A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Mark

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Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

you shouldn't have said that "mark should be shot to death for the
terrible writing".maybe that sentence trigger his anger. :burnout:

yeah agree .... perhaps ur words has trigger his anger so he will publish it out...

oso agree wif prodigy is our cash we have the rights to or not to buy the mag.... instead bashing it all way in the public forum... end of the day we wont gain anything out of it......

but hypertune should take care the acticle quality too ... find bit tiring when reading their review.... too much noncern... and story telling
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Well, personally, there's no say to who is right or wrong. A correct point on the right side may also be countered by another right on the left side. To some, maybe your words of "shot to death" may be a bit harsh so in a way, you could be wrong there. In this situation, you're the customer and Mark should see this as a constructive criticism/sarcasm/etc. and find some work around to it to show you that he can improve/change and make you turn your comments 180 degrees around, rather than blasting you on national magazine. In that bashing, those who support him will say that you deserved the bashing for using such strong words, as they feel it to be strong. While on the other hand, those who support you would agree with your bashing of Mark.

In another situation, I could view you as a reader who is a trouble maker, not knowing the style of how Mark has intended his articles to be. For Mark, I believe that it is hard to please everyone. If he changes his writing style based on your comments, he could then satisfy you but on the other hand, maybe the other group of readers who likes his current style would then comment bad on him saying that his articles became boring and that he should have just continued with his current writing style rather than his new writing style (which he changed due to your comments). In short, for this kinda situation, he could change to satisfy you but he also faces the risk of dis-satisfying the other people with opposites tastes.

I'm also in customer service line (tech support to make it simple) and also having to face many difficult customers, there're times that people like me (and I believe sometimes Mark too) will just get so fed up because various customers with all sorts of different demands push us till we drop off the cliff and die (verbally explaning the situation), then only will they be satisfied. And then even after we drop off the cliff and died, they sent a complain letter/mail to our bosses.

I know that because customers pay and would want to get what they pay for, it's sometimes better to just stop for a while and think not as a customer, but as someone with deeper human values. Maybe some of these questions could help?
- Do I really want to bash that fella with such words?
- If I bash him with such words, will it really make a critical change in my life and/or future?
- Do I prefer to see a world where by humans bash humans just to get everything that they want?
- Would it really satisfy my soul if I bash that person (in this thread, it would be Mark or even me) just because I'm a customer and I have my customer rights to do so?

and these are just some questions that I can think of for now.

For me, when I'm a customer, I try to be friendly, jokey and understanding, but I could only succeed in obtaining good service if the service staff can also joke and laugh with me (there are some service staff who gives you some real shitty face even though you're friendly and really, they're asking for it if that's the case). If the business people can also laugh and joke with me, communication between me and the business people will be a lot more easier comfortable and when that is established, you'll be surprised that some of them (if they could by their means or by their management/boss means) give you that extra mile to ensure that you're satisfied in one way or another. Just because we're customers, it doesn't give us the right to be more superior than the business people because at the end of the day, we're at the same level anyway, which is.... we're still humans.

Here's a short illustration from my own personal experience. I'm a very regular customer of coffee bean. For years, I been patronizing coffee bean. When they first started biz, their staff was a bit stiff and a little bit unfriendly. But then, regardless of that, I always try to crack some joke and be cheerful when I place my order with them. Shortly after their biz kicked off successfully with a few branches stemming up in various places, they started to greet all customers loudly (but not shouting) when they walked in. To me, it was a nice feeling and I started to be cheerful and occasionally, joked with them and chatted with them too. After some time, many outlet staff recognized me and at times, when I went to a table that is not cleared, I clear it for them and just get them to wipe the table. They're happy and when a more friendly and cheerful customer-staff relationship builds, the staff would go the extra mile for me at times which I truely appreciate. Some examples would be that they will bring the drink to me at my table when coffee bean is clearly a self service outlet. In that, I find the peace, harmony and comfort of going to coffee bean. At times, even as a customer, giving a little back to the service staff would give them the joy in their work place and when that happens, it would also add some happiness to their life and they could then end their day at work with a nice smile on their face and go home feeling happy that when they work their arse off, there are indeed people who's willing to appreciate all their hard work and willing to be in harmony with them. Trust me, when that level is achieved, you'll be able to see and feel a difference in their service.

If only ALL humans could be humble, joyful and understanding, life would be more meaningful to all of us.

Disclaimer: All of the above is my personal opinion and not targetting anyone in specific.

Anyway, back to the hypertune topic, I buy the mag only once in a while.... to see the adverts and not really the articles. hahahaha
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Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Anybody here read "IMPORT TUNER"?

HYPERTUNE is somewhat similar in that genre.

Its all about sexy Girls, part ads, sexy girls, more ads, etc, etc.

If you guys want tech and knowledge, read something else like "TURBO & Hi-PERFORMANCE", "CAR & CAR CONVERSION", etc.

The now defunct "TRAFFIC" had an uncanny resemblance to "MAX POWER".

I also notice "AUTO PARTS" also copying "MAX POWER" style.

We have to understand, the market size for Car mod Tech audience is somewhat small compared to tjose "PIMP my RIDE" like market audience.

As for Mark, I know him personally.

He is a nice guy.

I think one has to be tactful when saying something in public, especially when its about degrading other people's creative work.

Being able to dice, one has to be prepared to take some dicing in return.

You punch people first, and people punch you back with a brass-knuckle, I don't see a problem here.....
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Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Well i admit i might be harsh that time (blame my influence from Jeremy Clarkson, haha) but surprisngly while i track back what i posted on that hypertune thread in the lowyat forums, i wrote that statement "mark should be shot to death" almost a year ago. It is out of my believe his digging this now. Well that explains their satria neo project car took almost 1 yr to end. :burnout:

Just for the record i also working in the IT support line, as one mentioned here, apart of solving majority of problems by performing server reboots, satisfying both the customer and the management is not an easy task. But when i made that post, i am posting in an online forum where it did not reflect anything on my profession. Its not like i making an harsh statement on my customer/company in an online forum or any printed media (that HR disaster if u asked me)

But what Mark has displayed is seriously jeapodising his career as a journalist as his profession. This time he did not take harsh critism from a reader (that's me) but instead insulting the reader by putting childish and rude statement, on a printed media, as a journalist by profession.

I'm wondering from this incident if his getting more and more negative feedbacks from some online forumers, will the next issue of HP he will insult all the nicknames who insulted him as his act of retaliation? I cant imagine if that happened......

I will ask u guys do u think this is acceptable? I seriously can't forgive this person.........
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Dude, take it easy and i'm sure whatever he says on the Editorial note is just gonna be a one off. Maybe he didn't acted profesionally by hammering you as an editor for a reknown magazine. But at the same time, i could see what Joeker is trying to say "Being able to dice, one has to be prepared to take some dicing in return."

So just let loose and forget about it.
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

hypertune binding sucks
every single issue that i buy, the pages will start falling out after a few reads
no matter how careful i handle it.
this has been their trademark since the very 1st issue!

i second that....:)...but i'm no HT reader or buyer.never bought it before.
just borrow from friends to check out the add n feature car.
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Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Well i admit i might be harsh that time (blame my influence from Jeremy Clarkson, haha) but surprisngly while i track back what i posted on that hypertune thread in the lowyat forums, i wrote that statement "mark should be shot to death" almost a year ago. It is out of my believe his digging this now. Well that explains their satria neo project car took almost 1 yr to end. :burnout:
Well, like I said, your statement could be viewed in both good and bad ways so it's really not to say whether your statement is too harsh or not. In a good way to view it, a person will see it with a positive view and take it as a challenge to improve. Bad in a way that your words are too harse and uncalled for, hence, he's just giving you back what you gave him. In short, revenge.

Just for the record i also working in the IT support line, as one mentioned here, apart of solving majority of problems by performing server reboots, satisfying both the customer and the management is not an easy task. But when i made that post, i am posting in an online forum where it did not reflect anything on my profession. Its not like i making an harsh statement on my customer/company in an online forum or any printed media (that HR disaster if u asked me)
Maybe my post is too lenghty that the meaning may have be conveyed wrongly, but what I'm saying has nothing to do with your job at all. I mentioned a bit about my job in service line just to give an example and sharing of my own personal experience, that's all. I'm not mentioning about your job at all, totally. So yes, your posting has got nothing to do at all with your job or your personal life. But my point is that though we may have comments that are harsh, the question to ask is "Is it really necessary to be that harsh although I seriously REALLY think his/her work totally and utterly maximum sucks?"

But what Mark has displayed is seriously jeapodising his career as a journalist as his profession. This time he did not take harsh critism from a reader (that's me) but instead insulting the reader by putting childish and rude statement, on a printed media, as a journalist by profession.
Well, again, no right and no wrong this one because there's many ways to look at it. He could be seen as giving you back your own medicine and that you deserved it. Yet, he could be seen as childish to not have seen your harsh words as something constructive. So how to judge a situation that's got equal rights and wrongs?

I'm wondering from this incident if his getting more and more negative feedbacks from some online forumers, will the next issue of HP he will insult all the nicknames who insulted him as his act of retaliation? I cant imagine if that happened......
That, I believe, should be left to his own decisions.

I will ask u guys do u think this is acceptable? I seriously can't forgive this person.........
I'm not sure about you but to me, when I find it hard to forgive a person, I have this feeling of discomfort. Maybe cos in me, I've always dreamed of a world where all humans are friendly to each other, always cheerful and helpful, peaceful, living in harmony, you know, all those kinda stuff. But of course, that's just me. But then again, I'm also human with emotions and at times, I explode and harsh words come out too.

All I'm saying, in this particular issue about Mark, there isn't a real need to be all that harsh and there isn't a real need to publish that remark out.

Anyway, just to be a bit of a bitch, I actually when to look up the magazine and took a pic of that statement cos some people are actually asking for the link. Pic is not clear cos i'm using a crappy phone haha

Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Just for the record, i just wrote an email to Mark and Murali, the editor:

An Open letter to Mark & Hypertune<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
To the so called journalist Mark,<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
I'm one of your readers, and in the past i do bought a few copies of Hypertune as one of my motoring reads, being that i love cars and i have some certain interest of modifying cars. Just to let you know, my regular reads are Autocar ASEAN, Topgear Malaysia, & Jeremy Clarkson's weekly articles at the Times UK,as well as i have my weekly dose of Fifth gear and Top gear. That explains i have a higher taste on reading car reviews articles.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Though i am personally not a fan of local car modifying magazines, i do bought a few issues of Hypertune depending on the content. Seriously i admitted if i take on the account of the most best selling local car modifying mags, Hypertune can easily be on top of the list. I have seen the worse from your rivals which explained why i don’t spend my money on those magazines. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
I'm a regular forumer in the Lowyat forums, possibility the biggest online community in <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:country-region w:st="on">Malaysia</st1:country-region></st1:place>, and i regularly visit and post in the cars section, namely the "Fast & furious", in which there is a thread on discussing about your mag. A year back, on Oct 5th, i did made a post saying "Speaking of their writers, the one who deserves to get shot to death is Mark. His writing is horrible, lack of sense and unprofessional. "I admited i was harsh, but back then i was reacting to Mark's articles which contained a lot of irrelevant stories in some car review segments. There are a number of forumers who agreed on this. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Take a look at vol 64, on the red Toyota Yaris turbo review. The introduction is horrid with irrelevant stories of how the car got involved in a minor accident before the writer can get the car to be reviewed. This may be other people liking but for me it’s a no. Different people different taste, sounds fair? <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
A good professional should take criticism at their own heart but they also must be rational on taking other people's point of view. A professional have a choice to consider whether a feedback is doing good or bad to him/her. Somehow, let me get things straight.<o:p></o:p>
On the current issue on the Hari Raya 2007, apparently one year after i made that post in the lowyat forums, I was shocked and surprised with Mark's editorial writing. It was indeed unprofessional, unrespectful, lack of rational sense and childish from Mark. How come he has retaliated irrationally by putting my nickname (which is actually my short name) into a local publication and shooting such childish insults, on a printed media?<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
I admitted I made a number of harsh posts on HT in that online forum as a regular joe (I’m on an IT based career FYI) in which my posts in the forum did not reflect anything on my profession. However he has written such sentence as the writer/journalist of the publication, do you think this is a clear display on how lack of professionalism Mark has displayed as a writer/journalist for a well reputated publication? <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Not to mention, he has shown lack of open and respect to the readers. A professional should take feedbacks, both good and bad, with an open heart and try his/her best to improve if that feedback is relevant. But from that immature reply has yet again shown he can’t take criticism and instead acting foolishly by retaliating it. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
You might not upset me for spreading such insult in a mass published magazine, but I am very disappointed with the way Mark has displayed as a writer/journalist. Such act is seriously jeopardizing his reputation as a writer and journalist, but as I mentioned earlier, it is up to Mark if he can accept such “feedback” from a disgusted reader. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
I have not yet mentioned how degraded Hypertune now according to some feedback from the online forums, from getting too expensive, too many advertorial, lack of quality content, too focus on sexy models instead of cars, and the list goes on. But the concern here is not losing another reader, but it’s about having someone from the journalism/writer line to perform something stupid.<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
As for me, I am not hurt but rather feel disgusted. I have a choice on selecting what I want to read, so as everyone. But I must say I not pretty sure what other’s think of Hypertune and Mark after this incident has occurred. I also can’t predict how many more unsold copies of Hypertune will be collecting dust in newsstands in the future. I rest my case here. <o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

hmm notice that every issue of hypertune has at least 1 imprezza featured in it, or if not an Evo or a skyline. How bout some other makes..hmm guys? maybe some local more affordable cars which are highly modded that i am sure some around. Maybe not in Sunway... haha.

But i would say some of the articles which reviews all the latest performance parts and dynoed proven to its worthiness of the products are cool. At least we know more or less what we are getting from those products.

then again these products are like over 4 digits in price. lol.

then again i am sure they can reduce their 10.90 price since they have like advertisements popping up in every alternate page.
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Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

the magazine is not a platform for its journalists to vent their personal anger and frustrations. A little history lesson, James May was dismissed from Autocar because he used the magazine to vent his frustrations.

besides, journalists, writers, reporters all get critics. its part of the job. just like how working in a telecentre you get angry customers breathing down your throat.
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

just like how working in a telecentre you get angry customers breathing down your throat.
I think tmnet customer call center gets the worst shite la. hahahaha
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Ixeo said:
the magazine is not a platform for its journalists to vent their personal anger and frustrations.

Damn right.

Mark is damn unprofessional to do so, and just because of his immature way of handling the public's view/remarks against him, he has jeapordized his position in hypertune.

Good luck to him!

I think he himself wishes that he be shot dead right now. :thefinger:
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Damn right.

Mark is damn unprofessional to do so, and just because of his immature way of handling the public's view/remarks against him, he has jeapordized his position in hypertune.

Good luck to him!

I think he himself wishes that he be shot dead right now. :thefinger:
careful ohh, later he post ur name in next issue pulak.. kekekek
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

i do agree that hypertune's binding sucks and they lack of nice cars lately, also the fact that the mag is becoming more like CLEO with some cars added into it and also the fact that 70% of the pages are of worthless advertisements (fuel savers? security films? oh please, grow up!)... but that doesnt give u the right to penalise his writting especially with such harsh comments either, public forum or not. if u think u could be a better journalist than him, why dont i see u in jounalism?

my 2 cents and im not on anyones side. peace out.
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

LoL...this thread is funneee!

My big 2 cents;
As far as I'm concerned, even if travis_ckf screwed Mark's mum, let alone some random criticism in an internet forum, he shouldn't have responded the way he did. That he responded in such a manner just highlighted his lack of professionalism and immaturity towards this issue. I mean, come on he kept the grudge for one whole frickin year to do that...LoL. L.A.M.E.N.E.S.S

If I was Mark, I'd be embarrassed of my actions.

As for Hypertune, a long time ago I used to buy it every month. Old habits die hard, and it took me awhile to stop buying although I realised that the quality of writing is sub par (to be polite). Not to mention the bloating thanks to ads and the general uselessness of the articles. Sure, it may be that it just isn't up to my tastes and taste is subjective, but honest to god the writing can be properly pathetic. And no amount of pretty pictures of cars and girls can atone for that.
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Truth be told.. it's been gettin from bad to worse for awhile already.. more like an ad mag.. that you pay for.
Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

careful ohh, later he post ur name in next issue pulak.. kekekek

Wahhh.. Maybe he can post my smiley in next issue too.. Or maybe 1 year later only he'll post my smiley.. If he's still working in hypertune lah.

Hello Marko :thefinger: Post :thefinger: my :thefinger: smiley :thefinger: too :thefinger: please! :thefinger: Hehehe :thefinger:

Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Well seriously... who cares?

A professional magazine would be a boring one. A touch of humanity is cool sometimes. If Top Gear was professional it would become another boring ass talk-about-a-car show.

While Mark's comment may not be a sense of humour well appreciated by the public... seriously, why care? Its almost like there are too many people sitting around looking for things to criticise and complain about.

I'd rather look at porn.
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Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

hmm notice that every issue of hypertune has at least 1 imprezza featured in it, or if not an Evo or a skyline. How bout some other makes..hmm guys? maybe some local more affordable cars which are highly modded that i am sure some around. Maybe not in Sunway... haha.

But i would say some of the articles which reviews all the latest performance parts and dynoed proven to its worthiness of the products are cool. At least we know more or less what we are getting from those products.

then again these products are like over 4 digits in price. lol.

then again i am sure they can reduce their 10.90 price since they have like advertisements popping up in every alternate page.

wei uncle... simpan kulit la u.. retired oledi still wanna come out and bark bark... mauhahahaha.... celaka lu! stop playing cars but now play PRC.. summore got 4 PRC girls in the car yesterday afternoon!!! all shouting Piau Kerr... hen yang ah... poo yauu laaa!!!

Re: A regular forumer from lowyat.net got bashed in editorial note in hypertune by Ma

Joeker: yeah... i totally agree with ya..

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