geng pangkah

wah polis educating public to ter-kill thieves.. later become encouraging public to ter-kill thieves.. u ter-kill also kena involuntary man-slaughter la.. still go prison.. u hit guy until icu, he wake up he saman u balik say u purposely hit u .. then u kena charge causing harm with intention on the grounds of because he is thief u wan him die but u scared so u hit him until icu.. keh keh keh..

how many ppl have pet cobras at home leh? or how many ppl knows how to handle a cobra as a pet, need cert? car battery powerful enough to stun u onot? :D
egiewan said:
The red Evo 6 with WJL 26 plate fella staying at Seksyen 5, Wangsa Maju :eek: I saw his car just now...tonight I try to take some pics ;)
why don't we break in their cars instead :biggrin:
doesn't that make you and them equals then? stooping to such low level to get back at them? might as well buy machine gun spray at the buggah rite..
psyk...we r not equal wif them la...we take back wut belongs to us...not car battery is quite strong la...but i dun think will kill them la...unless they got heart prob...but as i battery current is strong enough to b used as ladang lembu de stop the cow from tryin to run out...
4g63 said:
based on my experience,the day after my car "kena" i went to Ah meng shop (radiostar) to install the alarm,during the installation i noticed there's a malay guy was there keep looking at my car,so i was wondringlah who's this guy,suddenly he asked what happened to yur car/ and then i told him that my car just kena pecah,and then he said "IF U MANAGE TO CATCH HIM, U CAN DO ANYTHING TO THAT GUY,BECAUSE U SELF DEFENSE AND PROTECT YOUR PROPEETIES RIGHT ?,EVEN THOUGHT U TERKILL that guy,the police will help u to solve the problem"
and i was thinking "Biar betul this guy?" ,and then i asked him,Abang keje apa bang? Saya keje polis. later he showed me the card and he gave me the contact num,he's office at IPK SHAH ALAM he incharged with this kind of criminal,and i can see his car got a lot of dented because he use the car to langgar the "pencuri" those with motorcycle. So guys the reason why he told me that if we have to kill the guy is because the police dun have to do the paperwork,bring the suspect to court,and then after court session the guy can be release and still around and continue again with the same "work".That's why most of the case if the intruder enter other's people house and get kill,the police so...Happy and then there's no allegation againts the house owner.

P/s: i dun have the guts to kill people but i rather hit the guy untill ICU

Hehe sounds good. :rock:
That lot of useful information ......
Why you guy keep on toking and toking but doing nothing here .....

i belive some of you should be able to do something more then tok right ???.......

Add one more infor they have a WAREHOUSE (where to keep the stock) Near DESA GOMBAK, some place very near Setapak Police station .....

Where i get the infor ? some one told me in my dream.
HidSeller, I dont think anyone would like to state what they done here. Afraid there could be some 'eyes' watching this forum.
wah.... 13pages of long story. read every single post. It was nice and entertaining. Some facts are very true and informative. Some posts are not supporting. But for me, having this kind of thread is better than not having it. Knowing more is better than not knowing sitting dumb and pity for yourself.

If you guys ever take any action against them/cars, remember to take pictures and post them here, so that we can cheer on ITS REVENGE TIME huh? lol

Good idea... buy car battery and start electrocuted them....

bzzzttt... bzzzttt.. after tat can call them BBQ geng... hehehe....
I bet this motherf**kers is reading this thread.

This is for you..

" Mana lu mau lari....Semua org sudah tau lu punya kereta n lu punya geng lepak kat mana. Sekarang nih tunggu masa saja sebelum lu punya kereta jadi mangsa. Evo 6 merah, Gti Biru, Gti convert. ini 3 kereta kasi jaga². gua nampak lu punya kereta memang gua bakar kasi hangus. kasi puas hati....Kasi lu rasa mcm mana kita org rasa. Ini dunia kecik saja maaa....tak boleh lari jauh. Orang semua pun sudah kenal lu. What comes around goes around....cakap banyak² pun tak guna just beware.....skrg gua tau lu baru pindah dari seksyen 5. gua tau address baru lu memang selamat la......"

Sorry i have to put in Malay cos i know this MotherF**kers wont understand English.
RochaJon said:
I bet this motherf**kers is reading this thread.

This is for you..

" Mana lu mau lari....Semua org sudah tau lu punya kereta n lu punya geng lepak kat mana. Sekarang nih tunggu masa saja sebelum lu punya kereta jadi mangsa. Evo 6 merah, Gti Biru, Gti convert. ini 3 kereta kasi jaga². gua nampak lu punya kereta memang gua bakar kasi hangus. kasi puas hati....Kasi lu rasa mcm mana kita org rasa. Ini dunia kecik saja maaa....tak boleh lari jauh. Orang semua pun sudah kenal lu. What comes around goes around....cakap banyak² pun tak guna just beware.....skrg gua tau lu baru pindah dari seksyen 5. gua tau address baru lu memang selamat la......"

Sorry i have to put in Malay cos i know this MotherF**kers wont understand English.

he is waiting for u,he didn lari.go and burn his house and car since u know the address.
The red Mitsu WJL26 was spotted in TTDI Jaya, Shah Alam just now (~2:30am). they were at the old road behind the Politeknik school, about 2.5 kilometers from the NSTP/The Star warehouse junction.

I saw that the rear boot cover is red and there is an EVO6 spoiler fixed on the car. did not dare to look at the whole car as the assumed owner was leaning on his car. a whole group of them comprising of about 16 different cars was lepaking at a gas station there. being the bonafide coward i am, i quickly left after filling up. i hope they will not be interested in my car, as they were eyeing my shabby clothes and unwashed ride, then laughing audibly at my taped front number plate :D. sigh~

if having such a dodgy, shoddy, n cheapskate modded car saves me from car crimes, i'll never complain when ppl laff at my half-finished junk EVER AGAIN :lol:

honestly, i am scared if the allegations are true and the person i saw is really what he is said to be. but i will not judge for my own too soon. until proven guilty... im reporting over and out. :D
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