zth metal fans/kakis/headbangers

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cypress8 said:
darahhitam, you tha MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ozzfest wei!!!!!!! Bro, your Mezmerize is a edited version or explicit? My friend bought the cd for me from the states and the best part is the cd is a fucking edited version!!!!! Wasted my money and time to return the cd to wallmart...Lesson learn, never ever buy any cds from wallmart as the sales persons knows shit, <period>, well of course, my friend's fault also la, never check...hahah.

Will check it out the Abyssos, thanks bro. Try check out another band, Lock Up featuring members of Dimmu Borgir (Nick Barker (ex-CoF drummer)), Hypocrisy (Peter Tagtgren) and Napalm Death (Jesse Pintado, Shane Embury), their debut Pleasures Pave Sewers is really kick ass!!!! Let me find out a free web space la, so I can upload those albums and share it to you guys!!

Dunno la edited or "explicit". How to know la? This one PS mari.

Nick Barker that botak guy. I actually love his drumming. Although most are electronically enhanced but his style if somehow unique and different than the rest. The double bass speeds up and slows down according to rhythm, very unconventional.

Lombardo is another case la.

Lock Up? Plays like Haunted izzit? I wonder what will the product be when ex Dimmu meets CoF meets Napalm meets Hypocrisy.
Free web space? I'm also a n00b la when it comes to these file-sharing, etc. You're the expert dude!

Roswell 47 rocks btw...hehehe

p/s: My Nymphetamine is scratched hard! F**k! Towards the end of the tracks, around 10 mins. Last time a copy was found at PS too, but no more la last night.
cypress8 said:
The Abyssos kick ass!!!! Never know there's a band which sounds like CoF and they are belong to the same recording company with CoF (the first 2 albums Principle of Evil made flesh and Dusk and her embrace)!!

Check out the clips from http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00000JZQI/qid=1128486750/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_8_1/302-9841903-1780059

Any jalan to get their albums, if buy from Amazon, for sure the Kastam will sita those cd, black metal ma, kena once already.

Don't worry dude, I have two ori albums by them - "Together we summon the dark" and "Fhinsthanian Nightbreed". I'll burn 'em for you.

That's right, they are from CoF's former Cacophonous Rec.

So once you are coming down to KL, I'll burn for you Abyssos (or any other bands you want, readily in my collection).
I just need the Extreme Aggression and maybe 1-2 more, to be "announced" later...hehehe

You, me, jombiee and maybe few others....small TT somewhere. Metal talks, engine talks, JDM bodypart talks...chick talks... hahahah

Am thinking of converting my vhs tapes (yes, vhs tapes!) to vcds, hundreds of clips inside (recorded ages ago, plsu some bought original from the shelves too) but the humidity of this country kinda accelerates the fungal attack on the tapes. Know any cheap way to convert it? It costs like a couple of hundreds to send it to the shops methinks coz they charge by hour and mine recorded in lp mode.

Also maybe to convert most of my fave cassette tapes to CD too....
hmm...have to hail to both of you, its getting to deep for me and i'm in darkness now ha ha, I'm so blur dude, just wanna follow up this thread & DL, just wish that I have friends like you guys in the old days, i might be playing somewhere abroad head bangin and crushing my guitar on stage.
hehehehe, no problem at all darahhitam! Most likely in December or January next year, will let you guys know! Get your list ready, I will burn for you. What's your list in cassette? If I have them, I can burn for you, if not will help you to find in the torrent. So just list them down, so you can save up the cash and belanja us makan, hahaha.
aiya Abang jombiee, you're my senior la bro, metal forever! For me, most of my friends listen to boy bands and chinese pop, hard to talk bout metal stuff. For them, I'm a freak, bad taste, too much anger and doesn't know how to appreciate the music. Some of them even ask me to go back to my roots!!! Does that mean that I grow as a chinese then I should listen to chinese pop?? what the fuck is that!? Not sure you guys went through this shit?? I was once lost...listen to all sorts of music, trance, hardcore rap but still I prefer metal. Well, I'm quite happy to know all of you guys here, same chanel ma.
cypress8 said:
aiya Abang jombiee, you're my senior la bro, metal forever! For me, most of my friends listen to boy bands and chinese pop, hard to talk bout metal stuff. For them, I'm a freak, bad taste, too much anger and doesn't know how to appreciate the music. Some of them even ask me to go back to my roots!!! Does that mean that I grow as a chinese then I should listen to chinese pop?? what the fuck is that!? Not sure you guys went through this shit?? I was once lost...listen to all sorts of music, trance, hardcore rap but still I prefer metal. Well, I'm quite happy to know all of you guys here, same chanel ma.

Let's just say that you are not alone.

I'm just lucky to have a VERY supporting family and a STRONG circle of metal-freaks, to back me up through the tough times though...
and yes, there are tough times when it comes to conforming to the society's needs, not OUR needs.
Lucky la you darahhitam, at least got kaki, me no kaki here...ahahah. For those poeple out there, metal is nothing but noise produce by group of jobless low class drug addicted, lame ass motherfucker. Well they have their thoughts bout this type of music, and basically we can't stop what people think of us who listen to this type of music, let it be, we are the one who enjoy the art of the noise, not them, and it's a free country. Agree?

No doubt la, some metal act are a bit too much la, like slaughter animal on stage, satan worshipping, but we all as an adult, we know how to judge and not follow them buta buta ma, correct?

That's what people tend to say all metal kakis all satan worshipper and they all sesat...??? hahaha...speechless...
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cypress8 said:
Lucky la you darahhitam, at least got kaki, me no kaki here...ahahah. For those poeple out there, metal is nothing but noise produce by group of jobless low class drug addicted, lame ass motherfucker. Well they have their thoughts bout this type of music, and basically we can stop what people think of us who listen to this type of music, let it be, we are the one who enjoy the art of the noise, not them, and it's a free country. Agree?

I like the way you described it...hahaha. Apparently, very few of my close metal mates smoke, and drink and more over do drugs!
Most of them are non-smokers!
In fact, most of them earned a degree, hold a steady job, settled down, and most inportantly, leaving no trace to their past likings!

A big FUCK YOU to the people who stereotype metalheads as such!

What I meant by tough times, not in particular order:

1. Labeled as satanist by my English teacher when she found out the lyrics. wtf.
2. Again, labeled as an atheist by a warden who ripped off my corresponding mails with and Israeli band during my "publication" years. another wtf.
3. Expelled from a boarding school.
4. Told to stay off few mates by their respective GFs, for the reason I'm gonna ruin theirs! lol. worst.
5. maybe a few more - too many to remember lah!

Even now, sometimes, I do get stares from the "certain" quarters, even with my full suit on!

Yes, thanks to my ever long hair!
hahahaha...what the fuck, hahaha, can help myself man, i'm still laughing when I type this, hahahahah, what a lame reasons they gave, ahahahah:

1. Labeled as satanist by my English teacher when she found out the lyrics. wtf.
2. Again, labeled as an atheist by a warden who ripped off my corresponding mails with and Israeli band during my "publication" years. another wtf.
3. Expelled from a boarding school.
4. Told to stay off few mates by their respective GFs, for the reason I'm gonna ruin theirs! lol. worst.
5. maybe a few more - too many to remember lah!

For me, long hair means gangster (during schooling time la), pondan la, whatever la, hahaha, that's what my mum says...
No doubt la, some metal act are a bit too much la, like slaughter animal on stage, satan worshipping, but we all as an adult, we know how to judge and not follow them buta buta ma, correct?

hehehehe. jombiee, managed to download those Metallica tracks?
Morons at work

What the f**k is this? Not again. The morons in this case are either the sensational-news-seeking journalists or the lowlife fake group of c**ts.

Whatever it is, this is an INSULT to the real hordes.
Like last time, they should get their facts right!
They even came up with the stupid term Pink Metal, WTF?


Satanic cult may be back again

SUNGAI PETANI: A youth cult that shocked many parents years ago with its satanic rituals, which included drinking the blood of a slaughtered goat, is believed to have made a comeback.

“We are aware of two groups, one calling itself Black Metal and the other, Red Rover, comprising mostly teenage boys,” said Kuala Muda district religious department enforcement officer Kamaruddin Kassim.

He said they would gather at a shopping complex here every Saturday, adding that the boys usually wore black T-shirts and black jeans while the girls would wear knee-high skirts.

“Some of them spot black eyeliners around the eyes,” he said yesterday.

Kamaruddin said the members would loiter around the shopping mall to recruit other teenagers and school leavers.

“This is very worrying. We’re placing undercover officers to monitor the situation,” he said.

Kamaruddin declined to say if the recent disappearance of two youths was related to the cult.

UiTM law student Azzem Izzat Ahmaduniawi Rahimin, 18, went missing from a shopping complex here on Sept 24 while clerk Shaharil Mohd Yusiff, 22, went missing on Sept 20 while on his way to work.

Both have since returned to their respective families.

The cult caused a stir several years back to the extent that it became a Cabinet issue.

A 16-year-old ex-cult leader reportedly said the head of a slaughtered goat would be placed on an upturned red cross planted in the ground and its blood collected and served to members.

Kamaruddin said the department was working closely with the police to monitor the activities of suspected cult members. The cult is said to be active here and in Baling.

He said although the department had not received any reports, there had been talk ofa re-emergence of the cult, headed by a foreigner.

It is also believed that followers, mainly youths aged between 18 and 22, would burn holy text of various religions, including the Quran. They would get high through incantations and would tear up and urinate on the Quran and other holy scriptures.
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oh well, no metal gigs allow in Malaysia again, thanks to these motherfucker!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot man!

Downloading the first one.

Farking slow la my office line nowadays, unless before 9 am or after 5 pm.:biggrin:
Download complete!
Listening to the first track, after life in purgatory.

I'm hearing Dimmu Borgir sound with some Dissection touches.

Hmmm.. not bad.

Going for the 2nd track and thereafter.

Thanks man!
Makesure you don't bring down your office LAN connection, hahahaha
Hope not, hahahah..

but the line is already fucking up. Sometimes online, sometimes offline.

Downloaded 3 tracks only so far.

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