mitsubishi 6A10 1.6 V6 engine...

WAHSEH MAN!!! U make me jealous of u adiii... I ALSO WANT!! =Þ
No doubt la... i've said it before, i'll say it again... perdana with V6 engine ROX!!! Its a damn niceee cruiser car! No need mod... stock like that already damn nice to drive! =) Actually n/a also enuff la... but of course got turbo more shiok, can boost boost here and there. hahaha... =Þ
Maintanence higher in a sense that... if u go to proton edar, or any ah kau ah meng workshop that has a 'price guide'... they'll charge you more expensive just because you're a perdana (or v6 engine) which is supposedly "proton's executive class vehicle (and engine)" even for the same amount of workmanship done onto a 4-inline satria/putra/wira/saga/iswara. Of course if u go to a familiar workshop, then they'd probably give u cheap prices when u're a usual la... but in general they do charge more.
If you've been driving the perdana for quite some years, you should know that already lerr rite? My neighbour oso sama-sama play car with his perdana... last time transplanted a manual V6... in the end oso give up coz' got nothing to mod wan... now running an evo engine inside.

to answer your Ferrari-eating-skyline vs ferrari question:
How many Ferrari owners do u know actually RACE in their ferrari?!?!
How many ferrari-eating-skylines do you know can actually use that car for everyday driving ?!?!
If you were driving a ferrari, and a skyline come and cucuk u... u'll race meh? If it was me, i terus give way... ferrari so expensive, later anything happen banyak susah man!! =Þ
Same like u drive your perdana go cucuk a skyline, of course the skyline will give way la... hahaha... =Þ Unless u cucuk him with a supra.. then maybe difference case la.. same like the ferrari la... if kena cucuk by porsche, then probably i'd play! hahaha...
juz resetting... den change the air filter n hks drager... nothing much..
the most important part must change the break...coz original break may not stop the car coz the front is too heavy.. n suspension too.. hehe.. juz my opinion la.. but now my car.. T.T

hahha... but i think most of the skyline owner wont go n kacau those ferrari owner.. diff grade ma.. but i believe they always kacau those evo, supra, wrx... hahah
not everyone wanna buy a car for race.. for ferrari owner i think they collect the cars but not to race.. diff ppl have diff mind ma.. if every supercar also race on the road den its meaning less for the supercars d.. juz my 2 cent.. hehe
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alvin24, on maintainance part...join a club! in V-Sixers we got member from both Proton Edar & Eon..service not expensive lor, just buy the part & belanja makan la...friend maa...MUT checking oso free...good thing is, after join that club, I also invited by Proton Edar for their family free 42 point checking (I think 42) & best of all, got Daring Card which is discount card for Proton Edar Parts & Labour charge...somemore it written on that card as Pioneer Member even I didnt bought the car from Proton Edar!! hehehe
Wah.. power... my neighbour in V-Sixers also he never mentioned got soooo many privilleges. HEhehe... =Þ But i don't think V-Sixers accept 6A10 Wira members now do they (which is the main argument la). And not everybody is privilleged to know about the club... or maybe some member in Penang or something. Hahaha... =Þ But as i said... in general, memang is more expensive than maintaning other engines simply because of its supposedly more 'executive' level... therefore u're charged more for parts and workmanship compared to a 4-inline. u are saying that all wira that put the 6A10 1.6 V6 engine in their wira is a waste?
Yes... more or less. =Þ
If u're into modding... then of course its better to put in a potentially more 'mod-able' engine.
If u're not into modding... then you wouldn't be transplanting in the first place now would u?

But let's say you HAD to change your engine, coz' maybe u blew ur ori engine and wanted to try something better.... then if u're NOT into modding, you'd surely look into factors such as better fuel consumption, reliability, lower maintanence costs, handling not effected that much... all of these (except reliability, which differs in every case) don't point in the direction of a 6A10. It would point into the direction of a 4G91 and a 4G93... depending on whether or not u're willing to pay the extra 300cc roadtax for the extra power. Even my friend's GSR managed to get 480kms on 40 litres petrol! (but or course if u aren't into modding, turbo engines probably wouldn't be under your consideration la)

4G13 and 4G15 also can get more aftermarket parts compared to a 6A10 man!
PowerZone's 4G15 also managed to kick over 120hp on wheels... and that potentially can definitely kick more ass than a 6A10 on tracks.

Some 4G91 owners I know managed to dyno up to 110hp on wheels by just changing to 4G93 stock cams, an aftermarket extractor, and 1.8" exhaust pipings. Imagine what it could do with a pnp head, high cams and a piggy back ECU!
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I'm using 6A10 engine with automatic gearbox..... for me this engine is ok... i'm using original (from half cut) front suspension.... i think this engine is not very havy because engine head made from aluminium.... and i fell more stable than my old wira suspension.

Speeding.... i think no problem.... i'm using ATF cooler... and can reach 180km/h only at +-4.7k RPM..... engine very smooth.....especially cruising on the highway... i made 2 1/4 hours... from ulu klang to kluang.

Tapi tak boleh modify lah.... no hal....
True la diff people diff taste... The only reason a person would transplant a 6A10 would be solely because he wanted a V6 engine.

If he wanted power/performance... would've went for something else.
If he wanted lower maintanence... would've went for something else.
If he wanted low fuel consumption... would've went for something else.
If he wanted good handling... would've went for something else.
used to "try" 4g91 and 6a10 in satria bodyshell... both without modification (only remove speed cut) and using 15" s/rims...

found, 6a10 kick 4g91 ass in h/way... even 4g91 cant see the 6a10 rear light...
4g91 have more pickup during take-off (traffic light) than 6a10... but 6a10 will overtake just b4 the speedometer reach 100km/h....

very slight different for the FC if u cruising h/way at constant 110km/h... 4g91 consumed little than 6a10, BUT very slight different.

most of 6a10 spare parts share with 6a12 perdana... u can get original and brand new... no more chop shop spare part... (unless u broke)...

i'm not biased into 6a10 as i'm using that 4g91 and my brother using that 6a10...
if u decide not to make any further mods, than i suggest 6a10 much better than
4g91.... otherwise, if u r into further mods, than go for 93p (N/a) or 93t...
guys, my very first Mit engine is 6A10 , I run it for 1 yr than I change to 4G91 as my second engine. Both of them are fix into my satria. If ur 6A10 is come with manual gearbox, I dun think so will have better FC in highway compare with 4G91 manual g/b. This due to 6 A10 gearbox are come with close ratio n big final drive ratio gearbox.
Interm of handling, i will pefer 4G91 engine into satria chasis, due to have better power to weight ratio and F/R balancing.
If u r in city drive, 6A10 FC will kill u. Another different is : when u r full throttle pick up in those engine , u will found that 6A10 FC even worst compare with mivec hi cam kick in . That's why I change it
I have never met a 6A10 that could overtake my 4G91 in all my 3 years of driving it. And i've never met a 6A10 owner who has not at one point complain about the high maintanence. 4G91 also can get brand new stuffs la DUH... shares a lot of same parts as a putra/GTi... and their parts are still LOADS cheaper than buying Perdana V6 parts (which i stress out once again... is considered 'executive class'... therefore u also have to pay 'executive price' !).

On the tracks... lagi no need to say... Satria with a 6A10 on track will understeer like mad. Handing will suffer badly because of the heavier front. A 4G91 satria would win a 6A10 satria hands down... Let's say u dowan talk about going down the tracks also... in times of 'EMERGENCY'... the handing does make a difference.

6A10 beat 4G91 on the highways until cannot see rear lights? So dramatic ah? U watch too much moives to exaggurate like such. Like I said... i haven't met a 6A10 that could overtake my 4G91 before.
Then again... maybe your 4G91 happens to be quite potato? The 4G91 has much more potential than u're giving it credit for woh.

And as i said... if u're not into modding... u wouldn't be transplanting in the first place now would u? =Þ
If u're looking for something with good fuel consumption and low maintanence would be the 4G91...
if u're looking for something with more power, and low maintanence... would be 4G93
if u're looking for power the would be mivec, gsr, evo....

I don't think anyone would consider 6A10, unless they're just looking to get a V6 engine.
well, I convert my old Sei perdana to 6a12TT but i'm not into modding. How come like that? even air filter also stock, stock piping. Only HKS Hiper muffler for the sound and safcII for the FC. I just like turbo and faster car in the mean time I want an affordable comfortable car. So, what do you suggest? should I convert to 6a12 NA? or is it like u said that if not into modding I shouldnt convert, just use it until it broke down then just overhall? well, Im not into modding..but just want a better engine. I want to go faster than 210kmh but I dont have much time to mod. I want an engine with more response, thats why I go Manual route. Can cilok easily that way, even better with turbo inside...Twin turbo somemore to eliminate the lag of death.So u MIGHT wanna say better change to EIII engine, got huge option to mod, cheaper parts but yeah it doesnt suite me.It doesnt have sound that I like, Expensive performance part compare to 6a12 parts (well,actually I never found any performance 6a12 parts..but who cares?.Then, most of all...I like to see my engine bay compact full with 'Engine'! if I convert to 4g63T instead, got hole here and there..I dont like it. Same thing with 6a10 compare with 4g91. I'm proud with my engine bay and my exhaust sound. And I dont think if changing to 4g63T will give same satisfaction.Why people bought sports car anyway if they dont like to drive fast? I read it in local mag once that got people convert his wira to 6a12TT and got JPJ approval.Filled his chassis with TAR for sound proofing & to harden the chassis. If he's not racing type but just want to speeding once in a while on STRAIGHT highway or something, where would he will be understeer then? But then in FF route, there's a way to reduce understeer with driving skill, 1 of em are left foot braking.
... the argument here I believe would be a 6A10 in a WIRA... nobody's talking about perdana... I already mentioned before this that a perdana with a V6 engine is SWEEEET!! No doubts about that... the V6 engine in a perdana makes a GREAT cruiser!! We all know that... but i'm just stressing out; 6A10 in a wira...? Bad choice... coz' there are so many other better choices that can be made. 6A12 Handling on a Perdana is not that bad because the weight's more balanced... its a heavy car all round ma... put a 6A10 on a satria and u'll be crying on track, coz' u'll be heading straight on most sharp corners.

I said handling matters in cases of emergency. I never said u'll understeer while driving straight oso (if that is even possible! haha). Picture this... u're driving faster than usual on Kerinchi link because u're late for a very important meeting... and then later finding out there's a car dead smack in the middle of the road spoilt and u're going to have to make a quick, sharp swerve out of the way... a 6A10 satria would probably have went straight for it liauz. Then again these kinda things quite subjective... sometimes depends on luck also.
And I don't think in times of these kinda emergency you'd actually think about left foot braking... unless of course u do it on an occational basis... and for u to do it on an occational basis... means u're probably racing on the roads everyday.

Btw... lemme make one thing CLEAR again... before u misunderstand again... Let's say it was my decision... or i was advising a friend... who's driving a perdana and wanna convert engine.

- 4G63 SOHC (perdana SEi stock engine)... this engine's a bit rough, if u've owned/drive an SEi before, you should know what i'm talking about. If u're not a car person, your choices would probably be to overhaul and just drive it lah. But most people I know take the oppurtunity to transplant when the auto gearbox gives way (Common perdana auto transmission problem).

- 4G63 DOHC n/a... you'd get probably an extra 10hp and a slightly more responsive ride compared to the 4G63 SOHC... but this halfcut is damn old liau, and you're going to have to overhaul this before transplanting... u're better off keeping your 4G63 SOHC and overhaul that... not exactly bang for bucks to convert to this one... unless u're rich and u like to give away money freely... then you should also be my best friend! =Þ
And if u're wondering "why don't i just drop in the DOHC?"... well... rojak jobs are never supported... u'll end up screwing up your fuel consumption.

6A12 n/a - SWEEEEEET!! I think perdanas are MADE for the 6A12! GREAT CRUISER. If u're not particularly into performance... this is the way to go. The maintanence wise compared to the SEi is just a slight more, because even the 4G63 SOHC will get charged 'executive price' anywayz for it just being a perdana! If u travel a lot... this should be the ultimate combo for the "ultimate driving experience" (no lah... doesn't make it a BMW... but i'm sure u get what i mean! heehee).

6A12TT - This one is to cater to the slightly more 'performance oriented' dudes... tagline is, if you're not boosting, you're having about the same FC as an n/a, therefore most people go for this once they transplant from SEi coz' the halfcut prices for an n/a and a turbo ain't a very big difference anywayz. My workshop has this group of 'uncles' (all in their 40s or older) who all had their Perdana converted to 6A12TT... one gang of uncles! No joke... hahaha. Got i think at least 5-6 of them... maybe more.

4G63 turbo (be it VR4 or EVO).... this one... only go for this if you're ALL OUT PERFORMANCE !!!!!!!!! The maintanence is confirm higher than any other engines mentioned... mainly coz' fuel consumption is a bitch... if u think u can live the lifestyle then go ahead with it... this sucker burns 40 litres petrol and gives in return 300kms mileage only. I'd never recommend this unless u're really planning to go all out performance.
Obviously you never driving 6a10 on a wira right? I drove one but on satria. So smooth, the power is there when you need it.Not great power but enough power for normal driver.I still dont understand why its wasted to put a V6 on wira? maybe your interest is in Power riding, not smooth riding.And people should know their car limit,as how hard they can trash their car,whats the advantage their car got.And at kerinchi link, evo 9 oso turtle maa!

btw, how about this :


With the engine capacity of only 1.6 L (1597 cc), this is the smallest yet most powerful 1.6 L engine available on production car. With the configuration of 6 cylinders, dual overhead cam (dual overhead cam: a double overhead cam (also called a dual overhead cam, dohc, or "twincam") engine...
[follow hyperlink for more...]) (DOHC), and 4 valves per cylinder (4 valves per cylinder: in automotive engineering, an engine is referred to as multi-valve (or multivalve)...
[follow hyperlink for more...]) , the 6A10 engine manages to output 140 hp (104 kW) @ 7000 rpm in stock condition.

Available in the Mitsubishi Lancer (Mitsubishi Lancer: the mitsubishi lancer is a compact automobile built by mitsubishi motors corporation....
[follow hyperlink for more...]) MX in 1992, this engine was once the most sought after engine for modification in Japan. In 1994, the Kotsumi's brothers from Kanagawa, Japan, managed to turn the 1.6 litre engine into a 'little monster' able to produce 430 bhp (320 kW) @ 6000 rpm without a forced induction system.

source :

dimensions & weights Wheelbase 2500 mm 98.4 in Track front 1450 mm 57.1 in
rear 1460 mm 57.5 in
Length 4270 mm 168.1 in
Width 1690 mm 66.5 in
Height 1385 mm 54.5 in
Length:wheelbase ratio 1.71
Ground clearance 150 mm 5.9 in
Kerb weight 1060 kg 2337 lb
Weight distribution
Fuel capacity 50
litres 11
UK Gal 13.2
US Gal
Lancer MX spec :

Wheelbase 2500 mm 98.4 in Track front 1450 mm 57.1 in
rear 1460 mm 57.5 in
Length 4270 mm 168.1 in
Width 1690 mm 66.5 in
Height 1385 mm 54.5 in
Length:wheelbase ratio 1.71
Ground clearance 135 mm 5.3 in
Kerb weight 1080 kg 2381 lb
Weight distribution
Fuel capacity 50
litres 11
UK Gal 13.2
US Gal Wira 1.5 Spec :

seems like wira 1.5 heavier than lancermx 6a10. So...but of course, if this information is wrong then dont flame me! :P still learning maa...ima kid only.
hehe bro alvin24, I think thats the last post from me about this argument...coz it seems that it wont go anywhere good :P lets the thread starter choose himself :)
arih said:
Available in the Mitsubishi Lancer (Mitsubishi Lancer: the mitsubishi lancer is a compact automobile built by mitsubishi motors corporation....
[follow hyperlink for more...]) MX in 1992, this engine was once the most sought after engine for modification in Japan. In 1994, the Kotsumi's brothers from Kanagawa, Japan, managed to turn the 1.6 litre engine into a 'little monster' able to produce 430 bhp (320 kW) @ 6000 rpm without a forced

I also know u surely dig this out the internet to say wan la when talking about the 6A10... this is just a fairy tale that has no proof whut so ever... just a hear say.
Anywayz... of course i've driven a 6A10 before.. else why would i keep commenting about handling? The handling sucks... compared to a 4G9x which has a very good balance of power+handling on wira/satria. I've tried it all, 4G13, 4G15, 4G91, 4G92, 4G92 DOHC, 4G93, mivec, 1.8 mivec, GSR, 6A10... have yet to try out my friend's 6A12 in a wira aeroback... but he's already bithing about his handling and is now experimenting various different suspension setups to improve on that.

If i wanted the 'power when i need it'... i'd go for a 4G93 which has more torque...

How can someone claim a 140hp 6A10 be "the smallest yet most powerful 1.6 L engine available on production car"... when a 4G92 MIVEC has 175hp on crank?? What more, there's B16A, B16B..... ??

About the so called 'evo9' on kerinchi... perhaps u'd like to read up in the mitsubishi thread... under MLOC postings... a guy claims he knows the owner... its a lancer that supposedly spent 50k on converting to full evo9 looks from the outside (Without the engine of course). I dunno how true is this la though... i would say its argumentative coz' nobody got a clear pic of the car anyways.
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