car crime + burglary + rape case at Kota Damansara area

astalavista_baby said:
You can't really tolerate rapist? I totally cannot tolerate them!!! They should die slowly out of their body wishing they'd just die instantly, that kinda pain would be damn good on them. NO, NO, this death process should be repeated indefinitely!!! Go to hell, rapists!!!

No shit man! That's the lowest form of crime! If this were the US and we were to kill a rapist that attacked someone we knew, we could plead temporary insanity. Would like to see them sodomised by a horse.
edwin_lcw said:
haih another sad day ....... next time if any of you find ppl like this ...... pls pls call me ..... my shop n my car got so many weapon that i could come n supply u ...... the best is my shop got steel pipe ...... we could do so many tricks like the US army do on the iran peeps .... so many things ..... human piramid ...... whack them like hell ...... use tube cutter to cut of their dick ..... we could bring them go parade naked hanging a sign "i`m a rapist" especially pasar ....... best place ..... count me in ...... i come straightly

u meant iraq
ctquah, sure in palm spring? there are tones of condo along the area. none of the news stated the exact crime scene location.But Palm Spring does have CCTV at major exist.

serious, i don't really care the arguement between Dr. M with BN/UMNO, cases like this concern me more.
usually the media wouldn't publish the crime scene; cos it might cause panics or "38" ppl to go and gossip thus propery value becomes lower..... car plate is 38
no, you have to, this will help to alert the rest of the resisdent can take precaution step.
and pressure the management level to tiden security measurement.

property value more improtant than your life or your gf/wife? I don't think so.
Very stupid of the thieves/rapist.

If they get caught and put into the prison, they will suffer very kau.

Probably the boyfriend or girlfriend will hire people inside the prison to give them (the brainless thieves) a "good time"

Inside the prison, alot of funny funny people (gangsters, bouncers, gays, homos, etc).

When they come out, their wind pipe diameter will probably be bigger by a few cm.
Let's take on the old law, long long time ago,during Kesultanan Melayu Melaka,thieves will be cut off their hands, killers will be punished to death,
but in case of rapist ( this is not mentioned in the Sejarah Text book), I suggest their p*nis should be cut off and due to "you pay for what you've done" rule, they should be raped as well or their wife/gf/mother/grandmother/daughter (who ever comes first) be raped. LOL, fair enough is it? Don't blame Malay, their ancestors were intelligent too
BTW.. I'm a Chinese ...LOL
Yes, I also think all these rape thing are done by Malays, but chinese n indian haf their fair share of crimes as well. Indians are famous nowadays for breaking into factory stealing steels, and chinese are famous for ah longs, gangster, road bully, and armed robbery.

I think our country is suffering from development. Some ppl catches up but others dont. Resulting in a wider gap between rich n poor. It cant be helped. Its more with their mentality. If they always think the bad way as a way out for them, things like this will keep on going.
i was thinking is it possible that the case is done by indon? you know, some may not able to differentiate between indon and malay.
Guys,confirm the case happen at Palm Spring, Newspaper report a dialog between the resident with the management Saturday.
Jeff86ks said:
Let's take on the old law, long long time ago,during Kesultanan Melayu Melaka,thieves will be cut off their hands, killers will be punished to death,
but in case of rapist ( this is not mentioned in the Sejarah Text book), I suggest their p*nis should be cut off and due to "you pay for what you've done" rule, they should be raped as well or their wife/gf/mother/grandmother/daughter (who ever comes first) be raped. LOL, fair enough is it? Don't blame Malay, their ancestors were intelligent too
BTW.. I'm a Chinese ...LOL

On a serious note, I am against capital punishment. It's all well and good when you know for sure the dudes guilty but even then, you'd like to think we have become a more civalised society and just because a few ingrates choose to act like neandrathals, we do not need to stoop to their level. I'm only seeing this because I've there's a vid being circulated over the net of a boy in Iran ( I think) getting his hand crushed for stealing. 1) He's only a kid and may not know any better. 2) He may have stolen because of poverty and need to rather than wanted to. In any case, I think capital punishment is really crude. But I have to admit, I sometimes feel the same as you do, and with criminals were made to suffer rather than doing them a favour and killing them quick.
Please refrain from racially iclined statements.

ANyone here know the rapist?

How sure are you they were Malays or Indons or Hawaiians?

If dark skin or Rapis is sure to be Malay, then I tell you Chinese out there, your sense of racial tolerence is as pale as your skin.

Until proven guilty beyond a shadow of doubt, one is presume innocent.

Oh by the way, I'm CHinese too.
haha, lik tat lor.......if u think tis was dangerous enuf, then i hav a good option, juz go ahead 2 get a terrace house, not 2 buy condor or even apartment(sorry for saying tat coz apartment more rojak, coz low cost mah), safe a lot compare with the other both!!
dunno y, coz feel better gua!!!
duck_killer99, it just happen last Friday i believe, a pregnant lady were push away after she came down and close the door gate (so I assume it's a terrace house). Another Cibai push her to the floor (WTF!)and drove her Avanza away, with her 2 years-old child on board! Luckily the child was found 30 mins later after the incident. The Avanza remain missing up until today.

it's just not safe out there.

Joeker, i list down the race here according to the report not because I wanted to raise racist issue, but I hope that it will help for zthian to stay alert and maybe can help to crack the case. Maybe there are witness here can help the police.
The mere mention of one's race does not indicate racism. Eg. "3 Chinese dudes beat the crap out of someone" is not a racist remark. It's merely a description of the offenders. It's like how cops in the US say "White male". If I were to say "Chinese Cunts" on the other hand, that can be interpreted as a racist remark.
damn.. cut off dick where got enough??? these mofo sob should be subjected to being gang-ass raped by gay afro man with at least 12 inch schlong... after that.. have their dicks covered with honey and shoved into a killer bee's hive...

i too am not fully supportive of capital punishment.. but i do have an execption for rapish.. mahai.. really the scum of the earth..

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