Idiot Drivers

hahaha....this thread is coming alive back.
actually this is a good platform to express our tense on the road.
rather than express it on the road itself.

i almost wanna stop dat day when the fellow ask for a fight.
his arrogant really pissed me off.
but then, wat for?win or lose it will still meant nothing.

Because we are the more civilized groups of people knowing there is no point
putting our level down to such people. Ignoring them doesn't we have lost the
fight. It just shows who is more mature.

There is no ending even if we a small world out there. Everyday using the same
road to work/home. Surely, will bump into each other again.

Never end until one dies...:smokin:

Autobahn Ground | Facebook
this morning while riding my bike on my way to workplace i follow a van drive slowly by an uncle....coz i don't wanna be late so i decided to overtake the the time i already overtake half of the van suddenly this uncle spitted through his window side and almost hit me:banghead: damn when i ride slowly passed him his face looks like someone pretending doing nothing wrong and really annoying:banghead:
Its been ages since I've posted anything on ZTH..

Here's some shots I took locally..

Parking hogs

Lazy ass parker~

Very arrogant drivers parking and stopping at busy bus stop! :mad:


Especially this Hilux! :banghead:
let me revive this thread again.
coz just encounter wif idiot driver again nkve ard 630pm towards damansara.

i honked a bit coz this idiot mothafacka just cut Q.i actually wasnt expecting this mothafucka car.since there was another car in front the mothafucka which want to squeeze in too.suddenly this mothafucka just speed his car and went into my i honked a bit la.and the mothafucka throw his cigarette towards my car.

i chased him back and he shouted at me first even without i said anything yet.since i need to wind down my window first.
i just shout y he need to throw his cigar at my car.
then he shouted to me to stop if not satisfied and show his idiotic reckless attitude by wanna hit my car.i didnt even swayed.not scared la.if got scratch i'll straight away go to police station.
if u guys ever found this car, please scratch it and puncture all four tires for me.

then i think he wait and take pic of my car pulak before speeding off again like mad dog.
and still wanna do the stunt like want to hit my i m scared.
i pray his car got accident and he paralysed.

bro amran, was this guy a chinese? quitee big size? coz d car model is d same n number plate is quite similar (i only rmb B** **88) when i was made a victim of road rage in cheras =/
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Damn bloody sueh lately, both myself & my gf was involved in accident, just 3 weeks apart. Both were knocked from the back by young cikus who probably just bought their licence or so. No serious damage but the hassle of going through the reports, send car for repair & the aftermath of repair was really really annoying.

Was on my way back from work, was at NPE heading towards OKR. Slow moving traffic, stop & go type. I just stopped my car, my instinct told me to look back; took a glance at the rear view mirror & saw this young chap with a blur & total lost face approaching at a speed that i knew he won't be able to stop in time.

Quickly turn my steering & try to accelerate out of the soon to be mess (near the Tmn. Medan toll, left & right side very wide). Alas, 2 seconds too late, heard screeching sound, felt a hard bump & the bang sound :banghead: Cursing upside down...

Stopped my car aside, got down & saw my bumper handing there, no crack / breakage but the clips are all out. Best part is, the point of impact is just 6" from the left side of the bumper (thus my 2 seconds too late)

Wanted to fark that young ciku upside down but saw his muka kesian & saw another car behind so not sure who is the culprit but for sure both braked at the 11th hour. Went to the back, wanna fark the driver, a pregnant lady pulak & she just hit her head hard onto the windscreen (didn't wear seat belt)

No one to fark, self service:banghead: Claimed their insurance & got a real shitty repair job. Paint speckles all over the bonnet, sprayed my bumper & rear skirt together. Now the joint cracking up.

My gf.
After persuading her for a while, she finally agreed to change a new car. Got her car less than 2 week; got hit from the back while stuck in a jam & on an uphill stretch of the road. In her case, also another young ciku.:bawling:

Was damned pissed off when she called & told me that & that young arse got the guts to ask to settled but refuse to pay cash but rather send the car to his regular workshop for repair. New car, bumper cracked & he expect us to cin cai cin cai send to some maybe farked up workshop for patch & paint job. He could very well go & fark himself.

There are just too many young cikus with kopi 'o' license on the road, who doesn't have even the basic skill & knowledge in operating & handling a car. To make things worst, the stupid RTD is allowing test in automatic transmission. with that, we can expect even more idiots on the road.:banghead:
well...your experience about young ciku....

but mine was with old ciku...demm they think they hold license more than 20years drive like a god ah... :banghead:

1st was long time ago while still in uni. riding bike...going to mahkota parade melaka. most ppl knew there want to go parking have to make almost full circle around mahkota parade perimeter, at that time as me passing by the first car parking entrance i already saw 1 kancil gonna cross in front of me to make way from parking exit into dataran pahlawan main road (actually cannot cross and have to make 1 complete circle around MP to reach there).....pressing my horn while emergency brake...literally i manage to swerve to the left avoiding the kancil because he stopped when heard my horn..... BUT just about time when i could release my breath the car move foward trying to out-accelerate me that was on emergency brake...then BANG....i hit his rear door...door totalled with windows 100% got one nice deep cut on arm right at the blood vessel....while me bleeding, the driver (with his wife and 2 cute teen daughter) still arguing that me going too fast....while as far as i remember i'm doing 80km/h only as i want to go shopping why rushing....and he blame me not avoiding him...come on..i WAS avoiding him yet he still trying to get me....

at last all ppl nearby and MP guard come by and surely with all eyewitness he can argue no he send me to hospital i didn't realized with that minor cut (for me atleast it was minor) made me sleep in hospital for a night due to low blood pressure....and recieving 2set of "water pack" strapped to my both hand....(yes because we arguing at the accident scene for almost 20minutes with my torn blood vessel rushing blood nonstop).....

the next day he came and apologize yet still blaming me make her daughter jaw hurt (my hand goes thru the window and accidentally hit her daughter)....and he ask to setel luar then just make accident report for him to claim his own insurance....i agree and he pays rm100 for me to repair my bike....barely enough....but atleast he is willing to pay for his mistake.......

a few month later after my incident i saw that parking exit adjusted a bit to avoid ppl cutting the road to dataran pahlawan.. (now already full barrier there if i remember correctly)

2nd story recently my satria driven by my wife went to work in was somewhere nearby precint 15 if i remember correctly where on roadside cannot park...yet the car in front (myv) driving so slow like looking for parking space....gave signal to the left and stop there...then my wife move foward to continue journey...but just as my wife passed that myvi halfway, the driver suddenly goes to the right coming out from the place she stop...the whole left fender and door scrapped....she stopped..but the myvi continue to reverse on wrong direction making the whole left side of my car scrapped all the way from the front to the rear bumper.... :banghead: :stupid: the driver was old pensioned makcik.....arghhhh.....all settled without made and claim from the myvi.......

the story just didn't stop sent my car to be repaired at my hometown panel bodyshop due to their expertise and me as well as my dad really familar with that shop.....

in the mean time while my car in workshop (2weeks)....i use my mom's myvi (which is not used by anyone in my family)........

one day my wife was driving from work to home at besraya highway it was raining and slow moving traffic...(stop n go situation) where nearby minlon the traffic has just stopped when my wife saw in rearview mirror one kancil was too fast and couldn't stop in time....yeah banging time :banghead: guess what..the driver also a makcik with 2 little son inside the car.....damm driving kancil that fast in the rain with son inside..donnow what ppl thinking nowadays....... :idiots:

and myself made new record.....back to back sending car one after another into the bodyshop for repair for other people's fault :cry:

luckily no need use own money....all claim from the fault party......

btw recieved my satria and it turned out to be a really good repair...even i got new front bumper that actually my original bumper already cracked at various area before the accident.... :driver:
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bro amran, was this guy a chinese? quitee big size? coz d car model is d same n number plate is quite similar (i only rmb B** **88) when i was made a victim of road rage in cheras =/

yes...i tink chinese and fat abit.
wow...this means he really is a roadbully..
no wonder he just shouted and ask for a fight. :stupid:
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yes...i tink chinese and fat abit.
wow...this means he really is a roadbully..
no wonder he just shouted and ask for a fight. :stupid:

My story was:

From Connaught to Besraya Cheras-Kajang highway, i was on d left lane n he was on d right. On my left is an exit to elsewhere. There was like 10-20m between my car and d divider that divides the exit and my lane. AND this fkr tried to squeeze through from the right just so he can make it for the exit (10-20m would mean i got to jam brake so he can go through and d car behind me slamming into my butt). Of course i didnt stop since its not my problem if u miss the exit.

THEN, he not happy n try to push my car into the divider. After showing his prowess swinging his steering wheel across the 2 lanes he emergency brake in front of my car (was driving mom's wira home after breakfast with her on a sunday) and got out and kick the drivers door of my car (he managed to kick it because d moment he got out i quickly reverse the car but behind me got car so it took some time in order for me to get away). And he quickly got back into his Harrier and chased me but thank god there was a Polis van who just past by infront of me and slowed down (i assumed they saw the incident coz all the guys in it were looking). D moment d van slowed down i drove close to them and the Harrier drove away instead of chasing me.

I've been victim of 4 road rage incidents: 3 of them chinese (Harrier, Estima and new Vios) Why chinese people love to bully others while showing off they hv money eh? (I hv every right to bitch about chinese ppl coz i am one and im embarassed)
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Hi guys...
I'm here to share a story on the incident that happened to me last Friday...

Last Friday (27th July) around 3pm, I was waiting for a parking space in MidValley. There was so many cars and really hard to find a parking space. I went round and round for almost 30 mins until I decided to wait near the entrance. I waited for about 20mins there and it was my luck because a nearby car was going out. But unfortunately, a Honda Accord that was also waiting for a parking behind me (she just got there for about 5mins) and straight away she went for the same parking space that I was going for.I was reversing to park there and suddenly she went straight for the parking space. At first she honked at me to move forward so that she can go in but I wasn't going to. It was a standtill for about a minute. She wouldn't move backwards to let me reverse in to the parking space and I was also determined not to give up. But then I was thinking that because I am fasting that I should just give in. I moved forward and she went in without hesitation.

Yes, I was really angry so I gave her a sounding. I have been looking for a parking space for almost an hour now and I had waited near that spot 20mins. She had just got there for about 5mins only. I told her to be a more courteous Malaysian. I told her not to be so rude and be more considerate. And she said that she gave the signal to go in first. I told her that I gave the signal first and also that I waited there longer than she had. She replied back, "So what? I gave the signal first what!". I replied back, "Can't you see me waiting there? I waited much longer than you. I was here first". She replied back, "Too bad lor... U gave the signal a bit later. I gave the signal first".

For the info, I waited there much longer and I did gave the signal for the parking space. But according to her I gave the signal later. She gave the signal first. I don't know why some people are just really rude and a total snob. Like this lady that I encountered. Just because she was driving an Accord with a 2-digit plate, she thinks she can do anything the way she wants to. Come on lar. We are Malaysians, and doesn't matter what race we are. We have to live harmoniously and be considerate towards each other. She just ignored me and kept saying that, "Too bad lor 'cos you was slow...".

Is she stupid or something? What then? She thinks I should I drive like a mad person and just reverse in so fast is it? Just reverse quickly without looking and just bang any car that's behind me?? Come on lar... Think with your head lady... Maybe it's people like her that always causes accidents in shopping malls parking area because always driving so fast and unsafe...

When I went to take the picture of her car, she got out and said "Eh, what you gonna do with the picture of my car? You do report also no good lor... I know a lot of policemen...". And i said back to her, "No... I am not gonna do a report. Instead I am gonna show the whole internet community of how rude and snobbish you are...".

So be careful when you encounter this lady. A real snob and very rude. People who drives a bigger and more expensive car with a single digit plate also not so snobbish like this lady here!!!


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People got some royalty emblem ma...she don't look pretty either >_< wonder if her husband is blind or what but just cuz she driving
accord doesnt mean she is rich...

I was driving at speed about 60 in a 2 lane road, came a very fast car from far start flashing just cuz is green light and I was slow to him/her. I was like, bugger, your father's road ar? Just cuz is green light I have to step on the pedal just cuz u needed to go faster?
Is either turn right or turn left at the traffic light...

So, I was suppose to turn left but i dun want to cut into the 2nd lane on purpose..since he/she is so arrogant and i made the turn from the right lane instead...then still flash another round :banghead:

Couldn't see what car is it, could be either camry or accord...

All sort of ppl also housing area 100km/h meh...:stupid:

---------- Post added at 06:27 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 06:25 PM ----------

So be careful when you encounter this lady. A real snob and very rude. People who drives a bigger and more expensive car with a single digit plate also not so snobbish like this lady here!!![/QUOTE]

You should just drive off then come back later and put some signatures on her so call luxury car bro LOL! Teach these bitches a lesson. Sounding them, they wont learn..
just be it bro. not worth it arguing with a lamp post... soon she will learn a lesson or two from others...if keep on "lansi" like mall parking lot nowadays not a safe place to ladies especially...
My story was:

From Connaught to Besraya Cheras-Kajang highway, i was on d left lane n he was on d right. On my left is an exit to elsewhere. There was like 10-20m between my car and d divider that divides the exit and my lane. AND this fkr tried to squeeze through from the right just so he can make it for the exit (10-20m would mean i got to jam brake so he can go through and d car behind me slamming into my butt). Of course i didnt stop since its not my problem if u miss the exit.

THEN, he not happy n try to push my car into the divider. After showing his prowess swinging his steering wheel across the 2 lanes he emergency brake in front of my car (was driving mom's wira home after breakfast with her on a sunday) and got out and kick the drivers door of my car (he managed to kick it because d moment he got out i quickly reverse the car but behind me got car so it took some time in order for me to get away). And he quickly got back into his Harrier and chased me but thank god there was a Polis van who just past by infront of me and slowed down (i assumed they saw the incident coz all the guys in it were looking). D moment d van slowed down i drove close to them and the Harrier drove away instead of chasing me.

I've been victim of 4 road rage incidents: 3 of them chinese (Harrier, Estima and new Vios) Why chinese people love to bully others while showing off they hv money eh? (I hv every right to bitch about chinese ppl coz i am one and im embarassed)

wow...u r lucky not to get hurt in such event.
but i would go thru the hassle of goin to police station to make a report if i ever encounter wif such least if hell break loose that bugger will have some record.

i guess i was lucky not to engage/initiate with him longer.
i was mad becoz he throw his cigar towards my car purposely.
dats wat really pisses me off...and he want to ram to my car.yup...he just want to show off his ego since he thought money can buy life i guess.and he think his harrier is damn good. :banghead:
once i shout back regarding the cigar i just try to cool myself down...not sensible to fight in the middle of traffic jammed.then he just rushes in the busy traffics.and i just let it be. cuz it would be wasting my petrol just to prove which car is faster.cuz i manage to chase him earlier.dat shud prove my points. :driver:
People got some royalty emblem ma...she don't look pretty either >_< wonder if her husband is blind or what but just cuz she driving
accord doesnt mean she is rich...

I was driving at speed about 60 in a 2 lane road, came a very fast car from far start flashing just cuz is green light and I was slow to him/her. I was like, bugger, your father's road ar? Just cuz is green light I have to step on the pedal just cuz u needed to go faster?
Is either turn right or turn left at the traffic light...

So, I was suppose to turn left but i dun want to cut into the 2nd lane on purpose..since he/she is so arrogant and i made the turn from the right lane instead...then still flash another round :banghead:

Couldn't see what car is it, could be either camry or accord...

All sort of ppl also housing area 100km/h meh...:stupid:

---------- Post added at 06:27 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 06:25 PM ----------

So be careful when you encounter this lady. A real snob and very rude. People who drives a bigger and more expensive car with a single digit plate also not so snobbish like this lady here!!!

You should just drive off then come back later and put some signatures on her so call luxury car bro LOL! Teach these bitches a lesson. Sounding them, they wont learn..

just be it bro. not worth it arguing with a lamp post... soon she will learn a lesson or two from others...if keep on "lansi" like mall parking lot nowadays not a safe place to ladies especially...

Dunno why nowadays more and more Malaysian drivers are driving more recklessly and with arrogant attitude... They think they own the road... Even if u drive a bigger car with higher CC's oso dun mean that just because u pay higher road taxes that the road is yours...

I didnt do anything because I dont want to be rude like her... Just let her be... If she did it to some other hot heads next time, sure she will kena one day... Doesn't mean she will get lucky all the time... This is just a case of a middle class lady who thinks she is very2 rich and powerful just because she have a big ass emblem on her car... I see a lot of places selling that emblem for rm20 oni lar... Doesn' mean a thing to me even if u have emblem oso...

---------- Post added at 11:17 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 11:00 AM ----------

My story was:

From Connaught to Besraya Cheras-Kajang highway, i was on d left lane n he was on d right. On my left is an exit to elsewhere. There was like 10-20m between my car and d divider that divides the exit and my lane. AND this fkr tried to squeeze through from the right just so he can make it for the exit (10-20m would mean i got to jam brake so he can go through and d car behind me slamming into my butt). Of course i didnt stop since its not my problem if u miss the exit.

THEN, he not happy n try to push my car into the divider. After showing his prowess swinging his steering wheel across the 2 lanes he emergency brake in front of my car (was driving mom's wira home after breakfast with her on a sunday) and got out and kick the drivers door of my car (he managed to kick it because d moment he got out i quickly reverse the car but behind me got car so it took some time in order for me to get away). And he quickly got back into his Harrier and chased me but thank god there was a Polis van who just past by infront of me and slowed down (i assumed they saw the incident coz all the guys in it were looking). D moment d van slowed down i drove close to them and the Harrier drove away instead of chasing me.

I've been victim of 4 road rage incidents: 3 of them chinese (Harrier, Estima and new Vios) Why chinese people love to bully others while showing off they hv money eh? (I hv every right to bitch about chinese ppl coz i am one and im embarassed)

come to think of it, i also had encountered this kind of people several times near the Connaught highway... if you want to potong nicely I surely will give way one... but if this kind of people who likes to 'cucuk2' and keep on flashing and honking, usually i will just stay on the right a bit longer even if I can move to the middle lane... just to agitate them a bit... when i see they want to potong using middle lane, then i'll move to the middle lane and let them potong me on the right lane... that way they will surely accelerate kau2 one and usually there will be roadblocks near that highway... I did that once before and that bugger kena tahan in a roadblock a few hundred metres later... i will just pass him on the roadblock with a big smile :rofl:
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