JB New Section........ Part 3.....

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my car gettin slower n slower la....
dun waste ur time.....
No lah, i saw ur dad's sentra and was not sure whether u where in..
so just boost a bit only lah..
drag second gear a bit longer only..
then the traffic light in front was green
so just went a bit faster.. :)

Lets see... i happen to count the number of time your blow off went off.... its exactly 6 times b4 you turn left into Tebrau at the traffic light which is almost turning red.

so that's your "boost a bit only"... i can't imagine when you boost kau kau...
Morning Guys,

Frank and Keon
Been there, done that :)

6 times was
because i was playing with the throttle la :)
Jason!!!! wassup man.... i saw your car in Motor Trader... why la sell your car... dun sell leh.. let me drive around a bit a bit lah... when you free for TT? This friday you can come for our TT and show us your ride? \

Track day, i will let you guys know when i change my shift pattern... think 2 weeks from now i should be free on sunday but can't go for TT anymore for 1/2 year...

so, maybe this friday will be my last TT with you guys....
val, precisely... from the way you play it.. your turbo will konk very soon... 6 times... in a space of a few seconds..... or maybe you thinking of changing a bigger turbo...
U read to fast my friend..
Kiasu also, must still read slowly.. haha
x times on a straight road..

Bigger turbo??
I wishhh.. hahahah..

LAST TT this Friday for u?
U make it sound so dramatic.. hehe..
no la.... play like that turbo wun kong so easily one la. but playing with throttle was super lame answer. i dun see the reason why there is a need to play with throttle. only cricket will think of thing like this. wahahahah

so does that also means u will be big time hantu for 1/2 year to come?
Its the cricket Throttle! Wahahaah...
Time to ciaos before the ak's reload..

Where is the main AK?
busy acting to work is it?
Or can't wake up from excessive clubbing..hehe..
good morning everybody!!!

ppl play wif throttle to listen to his SQV ma....
not everyone get SQV together wif halfcut wei!!!!
sure hav to maximize usage ma!!!

who is jason ar???
no offence la...
but then i really tak kenal wor.....
sorry sorry......
ajak track day wor...
must b a big time la....

tis friday TT???
sigh....my boss edi say wanna go yumseng on friday.....
then next friday company annual dinner.....
dont worry cal......we will try not to invite u for tt....
wat kindda invite u talkin abt???

if not then make it on weekend lo.....
saturday evening or sunday noon/evening la.....
its like damn freakin quite today right???
everyone's new year resolution is to b hardworking???
i dunno bout others la...
but then basil;s resolution confirm wanna b snake king!!!
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