Honda Accord detail including sanding marks & scratch correction

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Known Member
Senior Member
Feb 28, 2012
Hi friends!

Greetings from the sunny Mauritius.

This Nippon lady came to us for an enhancement. The car was in good shape in every way apart from being rather wrongly cared for in the paint department. It had a previous detailing job somewhere and a few visits to local car washes. It had sanding marks inflicted but not removed and holograms all over resulting from wrong machining techniques/ aggressive products and pads on a notoriously soft factory black Honda paint, Nighthawk Black Pearl. The car washes only added to the injury with more swirls and scratches. Another factor is the constant digging of trenches, all working their way to pollute our roads further. In reality, the paintwork was butchered and skinned.

Upon arrival

Dirt Bath

More dirt

Scratches seen under the dirt

Look closely… rare skin condition!
More will be revealed

The wheels

OMG! How to avoid this when our roads are in a forever “employ people to dig holes and fill them back” fashion “à la Keynes”?

You would say a truck but it goes long to say how much polluted our roads have become in the name of development.

Heavily contaminated

Decon started after cleaning

Bleeding process

Clayed to get rid of all “toxin”

After washing, decon and rinse, the car is brought inside for claying

To the paintwork

Claying – round 1

1st and 2nd rounds of clay, is there more?

yes, moving to 3rd round. Chemicals alone wouldn’t remove all the contaminants.

At last, I felt reassured, the clay removed very little contaminants.
After 2 x decon and 3 x clay

Wheels are sealed

Car was rinsed

It was plain to see what we had to attend to. Letting the pics speak.

Heavy swirls in the sun

swirls and holograms


sanding marks from a different angle

Skinned paint: still more sanding marks, visible in the shade

haziness caused by sanding and improper wash

sanding remains on bumper

door handle area

More than swirls, look carefully

Can you see the patches?

skin disease

A heavily localized area

Still more

flake off

bird dropping damage and heavy water spots on the sun roof

Deep scratches were common too

On the bottom left, a checking, may be a result of a collision




Known Member
Senior Member
Thread starter
Feb 28, 2012
just under the ACCORD badge

may be someone wanted to steal it or ....???

the glass with water spots and smearing


After correction....
The glass has some deep scratches which unfortunately,

Moving onto paint correction.... the beads of product

The bonnet....
During.... a very sticky paint providing still another hurdle to the correction process

the bonnet after

inch by inch testing after refinement of a section

Extreme close-up.... the metallic pearls from the paint now surface out

The fender on the passenger's side

Almost done

still not satisfied


The Headlights have not been attended to for years

Cataract .... eye diease

difficult to capture on camera

the state of the bumper

Almost done

Taking it a little further... the haziness is only the polish, needs a wipe off only

The side mirror

Looks good (y).... but it's only one side of the story

From other angles and different sources of light, you can see those patches? .... these are sanding marks from previous "jobs" on the paint

Reworking everything.... which has been same for all areas of this ride

all gone but not perfect. a couple of deep scratches remain but I was prepared to take it.

A not so 50-50 shot during the correction stage

Needing rework… and rework

Different defects spotted using different sources of light at different angles


The other side.... Both sides have been worked and again, which goes to say how much this baby had to suffer


Another view

The best shot by miles

The finishing pics of the detail process.
All external paintwork corrected, refined, and protected, glass and headlights restored and sealed which left us with this.... please enjoy

mirror mirror

At night

Weeks later.

Thanks for viewing. Your thoughts are most welcome




1,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 13, 2010
not bad but totally should upgrade the camera :idea: photos kindof blurry