Cold air intake hose : alum or rubber?


500 RPM
Senior Member
Dec 13, 2004
Hope this is the right place to post.

I have modified a CAI system in my car.

Problem is that i was using a aluminium air host and the temperature was cold enough...

Then i gatal go change it to steel piping for the air host, 2 weeks already and i have problems :

1. The steel piping is hitting the engine chassis and its making the car vibrating badly especially during cold start-up.

2. The steel piping is also touching the radiator hose and other hoses making the air intake very hot.

I have taken out the piping liao and it seems to solve the problem i.e. less vibration and more colder air.

But now do i use back aluminium piping or rubber piping better??

i don't want any vibration and increase in the temperature of the air intake... what do u think??

Need to know the price and also where to buy pls... thank you ... :cyclops:
besides material, some said the length is equally important. If too long n low end will suffer, too short may suck in water when driving under heavy rain.
if u dont want vibration noise, use rubber lo... its cheaper also mah.... but durability i dunno lar... mine so far so good...

but since u mentioned u used aluminium before, why not take back the old one and pasang back??.... u already knew the performance gain since u used it before...
alternatively, u can use the Alu one then wrap it with heat insulation superlon with adhesive back.

thanks for your advise :

1. To watch for measurement of the hose length.
2. Aluminium foil forgot to take back from modification shop.
3. Whatever material, to use insulation materials to reduce heat
and vibration.


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