Battlefield 1942?


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Oct 6, 2005

any of u play battlefield 1942 modern combat for ps2? i completed the game edi and i was a bit disappointed because the mission is somewhere around 20 plus only. afterwards, the whole game finish without no video ending or sth like that. damn, the game is really good, but the thing i hate the most is good games is usually short.


Splinter Cell
God Of War
now!! Battlefield 1942.... it a bug onthe BF1942 game?
i play the bf2 modern combat on ps2.......its not bad but sometimes i am quite fustrated to be surrounded by bunch of enemies... especially in the last mission while trying to moving near the comander 31....other missions still ok...but not much logic..they can just blew the missle silo or the oil refineries with missiles other than sending special ops...sometime its quite fun to use gun to shoot down the helicoptor flying low and then hijack the helicopter to fight the enemy back....
links said:
i play the bf2 modern combat on ps2.......its not bad but sometimes i am quite fustrated to be surrounded by bunch of enemies... especially in the last mission while trying to moving near the comander 31....other missions still ok...but not much logic..they can just blew the missle silo or the oil refineries with missiles other than sending special ops...sometime its quite fun to use gun to shoot down the helicoptor flying low and then hijack the helicopter to fight the enemy back....

yes bro, u r correct, once i snipe the pilot and manage to obtain the heli, its cool actually. but do u agree that the mission is quite short? sigh, but didnt u notice the mission is somewhere like 200++, how is that possible? by the way, how to make it to the top if we played same mission and same challenges everytime...damn....
DarkFibre said:
yes bro, u r correct, once i snipe the pilot and manage to obtain the heli, its cool actually. but do u agree that the mission is quite short? sigh, but didnt u notice the mission is somewhere like 200++, how is that possible? by the way, how to make it to the top if we played same mission and same challenges everytime...damn....

i think 200 missions are including the challenges and different difficulty levels ??? not so sure abt it....fade up when trying to kill commander 31...surrounded by moutains of enemies and not able to snipe him in just 30secs did u manage to do it?

the PC version is much more better with more weapons....
links said:
i think 200 missions are including the challenges and different difficulty levels ??? not so sure abt it....fade up when trying to kill commander 31...surrounded by moutains of enemies and not able to snipe him in just 30secs did u manage to do it?

the PC version is much more better with more weapons....

u dont have to snipe him using your sniper weapons, u have to use the laser guided 2 times to send missiles to that tower. after that, everything finish, no cut scene at all....sigh...200 missions does include challenges and mission retry once u finish the game, as to get more stars and rank.

battlefield vietnam is latest compared to modern combat is it? looking forward to play it as well
i only played bf2 .. the graphic is nice and so is the gameplay .. but you could get dizzy if you play for bout 3 hours stright cause you're gonna run over , over and over again..
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