Originally posted by perdana_FTO@Dec 13 2004, 23:48
just transplant my gsr into lancer.
question - can my ori auto gear box (1.5) be used for gsr(1.8) engine?
for this i don have to lock my 4wd gsr auto gear box. any concern ?
"question - can my ori auto gear box (1.5) be used for gsr(1.8) engine?"
I don't think you can. There are 2 things that control the autobox. The first is the TCU (Transmission control unit). It directly controls the behaviour of the autobox ie. when to change gears, when to kick down etc. The TCU needs to get sensor input (eg. throttle position, rpm, speed, load-vacuum/manifold pressure/airflow and brake) from somewhere. The GSR gets all it's input from the ECU (Electronic Control Unit which manages the engine and all the sensors). It is possible that your 4G15 is the same or it may obtain some sensor input directly from the sensors themselves but this is doubtful.
Now, the trouble with using a gearbox/TCU from one model with an ECU from a different model is that (i) the wires connecting the ECU and TCU might be different ie. the socket pins have different configurations (ii) the TCU from the 1.5 might use more or fewer sensor inputs that the GSR ECU might provide (iii) the voltage of the signals sent from the GSR ECU to the TCU might be different from the voltages from the 1.5 ECU.
So, it's always, always much, much less headache if the autobox, TCU and ECU come from the same model of car.
"for this i don have to lock my 4wd gsr auto gear box. any concern?"
What's the problem with locking the 4wd autobox? It's a fairly simple procedure and there is no loss in autobox efficiency.
The 4WD GSR autobox is built to handle 200+hp and 250+NM of torque. That's the reason it is matched with the turbo engine. Your 1.5 autobox is built to match a 80hp engine and 120NM of torque. How long do you think it'll last?