integra Headcounts!!

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Re: integra Headcounts!!

Thanks a lot for everyone about sharing..........

Am not sure wat cambers are mine lar....but mine not too low....

Warped means the brake disc "bengkok" not smooth anymore.... when u brake does it have any sound? if yes then its warped......

U changed the brake pump but did u change the brake servo? I suggest u change to the type R double layer did make a lot of difference for me.....but again if u really want more porwerful braking u should also consider the Prelude BB1 disc and caliper....much larger and better grip.....

MK pads am not sure....usually I recommend EBC....or if u use the Prelude disc and calipers u can try Endless.....
About "warped",i really not sure...But,when i brake that time have some sound...This sound start come out after i changed the rear brake pad(honda ori) and "skim" the disc...The technical say is honda brake pad problem,somemore,this brake pad cant be claim...I direct @#$%^&*@#$%^& that technical...i'am no choice right now,just continue using it...

About brake pump upgrade,i think should be whole set gua...picture below;

Yup,may be EBC brake pad is my next step to upgrade,or may be change to steel brake hose 1st...Actually,i'am depend the bugdet 1st,if BB1 braking system not so much expensive,may be will direct upgrade it...

cheap pads wont bite ur disc n makan ur disc...

u guys can spent ribu2 lemon on engine, cosmetic like ah beng with spoiler sidai kain :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:but some fellows i dont understand... braking is the 1st priority n most important thing u do
What you mean "cheap pad wont bite ur disc n makan ur disc"????

I am totally agreed with u Rin, BRAKING SYSTEM is the most important part; the moment i bought my DC last time, the next day i change the braking system to Honda others car bigger Disc+Caliber, Disc is Dia=12", Cal is 2 Bot., bro, don't compromise this conversion with other not necessary spending..:itsme::burnout:

Yup,i agree what u mean...Braking system and stabilizer system more important for me compare with performance...Because i know my life no take two...hehehe
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Re: integra Headcounts!!

hello guys...tonight got BIG tt for HONDA OWNERS CLUB....i invite u guy to join them...loc tt at R&R KINRARA at kesas lot of honda club join it like EK Division, HOC, MHCC, DFC, ACCORDBURUK, HAVOC and many more...anything u can call me for info...tq all...




Bump: bagan......:hmmmm::hmmmm::stupid:

wa...all sold car ker??:stupid:

ya la all join u drift silvia:biggrin::biggrin:

i osso want to sell my car n buy kancil 660cc stock standard with rim besi
ooo mcm tu ke?after this i join kapcai club can rempit everyday ....more xtvt kekeke:biggrin::biggrin::thefinger:
Re: integra Headcounts!!

bagan? layan top layan touge layan casino la kekeke.....:hmmmm::hmmmm::hmmmm::mad::mad::mad:
hey guys,
sorry i didnt join any recent tt, was busy with work and Mat, that time you call me I was in Singapore, thats why I didnt call back. Sorry ya bang, mahal la nak call back to Malaysia when roaming
Re: integra Headcounts!!

hey guys,
sorry i didnt join any recent tt, was busy with work and Mat, that time you call me I was in Singapore, thats why I didnt call back. Sorry ya bang, mahal la nak call back to Malaysia when roaming

yup i know u r not in malaysia that y i terus stop haha...go to singapore? tuning your car r?waah mesti power:adore::adore:


how last nite tt ok r bro..:hmmmm:
Re: integra Headcounts!!

tt okey...a lot of honda car there....2 lot big parking space full with honda car....just 1 integra only there....yg lain semua EK, dolphine, and accord....heheh...nevermind...kalo ader TT from HOC...aku update dkt sini...ok matt....

Re: integra Headcounts!!

tt okey...a lot of honda car there....2 lot big parking space full with honda car....just 1 integra only there....yg lain semua EK, dolphine, and accord....heheh...nevermind...kalo ader TT from HOC...aku update dkt sini...ok matt....


sori bro kennot join hoc tt coz hoc never send "surat rasmi" to me r call for tt hehe...but i wanna ask u something...why inside hoc got so many clubs? coz semua nak jd presiden r?:hmmmm::hmmmm::hmmmm:
Re: integra Headcounts!!

sori bro kennot join hoc tt coz hoc never send "surat rasmi" to me r call for tt hehe...but i wanna ask u something...why inside hoc got so many clubs? coz semua nak jd presiden r?:hmmmm::hmmmm::hmmmm:

oh...its not sure about "surat rasmi" or call...bcoz HOC just inform in the forum to invite all forumer join the tt....about got so many club inside....i think refer the HONDA OWNERS CLUB name sape2 yg drive EK, EG, ACCORD, PRELUDE, our INTEGRA, or any HONDA car...can join the dlm tu mmg ader puak2....biasa la tu....kalo 1 club tu terlalu besar...mmg akan ada puak2 mcm tu...hehehe...lg pun aku baru je join HOC tu...baru 2-3 org je far ok la...xder yg sombong2....biasa la...mule2 mmg xkenal...lame2 can be best friend....ok matt??...hehehe...jgn la kite cepat terasa....ok :itsme::itsme:

isnt it called HCOC or is there another club called HOC?
Re: integra Headcounts!!

oh...its not sure about "surat rasmi" or call...bcoz HOC just inform in the forum to invite all forumer join the tt....about got so many club inside....i think refer the HONDA OWNERS CLUB name sape2 yg drive EK, EG, ACCORD, PRELUDE, our INTEGRA, or any HONDA car...can join the dlm tu mmg ader puak2....biasa la tu....kalo 1 club tu terlalu besar...mmg akan ada puak2 mcm tu...hehehe...lg pun aku baru je join HOC tu...baru 2-3 org je far ok la...xder yg sombong2....biasa la...mule2 mmg xkenal...lame2 can be best friend....ok matt??...hehehe...jgn la kite cepat terasa....ok :itsme::itsme:


ooo baru join hoc... i join hoc b4 u so don't talk about hoc to me.. i know what happen inside hoc hehe...maybe u can join teggerz tt n we can talk more about hoc:thefinger:

isnt it called HCOC or is there another club called HOC?

yup! another club.. hoc is "serpihan" hcoc:biggrin:
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HCOC is the more well known one lar.....but many of the guys who used to be in left d...some of them still there....but mainly are new guys....they have track days....not bad....last time also drag and track days.....those were the good ol days

Bump: HCOC is the more well known one lar.....but many of the guys who used to be in left d...some of them still there....but mainly are new guys....they have track days....not bad....last time also drag and track days.....those were the good ol days

Bump: bro if brake pads got sound usually its not the disc should be the brake pads not smooth I think....or there's some small dirt stuck....

Yes...u change the brake servo to the double layer Type R fits nicely....

Thanks a lot for everyone about sharing..........

About "warped",i really not sure...But,when i brake that time have some sound...This sound start come out after i changed the rear brake pad(honda ori) and "skim" the disc...The technical say is honda brake pad problem,somemore,this brake pad cant be claim...I direct @#$%^&*@#$%^& that technical...i'am no choice right now,just continue using it...

About brake pump upgrade,i think should be whole set gua...picture below;

Yup,may be EBC brake pad is my next step to upgrade,or may be change to steel brake hose 1st...Actually,i'am depend the bugdet 1st,if BB1 braking system not so much expensive,may be will direct upgrade it...

What you mean "cheap pad wont bite ur disc n makan ur disc"????

Yup,i agree what u mean...Braking system and stabilizer system more important for me compare with performance...Because i know my life no take two...hehehe
Re: integra Headcounts!!

ooo baru join hoc... i join hoc b4 u so don't talk about hoc to me like i don't know what happen inside hoc hehe...maybe u can join teggerz tt n we can talk more about hoc:thefinger:


yup! another club.. hoc is "serpihan" hcoc:biggrin:

erm...kalo dah tahu HOC mcm mane...kenape tanye aku???..hcoc bukan untuk civic club je ke???..ermm....sbnr nyer aku xkesah pun join mane2 club...janji ahli2 dlm tu x sombong atau pilih kasih sudah la.....ok.. :idea::idea:

Re: integra Headcounts!!

erm...kalo dah tahu HOC mcm mane...kenape tanye aku???..hcoc bukan untuk civic club je ke???..ermm....sbnr nyer aku xkesah pun join mane2 club...janji ahli2 dlm tu x sombong atau pilih kasih sudah la.....ok.. :idea::idea:


kenape ade kphoc? kelhoc? nhoc n mcm2 lg...ape tu kphoc? klub pencinta hoc??? so member hoc yg lain bukan pencinta hoc aku ek group,eg group, accord group ok la but what about kphoc, kelhoc n bla bla? perlu ker??:hmmmm::hmmmm::stupid::stupid:
Re: integra Headcounts!!

erm...kphoc tu aku sendiri pun x paham...tu kena tanye org yg dah lame join hoc la...pendapat aku tentang kelhoc,nhoc,melhoc..semua tu aku tgk diorang bahagi mengikut zon....dl pun aku rasa musyhkil sbb kenape perlu ikot yg aku dpt...diorang senang nak manage ahli2...x terlalu semak.....cth konvoi kelhoc ke kl,PD,melaka last week...mmg teratur la diorang buat...siap hoc dari PD ngan melaka sambut kumpulan konvoi kelhoc dkt negeri masing2...hehehe...aku rase xder isu kot pasal zon tu... :biggrin::biggrin::itsme:

Re: integra Headcounts!!

Re: integra Headcounts!!

HCOC is the more well known one lar.....but many of the guys who used to be in left d...some of them still there....but mainly are new guys....they have track days....not bad....last time also drag and track days.....those were the good ol days

Bump: HCOC is the more well known one lar.....but many of the guys who used to be in left d...some of them still there....but mainly are new guys....they have track days....not bad....last time also drag and track days.....those were the good ol days

Bump: bro if brake pads got sound usually its not the disc should be the brake pads not smooth I think....or there's some small dirt stuck....

Yes...u change the brake servo to the double layer Type R fits nicely....
Please don't so mad ohh...
I joined hoc already,
Join hcoc too later...
Thanks for your sugestion...

Is Type R ...
May be i havent suitable to press my teg's brake...
Coz normally i also drive proton saga(A31 pump) to work...
Some more,
Proton car just press softly,
Then the car can totally stop liao...
About teg,
I need press hardly to stop totally...
May be this is the only reason gua......



Nice to meet you...
New tegger?
Re: integra Headcounts!!

Bro.....u drive damn fast izit? hehehe...try the brake servo lar... it helped my car a lot....

I din like to drive fast ohh...some more,my teg so difficult(slowly also) to reach 160km/h ohh...My faster speed jz is around 100km/h only wooh...

PS:Bro,wat u mean about "TRY THE BRAKE SERVO"???Anything can TRY???Actually,my language so poor,pls pardon me...
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