RON95 : Feedbacks


'(^^)|Most Awesome Member
Senior Member
Nov 14, 2003
2 days ago, i drove my wife's car to pump petrol. Now, i saw RON95 and RON97 at the kiosk. Out of curiosity i pumped RON95 and tried it out. I mean, come on.. it's a stock car (Kia RIO), what difference will it make...

So i assumed "laaa".....

On the way back.. the car felt sluggish.. i thought it's all psychology.

Then I parked the car and went to sleep while my wife took the car out to get some groceries.

1 hour later...

She returned .. we had some small chat... and she said this:

"Oh dear, remember to service the car... i think something's wrong with it.. no power laaa.. i think maybe something's not right"


There.. that's my feedback... WTF man!:banghead:
i just pump ro-95 recently into my MPV ...
never really tekan the car yet ... thus, not able not provide futther comment ...

but i assume sure got some issue wan ... imagine u been drinking 100% isotonic ..tiba-tiba u change to Carrefour ISOTONICE drink ...sure got different right ..
shit...but the media say that RON 95 is better then RON 97..meaning this is stupid info that release to public?
stupiak fuel laa and da FC also damn 9 teruk liow laa...overall dumb ass ron 95 petrol :banghead:
hmm...iv been using this ron 95 since i was 1st launch at putrajaya...well i work there...its been 2 months..i guess...and the result...

i think its the same as ron97...
its cheaper....
no effect to my car....

overall its ok la...

p/s:i dun drive fast....
my personal experience, pumped into my persona at shell....i tot its 97 coz i didnt notice the pump coz the handle still green color.....except small stickers stating ron95. rm50.00 ok la..gets a bit more fuel than usual....

but its really sluggish coz when i accelerate, i need to floor my throttle then only my auto tranny starts to downshift....coz usually it works very highway....really can feel it....and maybe i am wrong, but noticed the fuel gauge indicator drop faster than normal......

so now dunno whether shall i keep pumping the rm2.00 ron97.......sigh:|
hmm...iv been using this ron 95 since i was 1st launch at putrajaya...well i work there...its been 2 months..i guess...and the result...

i think its the same as ron97...
its cheaper....
no effect to my car....

overall its ok la...

p/s:i dun drive fast....
bro..what car u drive?
I also pumped Ron95 to my Camry '00 2.2 yesterday and I think the power is not as meaty as before. Not to say the power is not there, but you gotta step on it that bit more to get it going. I think RON97 and RON 95 will work out to cost the same cause u step on it more to get it going in RON95.

Atleast there is no knocking issue. Imagine my car having drunk RON97 for the past 9 years and then suddenly is asked to drink RON95. This is like drinking red label johnny walker then suddenly ask to drink black label.....I think I will probably drink something else than black label....yucks....
my fren pumped 95 into his myvi....and when i sat in his car, felt no diff but maybe he din tekan...

this thread is GOOOOD
generally and theoretically... Ron 95 has lower octane.. how could it be the same as Ron 97...


anyways... our local papers are used to misleading the public.. :rofl:
even the way they compare our fuel prices with the rest of the world.. (eg. RM 2 divided by 3.6 = USD 0.55 /litre) waa...cheapest fuel in the world.. BUT.. it ain't...
my personal experience, pumped into my persona at shell....i tot its 97 coz i didnt notice the pump coz the handle still green color.....except small stickers stating ron95. rm50.00 ok la..gets a bit more fuel than usual....

but its really sluggish coz when i accelerate, i need to floor my throttle then only my auto tranny starts to downshift....coz usually it works very highway....really can feel it....and maybe i am wrong, but noticed the fuel gauge indicator drop faster than normal......

so now dunno whether shall i keep pumping the rm2.00 ron97.......sigh:|

u better use ron97 la...da rm2.00 i think u no probelm for you...:rofl:...btw,i will stick with ron97 for my car because engines with thick carbon deposit will ping more because those carbon will induce hotter operating temp...
I use..v power all the way...luckily my office is near...dun effect my petrol so much...stick to v power..nvr tried the 95 octane before....I tink more or less that differ soo much?
yesterday my fren pump this kind a fuel into their carb 1.5 wira..and his comment to me this morning..cannot use la..have to tekan abis..rasa mcm bw keta diesel..:biggrin:
I use..v power all the way...luckily my office is near...dun effect my petrol so much...stick to v power..nvr tried the 95 octane before....I tink more or less that differ soo much?

now hard to find V-power...not all shell station got V-power anymore
Will the price for V power go up because they didnt state anything about it. Just RON 97 go up but not saying anything about V power.

I also tried Ron 95 on Camry 2.4..... rubbish...the car felt sluggish and have to step more to keep it going and the respond from the engine is slow...maybe those that use RON95 drive slow so don't feel any difference. Try to tekan and see....I was so fed up that I go to my friend workshop and tell my friend to drain off the RON95...RM30 only...then I go buy Vpower and put back...feel so much difference...The RON95? I just tell me friend, you can do what ever with it as you like. :rofl:

can we mix ron 95 with 97 in the same tank since got so many bad review on the fuel..what will happen?
I tried RON95 (accidently) once on my '91 2.0 turbo. Experienced a drop in power and worst- lower mileage. Its back to RON 97 for me as its better. I survived the rm2+/ltr era so come Sept...i hope to survive as well. From feedback gathered around, i think the switch will not affect MUCH on newer cars but older cars like pre-2000 may suffer a lil.
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