Buka Puasa

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Ok, so far I have received donations from the following:

2) Temujin
3) Mistaken Identity
4) khairil_1
5) Blood Red
6) geber
7) reccaoji

Please let me know if I have left anyone out. As for the above, would you mind letting me know how many people are coming with you? Thanks.

For the rest, they are expecting up to 20 people on our side and catering is being prepared with that figure in mind. Do not worry too much about banking in the money before confirming attendance. As long as you say you will be there and I can take your word for it, the food will be prepared accordingly. The donations can be banked in any time before next week just don't leave it too late because should there be excess funds after taking into account the cost of the event, we can divide that money to be distributed among the kids or something along those lines.

As mentioned earlier, there are 40 children with 15 boys and the remaining are girls. I'm waiting for Ustaz Yahya's wife to email me the shirt sizes and ages of the boys and depending on stock levels, they will each receive a T-shirt from Rev-Junkies. That is yet to be confirmed since they might be too small for even Rev-Junkies' smallest sized T-shirt. As for the girls, I'm still on the lookout for a suitable souvenir and if anyone has ideas, please let me know.
The list of those who have donated towards this event are as follows:

2) Temujin
3) Mistaken Identity
4) khairil_1
5) Blood Red [2 + 2]
6) geber
7) reccaoji
8) rokok_sebatang [2 + 1]

As mentioned earlier, the boys at Nur Zaharah will be receiving t-shirts from Rev Junkies who will mention this event on their Twitter and Facebook pages. Additionally, the event will also be covered in both Hypertune and Shift. Finally some positive publicity for the Skyline community.
en. PIMPIN, saya dah transfer duit tu hari ni..
tima kaseh.

---------- Post added at 08:41 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 08:40 AM ----------

opss telupa, 2+2
The following have donated and will be attending:

2) Temujin
3) Mistaken Identity
4) khairil_1
5) Blood Red [2 + 2]
6) geber
7) reccaoji
8) rokok_sebatang [2 + 1]
9) Sudut [2]
10) pokkuNeo [2 + 2]
11) zamad97

The following have donated and won't be attending:

1) Hamba Allah (anonymous ZTH member who does not want identity revealed).
2) Hamba Allah (totally anonymous)
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sorry if this question is to early Mr Pimpin. Do we gather before going?and were and what time?

Agreed..I suggest we meet up at bhp station after tol gombak on that day..time??5 or 6pm?or any suggestion?? :smokin:
Just transferred. InshaAllah will attend

Bro, can I double check if this came from you: Cash Deposit 06-Aug-2011 16:06:04

---------- Post added at 01:57 AM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 01:50 AM ----------

Agreed..I suggest we meet up at bhp station after tol gombak on that day..time??5 or 6pm?or any suggestion?? :smokin:

I was hoping someone could volunteer to help me out with this part of the event which is to gather everyone at a single location before heading up to Nur Zaharah. The drive from BHP on Karak Highway after the Gombak toll should take at most 30 minutes which is the worst case scenario considering it isn't as far in as my house is.

If we could gather at 5.45pm with the intention of leaving by 6pm then we should arrive by 6.30pm which isn't too late nor is it too early. It wouldn't be nice to arrive just in time to eat since the reason is to spend time with the children.

For me add 1..so total 2..thx pimpin.

Noted and amended accordingly.
RR below are from my side. Sorry for the late reply.

1. Feez + dya
2. Dr D + wife
3. Nezam + wife + son
4. Azman + wife + son
5. Saiful + wife
6. Arizal + wife
7. Hamba allah + wife

Maybe I ade more than 5 cars akan ikut. Will update u by today!
The following have donated and will be attending:

2) Temujin
3) Mistaken Identity
4) khairil_1 [1 + 1]
5) Blood Red [2 + 2]
6) geber
7) reccaoji
8) rokok_sebatang [2 + 1]
9) Sudut [2]
10) pokkuNeo [2 + 2]
11) zamad97
12) Eagle F1 [+?]

There have been donations from three individuals all of whom will not be attending the event. Two of them are in the car business specifically automotive performance however one of them I've never even seen post in this section of ZTH.

Regardless, they shall remain anonymous as they had contacted me directly via email and private messages so I assumed they'd like to remain that way unless I'm told otherwise. (you know who you are, once again I sincerely thank you).

Feez, looking forward to confirmation sometime today. Thanks bro!

---------- Post added at 09:31 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 05:30 PM ----------

Just to update:

1) Justin Toh of Rev-Junkies has graciously donated T-shirts from the Classics Collection of Rev-Junkies range of apparel. The T-shirts should be ready for pick-up on Tuesday from the Hypertune/Shift office.

Below are just two different designs however he will be giving all the designs available in a mixture of black and white colours according to the sizes of the boys as provided by Ustaz Yahya.



2) One of the members here has responded to my Facebook request for help finding gifts for the girls and kindly donated head scarves or tudungs for the girls. The tudungs are all the same design and are "Lavender, lilac. Very simple with a bit of blink on the awning". I have absolutely no idea what that means but that is just a direct quote. Will post pictures of them on Wednesday when I collect them.

That's all for now. Thanks. :burnout:
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RR below are from my side. Sorry for the late reply.

1. Feez + dya
2. Dr D + wife
3. Nezam + wife + son
4. Azman + wife + son
5. Saiful + wife
6. Arizal + wife
7. Hamba allah + wife

Maybe I ade more than 5 cars akan ikut. Will update u by today!

Ok, if that is the case I have 36 people confirmed on our end. Not including the other 5 cars you may or may not bring along. Have you collected any donations from those who have confirmed bro?
Dear pimpin..

Below are the name lists from my side,

1. Feez + dya (Paid)
2. Dr D + wife (Paid)
3. Nezam + wife + son (Paid)
4. Azman + wife + son (Paid)
5. Saiful + wife (Paid)
6. Arizal + wife (Paid)
7. Hamba allah + wife (Paid)
8. Mat Baha + family = 5pax
9. Kahar 1 Pax
10. Rosdi 1 pax

No 7-10 still pending for payment..they said will bank in by today and update me later..so far in my hand, ada rm 700 termasuk me la ok..

ok checkpoint - me from kota damansara, so 1st checkpoint at Shell after toll jalan duta and 2nd checkpint at Shell UIA Gombak..

time tentative..will update soon..tq
Dear pimpin..

Below are the name lists from my side,

1. Feez + dya (Paid)
2. Dr D + wife (Paid)
3. Nezam + wife + son (Paid)
4. Azman + wife + son (Paid)
5. Saiful + wife (Paid)
6. Arizal + wife (Paid)
7. Hamba allah + wife (Paid)
8. Mat Baha + family = 5pax
9. Kahar 1 Pax
10. Rosdi 1 pax

No 7-10 still pending for payment..they said will bank in by today and update me later..so far in my hand, ada rm 700 termasuk me la ok..

Thanks for your cooperation bro, you've made it much easier for me to finalize the preparations. BTW, surely you mean No. 8-10? Anyway, in that case could you wait until you've collected the entire amount first before banking in/passing to me? Easier to do it all at one go. :adore:

Anyway, taking into account the number of people listed above there are now 95 people who will be at the event (45 from our side and 50 from Nur Zaharah). Luckily, I anticipated this and had catering, seating etc organized for 100 people.

I have attached the menu, terms and conditions of the catering service and also the receipt from the caterers. I have yet to pay for the rental of the tables, chairs and tents (contingency plan in the event of rain). Aside from that, should there be any money left over then I shall distribute it evenly to all the kids via Ustaz Yahya or perhaps just donate the money directly into Nur Zaharah's account. We'll cross that bridge if and when we come to it.

Even had Malaysian Skyline Club as proof for you guys. :biggrin:



Pimpin... May Allah bless you my friend... lagi2 bulan Ramadhan ni.

I didn't pay for it bro, everyone did. I just drove there which is 10 minutes away and to Janda Baik a couple of times which I needed to do anyway to feed the arapaimas and gars. So everyone here is just as responsible for making this happen, without any of you guys this would be nothing but a dream.

So the list of attendees:

2) Temujin
3) Mistaken Identity
4) khairil_1 [1 + 1]
5) Blood Red [2 + 2]
6) geber
7) reccaoji
8) rokok_sebatang [2 + 1]
9) Sudut [2]
10) pokkuNeo [2 + 2]
11) zamad97
12) Eagle F1 [+?]
13) Akram from Dragstar [+?]
14) Feez + dya (Paid)
15) Dr D + wife (Paid)
16) Nezam + wife + son (Paid)
17) Azman + wife + son (Paid)
18) Saiful + wife (Paid)
19) Arizal + wife (Paid)
20) Hamba allah + wife (Paid)
21) Mat Baha + family = 5pax
22) Kahar 1 Pax
23) Rosdi 1 pax
24) JaHaX [+?]
25) Justin Toh - on behalf of Hypertune & Shift
26) Dinesh - on behalf of ZTH (?)

If everyone listed does turn-up there will be 97 people at the event. Thanks for the show of support. BTW, can anyone confirm if Sahak is coming?
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I'll meet up with u at the Shell after Jalan Duta Toll.

Perhaps we meet there around.. 5.30pm?
Ok noted temujin...

Tentative Itinerary

Saturday morning please double check your car, engine, oil, water, tyre pressure etc and make sure you wash your car haha :elefant:

3pm - 3.30pm - 1st checkpoint at shell jalan duta. Punctuality is paramount! :banghead:

4pm - 5pm - 2nd check point at petronas gombak (UIA)...All must be there before 5pm!! :mad:

5pm - roll out to Janda baik..since ramai yang join and maybe more than 20 cars, apa kata kite susun kasi cantik sikit... R34 front row, R33 2nd row, R32 3rd row and last will be R35 hehe...

5.30pm - if ada datang from janda baik etc, please meet us at Shell/MCD Janda baik

6.20pm - arrival at destination!

Sergeant - Mr Pimpin

Lans Corporal – Mr Blood Red

If there any ideas or suggestion, please reply here so that we can amend the Tentative Itinerary :driver:
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