Brainless Idiot's Death Wish

BLaCkHoWLiNG said:
bogg: i deliver to buyer.. not recipient... and in PJ Area only wor... ok with u?

samurai: u should try that... but if u bang anyone.. it aint my fault *Disclaimer*
bogg>> he will only deliver to PJ "safe" area only

Howvie>> Ok, i won't tell them that I learn it from the black supra. :mouth_closed: :mouth_closed: :mouth_closed:
BLaCkHoWLiNG said:
bogg: i deliver to buyer.. not recipient... and in PJ Area only wor... ok with u?

samurai: u should try that... but if u bang anyone.. it aint my fault *Disclaimer*

do not let Blackhowling deliver the flower to recipient .. he is just too handsome to do the job ....(scared later ur gal fren become his)...muahhaha :cry_smile:
what happened if a car fairly speeding at that area and sumbody jumps in and get hitted and died(just making it the worst case scenario)

who's fault isit? since it's wrong to cross the road. will it still be the car fault?
do not let Blackhowling deliver the flower to recipient .. he is just too handsome to do the job ....(scared later ur gal fren become his)...muahhaha :cry_smile:

huakenny said:

if u guy hit one of the road user duting crossing the road...

who wil be the wrong party? since everyone is crosing the road n it is visible for u to see them....but u didnt stop n hit them....

so who is wrong who is right?

to my knowledge, you'll be charged with involuntary manslaughter. pedestrians are king.
We should get all these people and send them to India. Ask them to do the same there and see if they still think pedestrians are king...if they make it back that is.
Duke Red said:
to my knowledge, you'll be charged with involuntary manslaughter. pedestrians are king.
nope... i had to went thru almost 2 yrs off bloody court session for a case, whereby i broke a leg of a pedestrain, while that dumb ass jay walked infront of the klcc carpark.. it was a blindspot as i exited the ram... he suddenly decided to cross the road without looking.. bam.. bumper struck his right leg..

and he was a punk wit mohican hairstyle.. and imagine, at that moment his whole gang of hooligans surrounded my car...

i wind down the window.. told him.. i send u to hospital.. just u.. but of course he brought along wit him his friend...

sent him to general hostp... confirm... broke his leg at two area, the ankle and his shin... damn.. a slight nudge also broke it?

so ok loh.. send him to ward... called his sister, but he said dont call .. let him cut his mohican hair before calling her.. wtf?! grr... dont care.. his prob. I told him i'm going to make police report.. tell him to do his after he is discharged... (advice fr the cop)

so on same day went to tun hslee police station make report... sarjen said not my fault.. so i'm free to go. But of course, a few months later received a court order.. bugger wanna sue me for compensation.. so car insurance sent their lawyer to defend for me...

went on for close to 2 yrs... finally? they can't put a charge.. or watever la.. they wanna settle off court.. then none of my business liao... coz i've already sent u to hospital and paid for the stuffs...

so finally... case close... troublesome gile...
zephyr3d said:
nope... i had to went thru almost 2 yrs off bloody court session for a case, whereby i broke a leg of a pedestrain, while that dumb ass jay walked infront of the klcc carpark.. it was a blindspot as i exited the ram... he suddenly decided to cross the road without looking.. bam.. bumper struck his right leg..

and he was a punk wit mohican hairstyle.. and imagine, at that moment his whole gang of hooligans surrounded my car...

i wind down the window.. told him.. i send u to hospital.. just u.. but of course he brought along wit him his friend...

sent him to general hostp... confirm... broke his leg at two area, the ankle and his shin... damn.. a slight nudge also broke it?

so ok loh.. send him to ward... called his sister, but he said dont call .. let him cut his mohican hair before calling her.. wtf?! grr... dont care.. his prob. I told him i'm going to make police report.. tell him to do his after he is discharged... (advice fr the cop)

so on same day went to tun hslee police station make report... sarjen said not my fault.. so i'm free to go. But of course, a few months later received a court order.. bugger wanna sue me for compensation.. so car insurance sent their lawyer to defend for me...

went on for close to 2 yrs... finally? they can't put a charge.. or watever la.. they wanna settle off court.. then none of my business liao... coz i've already sent u to hospital and paid for the stuffs...

so finally... case close... troublesome gile...
Do you think it would have been easier, for you, if you sent him to meet his maker? No law suit then.
Dude, the "maker" in this sense usually refers to god, whichever one applies.
si|verfish said:
Dude, the "maker" in this sense usually refers to god, whichever one applies.
hahaha... pls.. i'll leave that to his rival tribes to dissect him...

can u imagine.. surrounded by a bunch of punks? knn... if he successfully sue me, i'll definitely fucking sue KLCC for organising some xtreme games rite at the carpark, with no security measure for their visitors... imagine, all hangging out by the carpark exit, some even sitting by the exit.. all asking for it.
blackie..last time same like you. my frend driving me to clinic. sommore in old town, the small road behidn the bus depot. where got 2 or 3 clinics one. was driving up the small road, then some stupid schoolgirls decided to cross the road, but taking their bloody sweet time. see car also walk like siput. hehehe. then bang one of the girl la. she fell on the floor but lucky nothing happened. but after that the whole group stare cock. priceless.
but damn funny, coz i think they got a shock. tai sei la....see car also still cross slowly, expecting us to stop eventhough they saw us coming from damn far. cannot walk faster.

but in US and other countries....ppl purposely jump in front of moving cars so that they can sue the drivers. its a damn con.

zephyrs...u should have just bang the fukker a few more times la. then send him to hospital. apa la lu.
eh ramsing.. u sure u just stop there ar? i tot u sure take them to starkiss and groom them into one of the ... ahem.. gro. kakakaka.
zephyr3d said:
nope... i had to went thru almost 2 yrs off bloody court session for a case, whereby i broke a leg of a pedestrain, while that dumb ass jay walked infront of the klcc carpark.. it was a blindspot as i exited the ram... he suddenly decided to cross the road without looking.. bam.. bumper struck his right leg..

yeah mah, he didn't die man. it's a whole different scenario if he did. i'm sure there are exceptions lah like if he did the 100m dash right into you and there were witnesses.
of course if u kill or seriously injuring a pedestrain, then it would be alot more difficult.

but it was totally a freak accident man.. spoilt my x'mas.... really pardon my friend whom came down to KL fr PG to meet up wit his relatives fr overseas... had to delay the dinner... wasted time at hospital, then police station...

in fact i kena stalked too... phone call stalking la by a bogus cop.. i reported to the cops at the policestation.. police called up that number, the stalker kinda chicken out..... never called since then.
satria_95 said:
They DO NOT even want to use the monorail pedestrian crossing which is less than 100 meters ahead.

can someone verify this, I was told the monorail crossing only access to monorail BUT cannot access to the other side as it was not intended to be a pedestrian bridge crossing.

I not certain as i have never been there.
The thing about these pedestrian crossings, underground passes is that it's sometimes quite dangerous in the late evenings/nights. Not all lah but some. Rapings and robberies have happened at such areas as assailants await victims in dark corners, etc. Quite stress also lah. Actually I don't get that pissed of with pedestrians as long as they hurry the hell up. Some mofo's purposely take their time although they can see you coming.
reminds me of the movie irreversible....

but anyhow, pedestrian underpasses are very dangerous... anything can happen.. robbery, etc.

but that aside, pedestrian should value their life, never take for granted that the driver has enuf time to slow down, or notice u crossing the road. I myself drives.. so i know the feeling like when suddenly see a pedestrian crossing the road...

so when i walk, i'll make sure i cross the road properly.. coz sometimes u can underestimate the speed of the car coming... or sometimes, drives are just not paying attention, knowing that he/she has to pay attention to the traffic coming fr front, left, right and behind.. and to have something not belonging on the road will sometime catch the driver off guard.
koolspyda said:
can someone verify this, I was told the monorail crossing only access to monorail BUT cannot access to the other side as it was not intended to be a pedestrian bridge crossing.

I not certain as i have never been there.

I can confirm it. been using that crossing all year long last year during my trips to Low Yat plaza. I always park in Times Square and cross over using the 1st level bridge to the other side. u dont even have to go thru the station, as the walkway is a direct path under the station with stairs to go up to the platform.
koolspyda said:
can someone verify this, I was told the monorail crossing only access to monorail BUT cannot access to the other side as it was not intended to be a pedestrian bridge crossing.

I not certain as i have never been there.
well.. if u're referring to the timesquare wan... it IS a pedestrian crossing... i used that everytime when i was working at KL... to get to hang tuah station fr lowyatt...

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