ICE newbie needs help


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May 13, 2007
hye...fresh newbie in da house...needs much help on ICE...
im planning on DIYing my ICE

ok...i got questions:

1] how does 2x 10inch subwoofer sound?
2] i'm planning on buying 2x10inch subwoofer + 1pc 2chx380watt Amp..izzit Bass enough?
3] how u guys power the amp? connect to which part?
4] can i use those speaker wires used on PA systems to do the connections (power the amp and to connect to speakers)?

thanks...i got more questions but suddenly forgotten la...if i remember back i'll post it me pls...TQ
make sure the amp is stable down to 2ohm in bridged mono, or else it will become very hot and might kaput.

amp is powered direct from battery and make sure u put a fuse after the battery. fuse value to be same or close to the one on the amp. wire thickness also depends on amp power, 8awg minimum. there will also be a remote wire to connect from your cd player to "switch on" your amp when the cd player is on. can use any normal electrical wire.

speaker wire u can use any electrical wire also can.....just that different wire has different noise rejection and can bring out better details....
ok...more Qs:

1] how to make sure the amp is stable down to 2ohm in bridged mono? what is bridged mono?
2] if i put some PC fans on the amp...can?
3] if i connect an external switch for the amp...izzit ok?
4] how actually u connect the amp to the batt? directly connect it to the batt terminals?

sorry...really noob newbie here..
hi dude..
regarding ur question...
1)u mention u want to buy 2 x 10" sub and 2ch x 380w amp rite?i think this amp is more suitable for component speaker rather than sub speakers.but if u still want to use to power ur sub also still can.
see at the back of the sub speaker,got stated the Ohm rite?example 4ohm each u bridged it by connect it in parellel.then the pairs of 2wires fr the speakers u connect at +ve and -ve each channel.make sure ur amp is bridgeable.if not,it might not working at all.
*in parellel,ur sub ohm gonna be 2ohm
*in series,ur sub gonna be 8 ohm
bottom line is,better check what spec of subs and match ur amplifier.many type of sub with diff ohm spec in the market.
2)yes u can put any fan.but make sure u get the supply from diff point.if not ur speakers gonna get jet sound...:)
3)external switch?from ur Head unit already got remote wire which is for amplifier.if u want make others switch also can.
4)yes amp supply are connected directly fr batt +ve terminal .make sure u use proper wire size.more AWG (american wire gauge) is more better for amp.also not to forget to install fuse after the batt.
*all sifus,correct me if i am wrong
happy ICE...
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hi dude..
regarding ur question...
1)u mention u want to buy 2 x 10" sub and 2ch x 380w amp rite?i think this amp is more suitable for component speaker rather than sub speakers.but if u still want to use to power ur sub also still can.
see at the back of the sub speaker,got stated the Ohm rite?example 4ohm each u bridged it by connect it in parellel.then the pairs of 2wires fr the speakers u connect at +ve and -ve each channel.make sure ur amp is bridgeable.if not,it might not working at all.
*in parellel,ur sub ohm gonna be 2ohm
*in series,ur sub gonna be 8 ohm
bottom line is,better check what spec of subs and match ur amplifier.many type of sub with diff ohm spec in the market.
2)yes u can put any fan.but make sure u get the supply from diff point.if not ur speakers gonna get jet sound...:)
3)external switch?from ur Head unit already got remote wire which is for amplifier.if u want make others switch also can.
4)yes amp supply are connected directly fr batt +ve terminal .make sure u use proper wire size.more AWG (american wire gauge) is more better for amp.also not to forget to install fuse after the batt.
*all sifus,correct me if i am wrong
happy ICE...

hehe...more Qs after reading ur post..

1] what is the suitable/MINIMAL requirements for an amp dat can power 2 10" subs? how many watts?
2] my HU is clarion CD/WMA/MP3 player...the std one came wit the new LMST...its enough right?

im trying to reach minimal/LEAST budget for ICE...juz enough to get my heart pumping to the bass enough la..

thanks sifus...
minimal requirement?ermm if u plan to get serious in SPL then i suggest u get a good amp or they usually ppl call it monoblock amplifier which is more practicable to blast a subwoofer.
but if u just wanna get ur rear trunk the sound of the subs and get drop ur rear mirror,low end amplifier also prob!!keep in mind that low end amp like 1800watt is a bluff one.
mine is only 500w monoblok type;mrd501 coming fr alpine fortress but the blast of of subs was...gosshhhhh:)just my 2cents to share
stock HU also enough but the features to play/adjust the sound tuning is limited laa..

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