is a good sell so far...
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