His finger for his car.

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damn... n i live in subang!!!!!! damn scary. the incident also near to my house. :o
Wow :huh:

that is the most insane car thieft ..

cos not only he stole his car.. it was stripped( from what i read in the article )
and cos the security was too advance. his finger was cut.

but one thing.. how long are they gonna keep the finger tip?
and another thing. how will they reset the finger identification?
fark these @#@%basturds!!

this is when the authorities are not doing enough, and the bad fella can be notorious and free to do whatever they want.

i don't think the authorities is gonna do anything.Case close soon, cos he's not a VIP, or has any royal blood.

i pity him.some may laugh at him for being stupid, wasting so much money on good cars.but i think we are being like those frogs living in fear, cant even enjoy or utilise the money we have.have to worry this and that.
i did post a similar thread last week about my company's neighbour boss who was highjacked by few indian guys from a honda civic. they made sure the car was able to start and drove off with the owner and throwing him away after managing to start the car. it all happened in broad daylight where there were so many staff who were outside the office that saw it happened.

i think this one went a bit too far when they chopped him fingers off. i believe its the same gang who did it. wish they suffer in misery after doing such inhumane things.
Maybe the CAPTOR tracking system would have been better for this guy than a biometric lock ;)
luckily it is not retina biometric lock. imagine they korek the eye
korek the eye out :o .. sigh crime rate so high nowadays.. ppl so violent sommore.. aihhh
sigh.. i wonder if the cops even bother reading the newspapers nowadays...
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