Something Is Scary Happening In My House!

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chelnick said:
hey... careful a bit ler.... that day i spotted a "Friend" at my friends place..

scared the shit out of me... so next day went to pray... the monk suddenly stop at our side and telling us got something follow my friend hehe..

other then that... shouldn't have to worry.... maybe some techician at TNB nothing better to do go play with your electricity lol

wah!!! really ar??? how was da fren looks like??? can tell abit ar?
ermm.. well i was in my friends room and she was in the bathroom showering...

i was facing her computer when i felt someone walk behind me... so i thought my friend finish shower already... i turn around and saw a girl wearing a black lace dress walk out the door... i was blur for a moment... really thought was my friend cause the thing was a girl...

then i hear properly can still hear my friend in the bath room.... so it can't be her... and it can't be anyone else cause only 2 of us in the house...

oh btw i checked... my friend doesn't have a black lace dress XD
chelnick said:
ermm.. well i was in my friends room and she was in the bathroom showering...

i was facing her computer when i felt someone walk behind me... so i thought my friend finish shower already... i turn around and saw a girl wearing a black lace dress walk out the door... i was blur for a moment... really thought was my friend cause the thing was a girl...

then i hear properly can still hear my friend in the bath room.... so it can't be her... and it can't be anyone else cause only 2 of us in the house...

oh btw i checked... my friend doesn't have a black lace dress XD

this kind of thing normal lah, its always happened for people who share house/apartment (housemate)... i heard this kinda of stories more than thousands timez already...
wah...ur 'heng dai' is watching u~
acura, if this kind of thing still happen to u for a month or more l8er... Its maybe ur electricity got problem. But if this thing not happen to u anymore afta diz, its might be ghost wanna 'kacau' u, afta 'it' get bored with u, 'it' will leave u and go to other houses.
its not A bulb.. its a room of bulbs.. not florecent lamps
acura said:
its not A bulb.. its a room of bulbs.. not florecent lamps

she means down lite ler...
For more practical, get an electrician to check the wiring better.
ppl says hoh, when the presence of 'it' or 'them' is sometimes so strong that it attracts electricity, so hoh....erm..............
chelnick said:
ermm.. well i was in my friends room and she was in the bathroom showering...

i was facing her computer when i felt someone walk behind me... so i thought my friend finish shower already... i turn around and saw a girl wearing a black lace dress walk out the door... i was blur for a moment... really thought was my friend cause the thing was a girl...

then i hear properly can still hear my friend in the bath room.... so it can't be her... and it can't be anyone else cause only 2 of us in the house...

oh btw i checked... my friend doesn't have a black lace dress XD

are you guy or gal? Why you friend is having shower while you are in her room?heheheh..seems like something is going on before or after???.....

Possible you are imagine something on your gal friend in the bath room???

dont shoot me..just curious...... *cabut*

You may attracted a so called" hamsap ghost" may need to find another more Hamsap ghost to chase away the current one....

what if the ghost is a black belt kung fu master ghost ah? how to chase it away, must fight? how to win woh like that
like this lah acura, bring us to your home and experience it ok? maybe the ghost scared so many ppl (almost all hamsup guys) then the ghost run away by itself...

zero4, blackbelt kungfu fighter also no use... use only azimut then kaw tim.. hahaha :D
4agze said:
like this lah acura, bring us to your home and experience it ok? maybe the ghost scared so many ppl (almost all hamsup guys) then the ghost run away by itself...

zero4, blackbelt kungfu fighter also no use... use only azimut then kaw tim.. hahaha :D

hahaha... :D if u need hamsup guys dun 4get to call zth member!
shit...becoz of one hamsup ghost haunting in the house then attracted many hamsup ghost to come....must be very scary...

acura:- lights just go on and off? or lights flickering? ... if flickering then possible electrical problem.. if just go on when its off.. or off when its on.. then something is not right.. and if that is happening throughout the entire house then its really not right.. eewwww..

chel_nick:- u can see those things wan ah? why suddenly that apparition appeared before you la? sommore black lacy dress.. sound like its naughty.. lol
links said:
are you guy or gal? Why you friend is having shower while you are in her room?heheheh..seems like something is going on before or after???.....

Possible you are imagine something on your gal friend in the bath room???

dont shoot me..just curious...... *cabut*

i'm a guy la... she's my best friend lorz... hey bathroom is outside the room so even if she bath i can't see T.T(so sad)

erm my family got a little history with hantu... my mom can see... my auntie is an exorcist for a church... my grandma can see.... some of my cousins also can see...

this was actually my first time seeing... before that kena kacau got la... but can't see...

but like now not scared of them already... cause my house used to have a "GIRL" staying with us... but dunno go where already.... after my auntie pray over the house it disappeared....
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