Anyone knows where to browse Nakamichi HU?


Known Member
Senior Member
Mar 14, 2005
I want to search for orange coloured light on the fascia of HU and i think Nakamichi ones mostly are orange coloured.

If not, do you know any specific model from other brands that do have?

I browsed thru at Eneos and they do not have much choice.

Thanks in advance.
Thanks bro.

Do you know where in KL/Selangor is selling Nakamichi HU?
wah selamba je letak number aku kat public.....chisss...

kang ramai sgt awek call aku kang, hehe....
awek-2 cun only welcome to call, haha....
I was at KK Lau last Saturday with my friends

I started this thread for a friend actually...and he purchased the CD500 there.

john, mini cooper isit...? he came back yesterday, cd skipping problem, hehe...

spykey, come over and visit lor....
i am layman in ice oni.:)
u establish edi..
alrite bro,later i drop by there,i ll looking for zenn@stevie g..

i am a KOP too:)
john, mini cooper isit...? he came back yesterday, cd skipping problem, hehe...

spykey, come over and visit lor....

yea, he told me about the cd skipping problem...he can barely finish a track when he's driving, coz skipping la....

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