anybody know how 2 join skyline group?

im dead man ... Dr D and Nas has gang up to gang bang me ... better wear titanium weaving underwear next time ... kakakakaka

well, lemme see what is the similarity between Dr. D and Nas ... hemm, there must be some similarity somewhere i guess ...

dont speak too loud Nas, im still keeping ur *secret* intact ... hehehe
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Damn rite there Dr.D.....just beware of JAHAX he has the tendency to go tt without underware.....hahahhahahahaaha....sorry bro my bad.

Terpaksa pecah lubang oso. :)


Kelakar sgt la...

bro, Jahax... when next tt? has mafiabear contacted you yet?
im dead man ... Dr D and Nas has gang up to gang bang me ... better wear titanium weaving underwear next time ... kakakakaka

well, lemme see what is the similarity between Dr. D and Nas ... hemm, there must be some similarity somewhere i guess ...

dont speak too loud Nas, im still keeping ur *secret* intact ... hehehe

Huh!!! *secret*..wat secret...i dono wat ur talking about :driver:

(run awayy.....)

Oh tat reminds me how was last nite? :)
Guys, if its ok pls post TT time and location here so i can join. TQ TQ TQ

Bump: Guys, if its ok pls post TT time and location here so i can join. TQ TQ TQ
... it like an opening statement for those eying for JZA80 ya ... kakakaka ... well, i reckon there gonna be 2 people selling GTT by the end of the year and opt for the T-REX

by the way, what is *supernode*? ... me a bit blur ... what do u expect, manic monday ... dang, i detest monday

mafiabear, u are located in PJ rite? ... u can always join us for *teh tarik / talk tcork* session in sunway

really!? located in petaling jaya.where do u normally go for TT?
really!? located in petaling jaya.where do u normally go for TT?

Normally we lepak at Sunway on Friday nite. If we have extra good mood that nite, we heading to Genting. Actually our group is a bit rojak, even Toyota DX and Corolla also joining but they usually park jauh2 la.... heheheh... We are just normal guys that appreciate our 'blood and sweat' rides no matter what car you drive. Kene kutuk skit2 biasa la.

Or are you dares enough to join the GTR group?
haha..sunway?which area?near the food court?TR group? tooo noob for that..haha =)
haha..sunway?which area?near the food court?TR group? tooo noob for that..haha =)

Usually at the Mamak infront Esso station seldom at food court. That one usually GTR big boys's ball park. Heheheh... are you dares enough to lepak with them? hahahah... You check with Jahax the time and date. He is the master cordinator. You will be surprise, the gang is just a normal regular Joe like someone want a GTR but settle for GTT instead. Sound familiar ? Hahahahahahahah......
regular "Joe".... pocong got 6 cars, i dont think he is regular.. hahahaha
regular "Joe".... pocong got 6 cars, i dont think he is regular.. hahahaha

Ehhhhhh... bro Joe, long time dont see you around. Yeah got 6 cars but all very2 'regular' cars la. All cars actually do not qualify me to join Skyline club heheheh... But Skyliners are a very2 gracious people. Perghh.... bodek kene kuat skit bro.
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