Car Wash - TIPS

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5,000 RPM
Senior Member
Nov 4, 2004
Sendai, JAPAN.
Washing your car tips

Washing and polishing a car is a fairly easy task if care is taken to do the job properly. Here are some suggestions for doing the best job in minimum time with maximum results:

• Choose the right soap for washing the car. Household or laundry detergents are not recommended since some contain harsh abrasives and chemicals that can mar the car's finish. Even dishwashing detergent is not recommended since many contain various chemical additives that can damage car paint. Soap specifically manufactured to wash cars can be purchased at any auto parts store.

• Never wash a car in direct sunlight or while the motor is still hot. (Drive thru washes are not recommended, wait till the engine cools down.)

• Hose any excess dirt from the car exterior. If possible, using a high-pressure sprayer is best. This will help to dislodge stubborn dirt and debris.

• Use a soft sponge or terrycloth towel to lather the car, starting with the roof. When the roof has been cleaned, rinse the soap off completely. Repeat this process with each side of the car, including windows, tires, etc., doing one side at a time. Washing one side of the car at a time will prevent soap from drying on the car before it is completely washed.

• After all sides have been washed and rinsed, rinse the entire car, beginning with the roof.

• Using a soft dry towel, dry the car thoroughly, starting again with the roof and doing all four sides one at a time. Extra dry towels may be needed for this as towels become saturated with water.

• Using another towel, wipe all chrome and metal until water spots are removed.

• Clean windows inside and outside with window cleaner or a solution of water and white vinegar.

Before beginning to polish the car, read the instructions on the label of the product you have chosen. All waxes and polishes do not have the same instructions for use. Polishes come in several forms. You may wish to check with auto parts store personnel to decide which best suits your needs.

Here are some general suggestions that apply to most car polishes:

• Always choose a shady area to polish a car. This helps prevent streaking.

• Only work on one small section of the car at a time.

• Use a soft terrycloth towel or specially-purchased cloth to apply the polish.

• Apply polish with a circular motion. Then allow polish to dry to a haze.

• Using another dry towel or cloth of the same type, buff the polish.

• Adding extra layers of polish is not necessary since each layer added removes the previous layer.

• If road tar adheres to any area, remove with a small amount of WD-40 on a soft clean cloth. Wipe off quickly and rewax the area.
• Apply polish with a circular motion. Then allow polish to dry to a

All sifu at Autoworld teach me not to use circular motion as it will produce fine swirls mark. Use up and down motion for washing, polishing and waxing. Just like karate kid movie.
The swirls appear if unsuitable sponge used. Dont use hard ones.
It is logic when we use circular motion, so the swirl marks comes. If we not use any circular motion so no move can became the swirls.
eew.. i don hv wax at home.. i only wash n i never wax.. how sad
anyone know why cant wash car when motor is hot?...paint will fade off?
sonictheory said:
anyone know why cant wash car when motor is hot?...paint will fade off?

Water will dry before you can wipe it off and cause water spots.
To all sifus, what is the different between wax and polish? Thankz bross....:angel_smile:
pirate_69 said:
To all sifus, what is the different between wax and polish? Thankz bross....:angel_smile:

Polish is primarily used to clean your car's paint finish ( beware, there are many types of polish, some with mild abrasives that does not eat up your clearcoat, some have abrasive cleaners that will eat up your clearcoat and requires more work with other products to "re-do" the affected clearcoat area ) and wax is a LSP ( Last Step Product ), to protect your car's finish, to give it THAT glow, to make it REFLECT better, to ease washing up the car 7 days later, to lessen and ease the removal of the effects from bird poo / tree sap etc on the car's finish. If you're the kind of fella who have the time and tools ( a rotary buffer is a damn good tool! ) you can do the whole shebang from washing, claying, wash again, repair / do treatment on affected areas of the car ( stuffs like Scratch X to lessen the effect of cobwebs, scratches on your car ), polish, wax, do tyres and rubber trims, then do clean up and finish up the interior. If you don't have lots of free time or don't have the rotary buffer ( like me! ) then just do weekly wash, polish and wax ( takes about 50 mins + 40 mins + 40 mins : total time around 2 hours and 10 mins for my 3 door hatch, maybe around 2 hours and a half plus rest in between ). If you do polish your car last week, and the finish is still very clean ( not those black grime sitting on your bonnet! ) the next time your wash your car, no need to polish and therefore save more time! With our weather, road conditions, neighbours and construction work around, it's good to do the wash + polish + wax on a weekly basis. Hell, even my car's finish is not as good as I want it to be, but I still do the routine every weekend to avoid more damages on the car's paint finish later on. Brands doesn't really matter much ( but then, Meguiar's and AutoGlym is the best and easiest to work with ) so you can actually mix and match between 'em, just make sure if, for example, the 1st polish u used to treat your car is made with synthetic polymers, the next or finishing polish must have the same basic properties as well, to let 'em work together.
ace79. what kind of polish do u use?

i use soft 99 to polish, anyone using it or any comment about the brand.

for washing, i use only cheap car shampoo sold at Giant
Soft 99, I'm not very familiar with it, never use it bfr. Do give Featherlite Auto Polish a try, make sure the car have just been washed, dry it up, then apply AutoLite SPARINGLY ( apply in thin coats ). Only requires about max 10 mins to dry, the immediately wipe off! No need to buff off more than once! Then apply wax ( my current fav is Meguiar's NXT paste wax, although Meguiar's M21 liquid wax is way better in terms of durability and water beading properties ) SPARINGLY as well, apply in thin coat, then only wait for 10 mins max, then wipe off. DOn't let the polish or wax to dry off longer than that, it'll be very hard for you to wipe 'em off and it'll create those pesky white dusts as well. To know whether the polish / wax is dry and ready to be wiped off, do "The Swipe Test". Run one of your CLEAN finger lightly thru the polish / wax. No need to run your finger soooo looooong, hence the name : Swipe Test, just swipe your finger lightly. If the area where you've done the test comes off clean, then that means the polish / wax is ready to be wiped off. Do use quality polish / wax applicators ( Meguair's High Tech Applicator is cheap, forgot the price, but surely less than RM 7.00 a piece ) and quality microfibre cloths for wiping off duties. And please, stop using that cheap car wash and get a good one instead, like Meguiar's NXT wash or AutoGlym's.
What is that??? car shampoo or wax??? I never heard b4...

But anyway, is that after you use nano-k its help anything for the car???

Just share it here!!!
luxi : soft99 is good, my dad been using this brand for almost 10 years now.

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