The second round of the famed Grass Roots Autosports or better known as GRA is due to happen this weekend at the Shah Alam Stadium car park. After round 1, all eyes are on the king of GRA, Ivan Khong, and his team mate Alan Kow to perform again. While the veterans continue to do their thing and are consistently doing it well, the novice category is where the action really lies. Novice driver William Lim has set some impressive time that betters some pro drivers and he did it in his automatic Suzuki Swift. That, a battle between two veteran drivers anD a rookie who just happened to get on their bad side after beating them in Round 1, and a lady racer who races a Kelisa for “Works Meguiar” has set the stage for an explosive showdown this Sunday with timed runs starting as early as 930am all the way till 4pm. Participate or support, our local motorsports scene needs it, see you there.