Flood into car - Where is the hole?

Thanks for reply bro. I'll ask spare part shop if they have somthing to cover the hole.
talking about this.. there's a rubber supplier at petaling street..

they sell rubber for shoes.. but u can use it to put on the firewall..

Hi bro Veloc. Almost same problem as mine. But my car always flooded below big carpet after raining.
I also could not find where is the hole. It only flood at right side. Now, I always open drain cap on the floor to get water out.
Mine is almost not noticeable coz it flood under carpet.
Btw, I still havent check at steering coupling area.
i also having the same problem after raining...if u a proton user...keep in mind if u did change your door speaker...make sure ask the shop to seal the speaker hole

Hmm... Lst time when I wasn driving my wira, passenger side carpet always wet from front to back even with just wet roads and light rain. I also don't know why. I checked many times even with mech. All body caps are there. Really don't know why. But now is different car... toyota ae111 seg. Water gush in like shit.

i think all cars also have hole for speakers rite? unless u like the speaker and the magnet to be installed outside....new fashion?
Lol... What u mean install outside the body? Maybe got lala/ah beng/ricer will pioneer this fashion.

Today, I Remove big carpet for 2nd time. Then this is what I found. Confirm there is a hole at my firewall. I run through water pipe around the steering coupling area.
Firewall hole at steering coupling - YouTube
Major thanks to you man. For taking the trouble to let us see how is the steering coupling like! Hmm... But mine is passenger side.

Bro, there is another thing. I don't what is it called. Its like a very very hard rubber. Black. I have seen it in some old cars to close up holes. I think that would be a better choice. But I just don't know what is it. Don't know if it's some kind of tar or something like that.
Those sticky tar is it?

---------- Post added at 11:37 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 11:36 AM ----------

Thanks for all useful input guys.. I mean it's not serious and doesn't happen all the time. That day flood was really really bad. But I am just very curious how come water gush in like that.
It's ok bro. I also has to solve my problem too. From what I've saw at AE111 firewall, there is a hole for
2-engine wiring
3-aircon hose
4-other small hole

So, I don't think so much water can came in through that holes. Or maybe it came from aircon blower hole?
It's ok bro. I also has to solve my problem too. From what I've saw at AE111 firewall, there is a hole for
2-engine wiring
3-aircon hose
4-other small hole

So, I don't think so much water can came in through that holes. Or maybe it came from aircon blower hole?

Seems like it. I also got suspect. Water gush in like Noah's ark. But how flood water go into the blower???
those banjir inside car have you already check the a/c blower water tray and the drainage pipe???

maybe sumbat or pecah...so when on a/c condensed water from the cooling coil inside blower/dashboard go play inside cabin instead of drained out :adore:
Today's rain so heavy. Banjir lagi keto ambo(my car flood again.).
Maybe 1 try cheap solution 1st. Black silicon glue. Btw, epoxy is hard to manage in narrow area.
Hey guys,
recently i posted a thread about waterworld problems
and ran through a series of pumping water and checking air con,
looks i am having almost the exact same problem as me2kimi...

yesterday was ass rain arnd Puchong and when i pass through the 1 ft puddle, it was almost
like a waterfall below the steering area...even on normal rainy days the the floor mat is wet
gotta run to the mechanic again and burn my wallet...thanks for the info much appreciated
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