Boost level to maintain 180 km/h


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Jun 8, 2004
Pee Neng
What is ur boost reading when maintaining at 180 km/h?? Mine is 0.5, if i keep it below 0.5, bov keep on venting air like leaking. Izit bov leaking or this is normal.
by controlling the throttle, u can even maintain 180 in negatvie pressure. keyword : maintain. boost hits in while u r accelerating bro
What BOV you are using?
IMHO, All piston type BOV is like that. It should be normal. As xtremeleo said, it's all in the throttle.
muskasim : is the leak non stop? dats normal for a piston type bov, mine makes a loooooooonnnnggg loud chaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!! blitz super sound is the best, imo :)
Yes, loooooooonnnnggg loud chaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!! Mine using Apexi twin chamber... so what brand of bov doesn't use the piston type...i found that i cannot maintain the speed if i didn't boost up, if i keep it at negative pressure the speed will slow down.
i still can mantain -ve vacumm when speeding at 180kmh. just need to control ur pedal.
juts like xtreme said, boost onli come when u accelerate or pushing ur pedal.
supernatural : thanx for the backup bro :)

muskasim : i can even accelerate faster even when my boost is leaking out, there s a way to control the throttle for dis effect. learn how ur engine works wit ur bov, and u'll have fun wit its non stop chaaaasssss!!!! its not ur bov's fault, dont worry. oh, maybe u can just tighten the spring, more? play wit the bov's spring rate, maybe u havent got the ideal setting for ur engine? i tuned my bov myself and its working great!!
Contrary to popular belief, HKS SSQV is in fact one of the best BOV in the market.

Unlike other bov that merely rely on the spring tension, HKS SSQV uses boost pressure to help seal the valve from premature venting and also uses boost pressure to close the valve faster.
ftzone said:
the only BOV which is not using piston i know of is the HKS SSQV.

GReedy Typre S / R / RS and A.R.C BOVs also does not use piston to actuate.
joeker, is dat ur car? NICE!!
regarding the ssqv, ive used it and it leaks after a couple of month of usage. whereas blitz ss is still sweet, even after more then a year now. my blitz doesnt leak at all, it leaks boost when i want it to : )
i get -ve reading when reaching 180kmh
like other said, u just need to control ur pedal
boost only come in when u accelarate
boost goes up???

boost goes up when u push the padel...
if your can not start the boost at 0.0...
not too sure on what your asking but if ur having problems holding boost at high speeds or high rpm it might me the hose that is connected on your turbo housing to your waste gate. a buddy with an s14 had that problem, everytime he'd push the car the boost would cut out. after a ton of trial and error we found it was that hose.
i think he just wanted to know whats the minimum boost u can run at 180kmh
For my case, if i want to run at 180 km/h i need to boost it above 0 bar, if not speed will slowly drop.
not necessarily bro, i can vent boost via the bov when accelerating. if maintaining speed, the boost shudnt exceed 0 imo
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