Petronas new PRIMAX 3

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xtremeleo said:
iam running a starlet, i almost did 200km wit RM10 once, when i was on my way back from kuantan. dat was when the fuel cost 1.62 a liter. full tank now is about RM50, on long journey, maybe can go up to 500+km, depending on my mood.

i think its in the way i drive bro, i alwiz get good FC no matter whose car i drive

i drive clk 660 stock RM10 only can go for bout 80-90km only come starlet can RM10 go for 200km???and nowdays oledi Rm1.92 per liter offence but really impossible for me lah..and mebbe my driving style different loh...
xtremeleo said:
iam running a starlet, i almost did 200km wit RM10 once, when i was on my way back from kuantan. dat was when the fuel cost 1.62 a liter. full tank now is about RM50, on long journey, maybe can go up to 500+km, depending on my mood.

i think its in the way i drive bro, i alwiz get good FC no matter whose car i drive

maybe can share with us ur driving style... we r getting crazy of the FC la.. rite guys... hehe
rm50 for 500km...

means 25liter 500km....


walao~! all fc monster here~!
basically u have 2 stick ard the 100-110km range...constant and no sudden push on the accelerator pedal (mine's auto)...i managed to clock 600km with only rm70 worth of fuel by doing tht...from perak-kl and kl-perak in one single car: wira 1.8 sohc 1996, no mods except the driver ;P...nway no probs from the car except the usual wira rattling n vibrating sounds, but other than tht my car gives me gud FC n no headache

to save fuel, what i always do :
1) dun use or minimise aircon power when outside temp is cool/not hot
2) refrain from sudden acceleration or braking, even once in a while (guilty of tht!)
3) dun mod (hehehe...sori modders offence)
4) plan ur journey n the amount of fuel u wan 2 pump..i seldom pump full tank to avoid unnecessary weight n not to mention, save money :P (student maa)

just my rm1.92...peace
trueno said:
i drive clk 660 stock RM10 only can go for bout 80-90km only come starlet can RM10 go for 200km???and nowdays oledi Rm1.92 per liter offence but really impossible for me lah..and mebbe my driving style different loh...

hello.. read my post carefully, it was when the fuel cost RM1.62 / liter and it was on long journey, kuantan n kl isnt as near as u think, they r 250+km apart, and petrol is saved a lot on long journeys.

i apologise for my sarcasm, but is it dat impossible to u? iam quite fedup wit poeple dat says its impossible when they cant do it themselves. FYI, ive done similar FC on a moded GSR, wit bigger turbine, bigger ic, etc.

telling dat impossible shows how much u know how to drive bro, to me driving isnt just start, engage gear, and move. learn how ur ride acts and maybe u can achieved what ive achieved wit my ride. i hope u rnt offended ya:_:
klipch : dats a good FC u have there bro, r u too using primax3? ive experienced good FC when using projet, but prefer petronas anyday. ur driving technic is as good as what professional is suggesting, bravo!! i do most of ur tech but usually i get better FC when driving fast. iam running rich on low revv, 4+ bar of fuel pressure on idle is a bad setting, but curretnly i have no option. fuel pump is quite lazy nowadays, gonna change dat and retune the pressure to 3.2bar idle so dat i'll get better FC in the future
klipsch said:
basically u have 2 stick ard the 100-110km range...constant and no sudden push on the accelerator pedal (mine's auto)...i managed to clock 600km with only rm70 worth of fuel by doing tht...from perak-kl and kl-perak in one single car: wira 1.8 sohc 1996, no mods except the driver ;P...nway no probs from the car except the usual wira rattling n vibrating sounds, but other than tht my car gives me gud FC n no headache

to save fuel, what i always do :
1) dun use or minimise aircon power when outside temp is cool/not hot
2) refrain from sudden acceleration or braking, even once in a while (guilty of tht!)
3) dun mod (hehehe...sori modders offence)
4) plan ur journey n the amount of fuel u wan 2 pump..i seldom pump full tank to avoid unnecessary weight n not to mention, save money :P (student maa)

just my rm1.92...peace

well actually the right mod oso can help you save fuel.

-change to lighter bodyparts..CF bonnet etc.

-a/f tuning to get the most of ur engine's power. this one u ask sifus how to do it. me dunno.

-removal of those excessive 'gaban' bodykit (yes, a rear wing does slows you n/a guys down)
xtremeleo: thanx bro...been a primax user since its introduction coz of real rewards n coz i'm a petronas scholar :)...furthermore primax does not bring side effect to my car so y not support m'sian products, rite?...i also got to know a friend of mine who incidentally got a chance 2 c the actual result 4 the primax 3...tht certainly help to renew my faith on primax 3...btw i sumtimes drive fast to especially when i'm bored in d highways..hehe...but my FC never got preposterous...let me share a story wit fellow zth:

2 weeks ago, my friends n i went to penang on a day trip..there were five of us, 3 in my wira n 2 in my friend's kancil 660 (new model)...the whole trip consists of ipoh-penang, around the penang and penang-ipoh so it's nearly 400km total...i spent ard rm70 whereas my friend spent rm50 for his kancil...tht's a comparison between 660cc and 1800cc (my wira) and i was not very frugal on the accelerator tht day...a few times my speed reached 160km/h and i maintained ard 140km/h for long periods of time (saja-saja mau kejar beemer tp ada corolla seg blocking me..damn tensen coz cannot kejar la like tht)...well, dunno la but i never have a problem with bad FC...good engine maintenance n light right foot can work wonders w/o having to put c/f bonnets n such...hehehe no offense, if i can afford i really wud like evo 7 bonnet...anyone got cheap ones tht can spare me T.T
haha.. dis is d kinda feeback i luv, a 20 bu difference from an kancil isnt dat bad bro. in fact, its quite good :) just imagine how the kancil wud compare wit a 1.3liter turbo, once i drove in a 660 kancil to kuantan and it drank about RM25 (when it was RM1.52/liter) of petrol.took about 4+ hours to arrive in kuantan. my car only uses a mere RM15 (when it was RM1.62/liter), in 2 and a half hours, plus a pit stop.

dis morning, on my way to work, because a petronas petrol station isnt in tye way and fuel tank was quite empty, i had to fill shell up. the difference was very clear, primax3 is way better.
Hi bro and sister here!

my personal opinion was tat not neccessary car with bigger cc hv a bad FC compare with car like kancil..

actually i got a point here to share but dunno it's true onot...

a car started to consumes more fuel when our RPM meter revs more than 3000.....

u imagine a car like kancil need to rev higher than 3000rpm to get speed like 100km/h (EXAMPLE) but car like wira 1.8 can reached 100km/h in 2500RPM only...

in the long run esp in highway, u will c a difference, reason given was because I owned iswara 1.5 with some mods, n i drove kelisa now.....

it's true that kelisa or kancil hv a very good FC in city driving as it doesnt need tat much power.......but in highway, it's a bit difference, when u wanna overtake n so on...

juz my 2 cents, u can share with me.....but dun flame me, kekekeke......
andy_lka: gud point there car: 110km/h at 2500rpm, if tekan a lil bit until 130km/h --> 3000rpm...but in city driving sure kalah to smaller cc car, like u said if in city, i limit myself to 2500rpm (restrain myself actually :D) the days when petrol costs rm 1.62 i dun are so much...but now everytime fill up i always think bout FC n how much to put...wat to do *sigh*
Okei. I filled up Primax 3, I think for the 3rd or 4th time already. I'm getting a little bit more mileage. I think I'm getting aprox 20-30km more. I've also just changed engine oil and started using tufoil again. The oil change took place on 2 June 06. I have heard in various occasions that tufoil helps get a little more mileage under normal driving style so this could be a contributing factor. On the other hand, perhaps using Primax 3 will start working after a few times of using it, sort of like seasoning the engine to suit it's new mix, or something like that. Once seasoned, the benefits starts being visible.
klipsch said:
andy_lka: gud point there car: 110km/h at 2500rpm, if tekan a lil bit until 130km/h --> 3000rpm...but in city driving sure kalah to smaller cc car, like u said if in city, i limit myself to 2500rpm (restrain myself actually :D) the days when petrol costs rm 1.62 i dun are so much...but now everytime fill up i always think bout FC n how much to put...wat to do *sigh*

hi bro klipsch there,

same here, hahah, restricted myself to 2500-3000 rpm, but sometimes kaki gatal a bit will tekan untill 3300rpm,keke

so heard u guys saying tat primax 3 was quite good, i juz pump rm40 in caltex tonite, aiseh, no petronas nearby.....nvmm......

lately the wheather damn hot, i juz re-tint my car to a better tinted film, keke, cooler but gf there gets scolding hotter....:cry_smile:

btw, when i use shell, my kelisa auto can go 450KM++ with rm 50...normal? or good FC? any kelisa owner uses PRIMAX 3????

wats the new record?? pls share....:shades_smile:
question to everyone:

rev to 4k rpm on 20% throttle everytime before shifting consume more fuel..


rev to 2.5k rpm on full throttle everytime before shifting consume more fuel??
rollakid said:
question to everyone:

rev to 4k rpm on 20% throttle everytime before shifting consume more fuel..


rev to 2.5k rpm on full throttle everytime before shifting consume more fuel??

rollakid got a gd question here,

i need to know this too....

sifu out there, apa macam?
rollakid said:
question to everyone:

rev to 4k rpm on 20% throttle everytime before shifting consume more fuel..


rev to 2.5k rpm on full throttle everytime before shifting consume more fuel??

as for me, i never full throttle (come to think of it, i never put it into half pun) to redline, and still have satisfactory FC, so 20% throttle to 4k rpm is better den the 2nd option
i think sudden braking n sudden accelarating will c a dramatic high fuel consumption.........i try b4.....but now? erm.....unless the govt reduced the petrol price which is IMPOSSIBLE i guess, so work smart, play smart, n drive smart,......

"u guys better becareful with thos motorcycle, my gf's car juz got hit n run by a motorcyclist this morning while goin to work, wat the .........................!"
motor cycle pun pump primax 3 and vrooommm the way without considering other road users.. damnn...
hai... biasa tu.. my head light crack.. bumper crack..
cuz motorbike.. but dint pay back n d motor just chow.. but d motorbike also teruk liaw n owner i think got injured cuz hit my car...
from wat i understand, full throttling will consume more fuel coz the amount of air ur forcing into the engine is much higher compared to 20% throttle...but when ur rpm reaches 4000rpm, heheh...sure FC naik wan...but nice laa tekan pedal to the floor...leaves a very nice feeling to the driver

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