Battlefield: Sabah

Wow did anybody see d papers this morning???pic of najib shaking hands wiz d 'terrorist' after surrendering unconditionally...disgusts me!!!!

It's very pathetic...incident happen just before our GE n surrendering after all d shit...making najib a 'hero'...Wat a f*ck load of crap

Huh? Surrender shake hands? or thanking him for job well done......:mad:
Dont think msia should shake hand with the suluk. Or else it will promote more crappy things from the pinoy. Perhaps next will be a filipino in singapore will self proclaim himself as the "prince of geylang" and reclaim the whole orchard road as part of his homeland because their people rest and play there every week for donkey years......

Read news that demostrator in manila is urging msia to stop the military action and burning msia flags......they burnt china flag,hk flag,singapore flag,aussie flag everytime their ppl committed crime on the others. Hm…is this the way they show respect to their neighbour?

The filipino worker in hk are using local tax payer money to sue the hk govt for not giving them citizenship, teasing china for the southern islands with world war II war ships and now goes into sabah while their UN men got caught by syrians…....seems president noynoy are having bigger balls than general kim in north korea…
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shake hand while whispering "terima kasih bang. acting baek"

---------- Post added at 02:08 PM ---------- 6 hour anti-bump limit - Previous post was at 02:07 PM ----------

Main - Malaysia - ?Poorest? sultan sent Sulu followers to Sabah for better life @ Fri Mar 08 2013

Oh great now d old fart wants sympathy...2 O2 tanks eh??wish I was a sniper...blow him,his pathetic wife n family,so called frens n followers...s well s that shit hole he calls a 'castle'...this all done while najib n co wiz him 'celebrating' n Oscar winning performance..:thefinger:
Did you guy read the news that 80 people fled to the Philippines in 2 boats? Philippines navy claimed they are civilians and escorted them to Tawi-tawi. . Hmmm...
Did you guy read the news that 80 people fled to the Philippines in 2 boats? Philippines navy claimed they are civilians and escorted them to Tawi-tawi. . Hmmm...

Throw the guns into the sea, change to rag tag clothes, any terrorist would look like civilian too. bullshit.
guys, to those i pm'ed the pics, i asked my bro in law for verification, he told me that they were thailand border soldiers,
not our Malaysian heroes......sorry....
just came back from TT with a colleague who's bro in law is one of the police sent there to in 1st batch...they said the mutilation of bodies are definitely true and it seems these terrorirst have some sort of black magic....his bro in law said they shot those feckers but like no effect...i suspect the terrorist are doped on some sort of drugs and dont feel pain...which would explain y they dont drop when shot and y they're so inhumane.

think back on the vietnam wars where the americans said they shot the vietcongs but they still kept coming. fanatical minds + drugs = GODMODE! at least until cheats are disabled.
The mutilation news are correct, even most people in Sabah knew about it.
International news (CNN/BBC) also reported the same thing.
In Malaysia, the news not really 100% transparent and filtered.
Either to hide the truth or to avoid hatred/anger for our people???

After all, transparent news is required and let the people in MALAYSIA understand what is happening.

Nurse (unknown amount) has been kidnapped in Sandakan, believe by the militants reason to treat the injured.
Now all the medical staff in Sabah on Red Alert, no uniform going to work only at the facilities.
just came back from TT with a colleague who's bro in law is one of the police sent there to in 1st batch...they said the mutilation of bodies are definitely true and it seems these terrorirst have some sort of black magic....his bro in law said they shot those feckers but like no effect...i suspect the terrorist are doped on some sort of drugs and dont feel pain...which would explain y they dont drop when shot and y they're so inhumane.

think back on the vietnam wars where the americans said they shot the vietcongs but they still kept coming. fanatical minds + drugs = GODMODE! at least until cheats are disabled.

Sounds like a bunch of crazy frogs...msia must really get rid of them. It reminds me on the nazis zombie stage in COD.
pangyau...yalo everything filtered thru K&N...until nothing but "wholesome" news reaches us. good thing they have no way of censoring the net. how and where they abduct the nurse?

links...the part about doping n black magic is just my assumption. not to be taken seriously but based on the account of a person who was else they had this ability to still continue his attack after being shot at? for us kena parang a bit aredy crying of pain...
pangyau...yalo everything filtered thru K&N...until nothing but "wholesome" news reaches us. good thing they have no way of censoring the net. how and where they abduct the nurse?

links...the part about doping n black magic is just my assumption. not to be taken seriously but based on the account of a person who was else they had this ability to still continue his attack after being shot at? for us kena parang a bit aredy crying of pain...

Most probably they took morphine that made them like the Terminator.
YYC...its possible. but there are so many drugs out there nowadays so anything goes.

saw the news about the police and army complaining about recognizing locals VS terorrists...I would've said check IC but then we have no idea how many of them have our ICs right?? looks like the beginning of guerrilla warfare
That was d whole idea all along....

F*** YOU..1 of the murdered policeman is my friend, i am from Semporna. his death is a personal loss to me and u think its staged?
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Ok, once tension starts increasing and discussion becomes more of mud slinging this thread will be at danger of being deleted.

First and only warning to everyone.

To ATCO : these folks do not know anyone in the field or at location so no need to get so emotional. We understand death is no joke and being a martyr is not pleasant either. However if you wish to express your opinion you may do so here preferably without the vulgarities and emotionally charged language. You obviously know someone involved in the whole situation and I'm sure it's a painful loss to you (my condolences), it is apparent to me that fazidk would not have said what he said with intent. The circumstances and timing of the events is highly coincidental with the GE so it's only natural that there be some conspiracy theories. So just forgive him for his poor choice of words this time and let's just move on with civil discussion please.

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