Oversize tyres on regular rims?


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Oct 14, 2005
I drive a stock standard Proton Putra.

The time has come to change the front tyres.

I'm currently running 185 60 r14 michelin xm1 tyres on stock proton rims.

i saw that Falken has 195 55 r14 available for special order. Do you guys think it can fit properly on my stock proton r14 rims?

any suggestions for tyres and tyre size?
Can i fit my front tyres with 195 55 r14 in the front tyres and then put 185 60 r14 at the back tyres?
The way i see it,
for 185 /60 / r14
60% x 185 = 111mm tyre height

for 195 / 55 /r14
55% x 195 = 107.25mm tyre height

Car front end will be 5mm lower.
So right or not and can or not? my car's weight will minimally tip to the front..

It will be 7.5 mm lower in the front. I have a completely stock spring and absorbers.

Anyone know where to get the 195 / 55/ r14 tyres?
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just stick back 185/60/14.. as 195 will give u more contact with the road surface. of coz, more contact = more friction = lose pick.
just stick back 185/60/14.. as 195 will give u more contact with the road surface. of coz, more contact = more friction = lose pick.

Actually the reason why i want slightly larger tyres is because now wheel spin quite a lot. Especially on wet roads. So a bit more friction will be happier la..

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