4g93t vs 4g92 MIVEC


well if i am not mistaken, the first generation of B16A, SR20, CA18, 4G93 and 4G63 came out from the same batch in the end of the 80s. 88 or 89 to be exact.

now if you say that we VR-4 and 4G93 users are all outdated and old...my goodness...what about SR20, CA18 and the useless junk B16A?

wei EVO 6,7,8,9 users...buang your engine la...old technology la...so outdated la you all! MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

*YaWnzzzz* .. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

Yarkkk!. Don't throw away all ler..pass to me. Wanna sell besi buruk to get some $$$ for makan!. kekekeke
yr 88 until 1995 was generated a lot of JDM monsters.
Now ppl is looking for LEV.
what was from year 88 to 95? b16a? b16a engines were still being produced until 2000.
B16A is consider monster engine? :briggin:
Btw, those monster engine like RB26, 3000GTO etc...
i hate to say it but if you had written your comment slightly clearer i wouldnt have assumed you were referring to the b16a.

yes there were lots of great engines from that era. i agree
hello everyone.. I have some question here.. (same like wajafly mention earlier but still no answer :confused: ) how about 4g92 mivec turbo vs 4g93t.. and how much to bolt on turbo on mivec 92?.. tq..:burnout:

4g92 mivec turbo vs 4g93t , too little information to let you know
wht turbo for the mivec ? wht boost for the mivec , nothing stated
i can bolt on a gt30r on a mivec it will of cos tapau the gsr even at 0.8bar , i can put a td025 on a mivec and boost 2bar and still loose to a 4g93t boosting 0.6bar, so how now ?
4g92 mivec turbo vs 4g93t , too little information to let you know
wht turbo for the mivec ? wht boost for the mivec , nothing stated
i can bolt on a gt30r on a mivec it will of cos tapau the gsr even at 0.8bar , i can put a td025 on a mivec and boost 2bar and still loose to a 4g93t boosting 0.6bar, so how now ?

yesss.. this is what I want to know.. tqvm..
so the short story is.. if u want to tapau gsr go for gt30r.. is that rite?
will browse for BOT topic..
Yeah, I am and thank you.

I talk base on driving experience on B16A, GSR and SR20DET.

To tell u the truth, GSR lose to a Super2000 Ford Escort in a drag race, can u by all means explains that ?


so u take this drag race as a 'FACT' to backup ur statements? so many variables here, how to take it as a 'FACT'? so many things involved in a drag race...driver skill la, traction issues la, engine tuning la, car weight la, budget spent modding the engine/car/suspension...sheesh

seen a satria evo smoke a skyline in a drag video...so rb26dett useless la? sheesh
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so u take this drag race as a 'FACT' to backup ur statements? so many variables here, how to take it as a 'FACT'? so many things involved in a drag race...driver skill la, traction issues la, engine tuning la, car weight la, budget spent modding the engine/car/suspension...sheesh

seen a satria evo smoke a skyline in a drag video...so rb26dett useless la? sheesh

u ever heard a toyota starlet 1980s version tapau evo at bako racing? the starlet got 3S GTE heavy loaded! it was old old story.
so u take this drag race as a 'FACT' to backup ur statements? so many variables here, how to take it as a 'FACT'? so many things involved in a drag race...driver skill la, traction issues la, engine tuning la, car weight la, budget spent modding the engine/car/suspension...sheesh

seen a satria evo smoke a skyline in a drag video...so rb26dett useless la? sheesh

yeap yeap.
Wow,quite a thread...
hei Masri, listen to all of this sifu..
it actually depends on what you want..turbo do have the advantage from a N/A engine but 1 thing fun about a N/A engine is that u can 'lenjan' more often.
u can hold ur top for a longer period w/o worrying much of ur engine parts.
regarding the maintenance,it all depends on ur mod and usage actually..
Im using only a mere mod of 4g93p since i love to travel..but mayB someday ill change to a turbo for more torque fun..

Hei,this is only my 2 sen but do correct me if im wrong... =)
To all u guys especially bro deacon and sao,
thanks for all the thought...

while for SoYouThinkYouCanDrive,
stop making these stupid assumption..u r just making a fool of urself..
u really have a narrow mind..n wat is dat u r saying about ur Proton car?
i guess u dont kno how to mod a car dat y ur proton car stinks.... =P
hmm...so many infos i got from this thread...good2 :P
btw, due oil price increased sharply, would these 4G93 n 4G92 halfcut become cheaper??
hmm...so many infos i got from this thread...good2 :P
btw, due oil price increased sharply, would these 4G93 n 4G92 halfcut become cheaper??

don think so ??
cause their demand is stil high...and if a person want to enter the modification of automobile,for sure he already prepared for the cost n oil consumptions as well..
or maybe due to the price of oil increment, the demand is less and yes,the price wil drop...
hmm...so many infos i got from this thread...good2 :P
btw, due oil price increased sharply, would these 4G93 n 4G92 halfcut become cheaper??

No, u are wrong, should increase as those 4G9* series engine FC is better than local engine.:listen:
No, u are wrong, should increase as those 4G9* series engine FC is better than local engine.:listen:

should increased?? wor....sigh..need to forget my planning to transplant my engine lor.....not affordable for me anymore...:bawling: :bawling:
btw, all sifu here..juz wanna ask ur opinion since u all got much experiences..

okok, i prefer those engine which are;

1. FC good since my 1.3 injection oso eat fuel like hell

2. quiet sound engine coz i doesn't like noisy sound

3. good pick-up at least can smoke nissan latio 1.8...got experience this latio
"cucuk" me kaw kaw then smoked me...damn..mine only stock proton 1.3
oso wanna "cucuk".

4. can reach top speed to 110-140 km/h easily without heard too loud
screaming sound from engine..and not consumed much fuel

5. i also consider turbo engine like evo but what i dun like is the intercooler is
too big...can we hide the intercooler to other place?? coz i prefer low
profile looking..oso doesn't like flaw or "cacat" looking at front bumper juz
because want to put the intercooler your front bumper need to cut.

6. not loosed power when bring 5 adults included driver..my car "semput" wor
when bring more then 3 adults...haha

7. my standard body can sustained the engine power since heard many people
said 1.3 proton body proton not good...dunno either true or not

8. i prefer all in stock condition engine and power..coz doesn't like to mod
which consume big money.

9. high realibility and easy to get spare part

10. my budget is tight which less than 10k for all included installation,
suspension, safety....no more..now i start collecting money and i think
maybe end of this year should be enough but still not so surela ..haha

11.last but not least the engine can use NGV as a fuel..:proud:

plez dun shoot me since i doesn't have much experience on this matter. when i consider to put 4G91 engine many said i will regret later...then when thinking mivec engine most of my frenz who are using mivec oso said the same thing..they will recommend gsr....then after read this thread i found the gsr engine oso not good...sigh..so headache about this...now in my head juz thinking evo engine which use 1.8 blok..btw, ma ride is satria 1.3..hehe
btw, all sifu here..juz wanna ask ur opinion since u all got much experiences..

okok, i prefer those engine which are;

1. FC good since my 1.3 injection oso eat fuel like hell
4G91 (M) or 4G92 (M)

2. quiet sound engine coz i doesn't like noisy sound
use back ur ori exhoust system

3. good pick-up at least can smoke nissan latio 1.8...got experience this latio
"cucuk" me kaw kaw then smoked me...damn..mine only stock proton 1.3
oso wanna "cucuk".
4G91 (M) or 4G92 (M) should able to kawtim i believe

4. can reach top speed to 110-140 km/h easily without heard too loud
screaming sound from engine..and not consumed much fuel
4G91, 4G92 or 4G61T (provided dun boost)

5. i also consider turbo engine like evo but what i dun like is the intercooler is
too big...can we hide the intercooler to other place?? coz i prefer low
profile looking..oso doesn't like flaw or "cacat" looking at front bumper juz
because want to put the intercooler your front bumper need to cut.
can use ori gsr IC (beside front bumpers)

6. not loosed power when bring 5 adults included driver..my car "semput" wor
when bring more then 3 adults...haha

7. my standard body can sustained the engine power since heard many people
said 1.3 proton body proton not good...dunno either true or not
1.3 not as tough as 1.6

8. i prefer all in stock condition engine and power..coz doesn't like to mod
which consume big money.
stock power muz be turbo loh

9. high realibility and easy to get spare part
4G91, 4G92

10. my budget is tight which less than 10k for all included installation,
suspension, safety....no more..now i start collecting money and i think
maybe end of this year should be enough but still not so surela ..haha
not sure

11.last but not least the engine can use NGV as a fuel..:proud:

plez dun shoot me since i doesn't have much experience on this matter. when i consider to put 4G91 engine many said i will regret later...then when thinking mivec engine most of my frenz who are using mivec oso said the same thing..they will recommend gsr....then after read this thread i found the gsr engine oso not good...sigh..so headache about this...now in my head juz thinking evo engine which use 1.8 blok..btw, ma ride is satria 1.3..hehe

Ur requirement also veli tight woh taikor, wanna high stock power w/o any mod but to mantain good fc, not bising lah, high reliability... veli hard lah bro

'if u wan ur horse to run faster u muz give more grass 4 ur horse to eat' If wan power then u muz sacrifice fc loh.

Btw, ur 1.3 only can go up to 1.6 (25% from ori cc) so forget bout vr4 kah, evo kah or blah blah blah....unless u dun wan 2 endose loh. Evo have 1.8 meh :confused: ... 1st time to hear bout it
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