Iswara gampang!!! WHQ 1076

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Mar 4, 2004
Gombak, 22nd November 2004, 7.30 am. On my way to wangsa maju sending my wife to work, going up, joining MRR2, in front of me waja, infront of waja Iswara. They were really slow then I decide to go into middle lane, sudddenly this waja give no signal then wanna bang my left side, honked him then looked at the waja.....when suddenly this fucking iswara also give signal then immediately enter my lane, luckily neither got banged...I gave him a really long honk....

Next, he pulled up next to my car then showing all kinds of signal to me asking me to stop my car, I replied by making hand signals to show him that he should have looked at his side mirror before changing lanes.

I guess this fucking shit was really mad when he asked me to stop the car. Note: Malay guy in the late 30's, with wife and kid. Then he started to tease me as if he wants to bang my right side. (to and fro sideways)

I was furious and decides to stop the car and see for myself who this guy is. We stopped before the petronas and projet. By this time i was cooled down by my wife asking not to get into trouble. So ok, I didn't get out of the car. He stepped up to my car and i rolled down my window. This bastard then said, "apehal? tak puas hati? turun aa?"

By this time my wife is holding my hands, asking me not to get out....I told him, "patut kau tengok la dulu side mirror sebelum tukar lane!!" He replied, "kau jauh lagi la" I replied, "wei tengok la dulu keta laju ke slow!!!" He couldn't answer to this so again he asked me to step out of my car. Me, not wanting to get into trouble, told him it's over and just go away...He walked back to his car and I noticed he glimpsed at my plate number.

So, OK.....This is a message to you, bloody fucking retard asshole... BLACK AEROBACK ISWARA, STANDARD ALL ROUND, WHQ 1076. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!

Meet me at the 7-eleven Greenwood, Sunday 28th November 2004, 9pm, I'll wait for you there, asshole, because I'm not finished yet.

I love my wife and don't want her to get hurt, physically and mentallly, so that day my wife won't be there, only us. She knows what I'm capable of during my younger years so don't get too confident!!! I just got married last year and got myself a car and decided to settle down. If you really want your piece, come and get it asshole....and don't cowardly bring gangs or what so ever....cos if you do, you'll be really sorry!!! pukima choa fa hai!!!!

I'm no big shot or trying to get famous quick in here, but this is an open challenge, if you really got guts, then show urself!!!!

to others, please dun flame me of on my statement....and just in case if anybody know his details, please tell me. thanks :angry:
yup..just relax n be cool man...
there's no use to be childish...
there is nothing happen 2 ur car and just leave the matter...

let the luncai feels that he is really good on the road...
Easy man... There's a chinese saying "ren yi shi, feng ping lang jing, tui yi bu, hai kuo tian kong".

Glad that both of you are okay. If you really do love your wife that much, you should just let this go. Stupid people are everywhere. It's just the matter of how you deal with them. Take this as another bad day in your life. I know its easier said that done but hey what do you really get even if you meet up with him? Pride? I think not.
Yup, just be cool.... just forget about it... just a pakcik only mah.....just leave it....just ignore it........dont give trouble ler..
deja vu.. i tot just u posted this, then removed it.. now itz back again. :lol:
chill man chill, cool down first :)
well, i know is kind of frustrating......but then also nothing happen to ur car and ur wife mah. later he really meet u up there with his gang, how? gang fighthing on the street meh, later police come, all go lock-up. by that time, u worried ur wife also mah. just leave those bastard who think they own the bloody road. just curse them enough lo. no need so man fan settle with this kind of hooligan la. treat them as invisible bastard in this country lo. send him to singapore for a special job la, singapore need this kind of bastard to fill up the sea mah.....
today at ss15 roundabout the fellow keep pushing me wanna cut in my lane... he keep horning me after he cut in behind me
and i look in the mirror saw him showing middle finger...
ahhahahahhaha duno why i wasn't pissed at all
probably coz he is sum dick who happens to be a mid age malay guy... wtf is he thinking... so old already still act so childish :P
i wave my hand ask him come follow me but he turn into the shops at ss-duno wat
aiya... u all also one kind one... ppl wanna fight then let them fight lor... we not those cheap ppl on the roadside everything have to fight only settle one mah... sikit sikit bikin panas... haih... anyway cool down lah... what for when u know at the end you end up in hospital or sg buloh jail... jsut think about it
yup... just be cool ........
Look... noone get hurt.. and u r fine now...

U can't really deal with all those unexpected things around u...

I know u really feel upset and regret that u didn whack him once when

u faced that problem... but u did good job.. that's what we supposed to do.

Let's say.. if u whack all the people whether they give u trouble or whatever..

can u count how many people u have to whack through ur life? :D

Cool down.. U did a good job.. U r right.. then that's it..
these sort of posts are a WASTE OF TIME! I never should have clicked on it :(
no its not a waste of time. i dunno about him, but i might cool off abit just by posting the incident to let everybody know.

i can feel his feeling cuz something similar happen to me today also. Some @sshole driving blue kelisa piss me off. i was going out a junction very slow cuz my car underpower, i already see no car coming and suddenly someone toot the horn at me. That kelisa must be coming so fast i didn't see him when i look just now.

bo pien lor.. just drive like normal, but then he tailgate me and then overtake me, drive by my side, and waving at me. i didn't look at him cuz i talk to my bro. i'm so piss i can just keep at his speed and make an accident happen cuz a Unser is coming the other way. but that Unser is inocent so i brake and let him through. But after that he wave his middle finger at me, wiggle it some more.

haiyo.. lotz more happen after that.. say also angry.. no point talk.. dun wan waste time with someone so low class like that
patience is virtue my friend. ;)
sigh~ if he does show up, what can you do? Anyway, I understand your feelings, if I were you, I would've posted this too, and I would really take his challenge. Just cool down before doing anything stupid. Maybe you ought to follow where he stay and just ask a few mah chai, scratch his car, suak! That's what i'll do lo, when I am in Melaka
yoyoan: you were saying he was with his family in the car too? c'mon la he's a family man too... don't fight la.
yalor.. dun fight better.. go use the time to wash and wax the car more worth it..

btw cyclonite nice sig lol..
ppl on the road getting more aggresive these days...

i do understand where yoyoan is coming from as i send my wife to work in batu caves area every morning too...and yea..i do get / see lots of dumb bastards like the one yoyoan described around this area...

apparently gombak / batu caves area is pretty much a malay dominated community and yeah...they do sometimes tend to act a lil arrogant in their backyard....but i'd like to see these kind of people show how arrogant they are in SS2 or PJ areas....somewhere where they are less dominant..... ;)

(i am not against malay or chinese or trying to be racist here...but to be honest there are alot of 'katak dibawah tempurung'....and until the day these lil frogs leave the tempurung and see the world...we'd have to bear with their ignorant lil attitudes in their little playground)

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