f***k.earthquake in klang!!

aiks....so its true juz now got a smal 1? my father felt it but i didnt cos verry hungry.....craving on food :P
IT HAPPENED AGAIN!!!!! in Sunway!!!! all staff evacuated to g/floorrr.. now ok di.. everyone back in d office...
Aftershocks. mostly rated 5 to 5.6.

heh heh heh...my office felt the vibration just now... they evacuated everyone... i was busy fixing one boss's laptop and he told me to quickly get out of his office and go outside... :blink:
Crap... it struck again around 2 just now.... :o .... prepare for the worst PEOPLE !!
yeah, around 2.30, i was taking a piss then it shook and i tot i was having a bad headache (like going 2 faint).. piss also not straight.. :(
it was 29th n the time is 2343....at cheras no earthquake...bbeen to sunway uni coll also dun hav.....it seems im veli lucky eh
my office(menara celcom also felt the shock)

all of the staff has been ordered to evacuated the building.
ppl some there's a major crack from lvl14 to lvl20
My office was at lvl 10.
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