How much u guys spend?

How much do u guys spend on your gf every month ?

  • RM50 - RM100

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • RM100 - RM 150

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • RM150 - RM 250

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  • RM250 - RM350

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • RM350 - RM500

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • more than RM500

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  • Total voters
Originally posted by PoisonIvy+Nov 28 2004, 19:51 --></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (PoisonIvy @ Nov 28 2004, 19:51 )</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-wildcard@Nov 28 2004, 19:44
around RM600-1000 every month.

occupation : college student. :(
WAHHH..~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o :o

You are not serious..! OMG... spend on what so much for a month???

I'm so impress la.. u all can spend so much on ur gf.. no wonder all my guy pals are saying they're all broke la.. and borrowing money from me some more.. <_<

~ IvY ~ [/b][/quote]
aiks ~~ i thoughts its normal ? :blink: :blink:
bring her go eat nice food, sometimes buy gifts, go movies, drinks,etc..
Originally posted by PoisonIvy@Nov 28 2004, 19:56
To be honest...

Sometimes, i don't know whether to pay or not. You know la.. the guys' ego.. Guys should pay thing. But, i do try to pay a bit also la.. since all of us are still students anyway. Sometimes, he does foot the bill and sometimes, i'll treat him also.. To treat him, i'll pass the money to him before he pays or after he pays.. so can still maintain that guy ego of: Guys must pay policy... :lol:

But then, i'm lucky to have someone to care for me.. and sometimes, help me out when i'm having financial difficulties. I'm not from a well to do family and just relying on my student loan.

~ IvY ~
yaya,last time my ex do like tat oso,so good :) :) :)
Originally posted by wildcard@Nov 28 2004, 20:00

aiks ~~ i thoughts its normal ? :blink: :blink:
bring her go eat nice food, sometimes buy gifts, go movies, drinks,etc..
Well.. it IS normal to a certain extend.. but spending like nearly 1000 bucks on the relationship.. :o I don't know.. to my opinion, it's just a lil too much... Furthermore, you're only a student... who's money are you spending? Your parents money also wat.. unless you're working..

Just my opinion

~ IvY ~
ivy~ i support u....

sumtimes.....ppl like ur money......n not for who u r......
now dayz the gurlz are macam this la
wanna find good n nice galz? find ivy la....
ahhahaha j/k :D :lol: :P
Originally posted by PoisonIvy@Nov 28 2004, 20:05
aiks ~~ i thoughts its normal ? :blink: :blink:
bring her go eat nice food, sometimes buy gifts, go movies, drinks,etc..

Well.. it IS normal to a certain extend.. but spending like nearly 1000 bucks on the relationship.. :o I don't know.. to my opinion, it's just a lil too much... Furthermore, you're only a student... who's money are you spending? Your parents money also wat.. unless you're working..

Just my opinion

~ IvY ~
but I dont spend it to maintain the relationship, i spend it because i love her.
there's a difference between the two. Think about it.. and she's not those materialistic type. ;)
Originally posted by unclebabi@Nov 28 2004, 20:07
ivy~ i support u....

sumtimes.....ppl like ur money......n not for who u r......
now dayz the gurlz are macam this la
wanna find good n nice galz? find ivy la....
ahhahaha j/k :D :lol: :P
HAhahaha.. thanks uncle...

I wanted to say that to Wildcard.. but scared he's hurt with my words. I do agree with you.

Wildcard, if you are willing, try an experiment...
Try to cut down on your spending on her.. and sometimes.. once a while la.. asked her to pay and see.. If she still stick to you.. then, she's worth it la.. if she wants to break up with you.. then, you'll know why she's going out with you in the first place...

Just a suggestion... don't have to follow wan...

BTW, if you can spend like nearly 1000 bucks just on a gf.. what more your wife in the future? Can you keep up with the expenses?

~ IvY ~
well..on my kau lui period's..
i spent almost rm1000 more or less...sweats.and hard work..lotsa hard work in 2 years time la...hehehe

i buy her thing ocassianlly..liek birhday,valentine....and also sumtime ocasionaless ia lso buy her things....

buy her one diner..rm170...(buffday)..and also....most of them are gifts like..
earings, soft toy(lotsa softoy)...,boxes, wrapping paper...petrols, parkings,cotton wool(to make scarfs)..papers..

haha..coudn;t remember la..mostof the thing i did also handcrafts wan la..

Originally posted by PoisonIvy@Nov 28 2004, 20:11
Wildcard, if you are willing, try an experiment...
Try to cut down on your spending on her.. and sometimes.. once a while la.. asked her to pay and see.. If she still stick to you.. then, she's worth it la.. if she wants to break up with you.. then, you'll know why she's going out with you in the first place...

Just a suggestion... don't have to follow wan...

BTW, if you can spend like nearly 1000 bucks just on a gf.. what more your wife in the future? Can you keep up with the expenses?

~ IvY ~
thats the thing.. she sometimes offers to pay then i always say dont need its okay.. if i try that experiment i'm sure she will still be with me, she's not those money minded type, and shes with me NOT because of my money.

with my wife ? hmm .. thats a tough decision.. 10 years to go till i get married.. i'll let you know .. haha
wow... rm1000 a month on gf.. u really rich man.. me ar.. phone bills 1 month around 100+ lor.. long distance relationship ma.. but when go find her ar.. erm.. sometimes 1 day also rm100 d.. mostly on food la.. movie ar.. like that lor.. still ok la.. if everyday also like tat i think i'll broke very soon la.. haha..

btw.. i'm still studyin..
Originally posted by wildcard@Nov 28 2004, 20:30
thats the thing.. she sometimes offers to pay then i always say dont need its okay.. if i try that experiment i'm sure she will still be with me, she's not those money minded type, and shes with me NOT because of my money.

with my wife ? hmm .. thats a tough decision.. 10 years to go till i get married.. i'll let you know .. haha
OhhH..~ That's good la then... Heheheh :lol: Happy for ya.. and more happy for ya gf.. :P

~ IvY ~
hmm...last time my ex ar...when i went out with her...around RM100++ each time lor...but i din count how much each month ler...hahha
but i know sometimes use more than i have lor....student only mar...
i duno how that guy reach RM1000 a month ler...
mine...each time go out RM20 for movies...RM 30-40 for makan..RM10-20 for transportation(that time duno how to drive ..takin cab only) somtimes buy her CDs and stuff and minus will be RM100 wan ler...eeach time go out with her bring more than 200 ..den ended up around 100 or less at pocket..
what you think..that was be4 SPM...pocket money al rely on mom...
yea..most of the time..SMS-ing lor...reload also pokai lar..hahha..

now ...still on the process gettin another..
firstly, i didnt say i spend rm1000 every month. I did state 600-1000 right ?
it depends one la .. go eat everytime also RM80-120 like that..
one month got how many days .. haha .. you count la..

take care ~~
me ah...erm, all i can say is thank god i'm having such a nice girl...and thank god to let me found her :) well, believe it or not, we don't spend much even though we eat together go for movies and everything. When her birthday, i spend around between 150-200 only, that would be quite cheap for some of you, but she's grateful enough to drop some tears when i pass her her present. Everyday, we have our breakfast, lunch and dinner together, just occasionally not together, mostly I'm the one who pay, but sometimes, she just rebut to pay even I still have enough money to last to the month ends. Everyday, we eat cheap cheap, mamak stalls, mixed rice, hawkers or fastfood. She knows how to save my money also, she never ask much, she just want to be with me. (tears dropping) I'm going overseas soon to complete my studies, just wonder how will she stay? whether will she be sad or wat, I don't know. She came to coll just because of me, I'm really very grateful, hopefully my father will allow me to stay here for at least another 2 years of degree programme and a twinning to overseas.... :(

somehow sometimes i envy those who found love when they're in the university or working, why i didn't find her later? sigh~

currently a-levels student in subang jaya

and I only spend around 350-500 for her...and yet i still have the money to save....thanks karen...I love u
wow alan and wildcard.u guys are the gentleman wei..i think i spend around 300 a month kua...both of us will pay in turn as in see who takes out the money 1st or sumthin like tat la..but most the time is me paying la.. ;)
hmm now i wonder how much u guys get for ur allowance from parents. Can spend like Rm500 for gf ? :o
Originally posted by munky@Nov 29 2004, 00:01
hmm now i wonder how much u guys get for ur allowance from parents. Can spend like Rm500 for gf ? :o
save and save lo, petrol save, makan save everything save
thats why ego kills
just screw ur ego and let them pay when they want to ;)
student can afford rm600 a mth for gf?
goodness... thats more or less what i spend a month and i'm single
my friend spent Rm 800 on petrol alone for few months time and the effort paid off at last.

Total investment Rm 6000 for 3.5 months.After paktor the gf asks him to save money.


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