ICE Installation at C. V. Audio (Uptown)

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2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 12, 2005
malaysia got 100 high end shops meh? and u became customer to each shop? terrer la u....


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 20, 2005
Just an example only, as I like to window shopping, but so far I have went to almost 30 shops, from the brand Lightning Audio, RF, Helix, Alpine..... from JB till Penang. Not yet go to east coast only. 1 conclusion only can be made from all the shops I went. Is like a dog, see people drive a Proton, like not welcome, the most ask the most useless fellow or a girl that knows nothing on ICE to entertain. If drive Benz or BMW, the boss ownself comes out even he is busy talking in the phone or having his afternoon nap.
But got 1 very nice to me, because no customer that time, I the only 1. Turn on his RF show car, then test my car. After that start to comment alot on my ICE. Say this and that.
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Known Member
Senior Member
Dec 1, 2003
A long time since I've seen this one.

You have such bad luck in ICE. I drive a Proton (3 doors dented even) but everytime I pull over an ICE shop, I'm always welcomed. What I ask they entertain. Sometimes too much entertainment I aslo cabut.

I think you should go for a new hobby lah since your experience in ICE is so bad.

Why not you go TT first and see other people setups. Your airplane story is a really never ending one. Remember, there's usually 2 story of airplane - improper wiring (which will be detected almost instanantly) or broken units (which will take time).

Really bad luck lah u. I go to a shop ask to change fuse underneath my seat also cost me RM5 for fuse only not workmanship.

Seriously, you need to look for a new hobby - well I'm guessing aeronautical ain't for you :wink:
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1,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 20, 2005
Well, sometimes when past by just want to see, not my hobby anyway. My airplane story ended already, after I use short wire to put on my RCA jack, even an high end ICE shop also cannot do. Well, maybe you well dress that time. Me always go to high end ICE shop with short pants with my pocket full loaded. But what to do, nobody want to entertain me.


Known Member
Senior Member
May 31, 2005
dun get discouraged kyheng.. its their loss 4 not serving u
perhaps, u'll meet some good ICE outlets someday :X-:


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 20, 2005
Hopefully, I think, high end shop sure cannot, but normal 1 I think can get. Well, now I buy my amp or speakers from US, easier and cheaper by 100%. Recently got Lightning Audio amp for 600 where shop is selling for 2400.


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 12, 2005
u need to go to higher high end shops la bro, the type of shops that dont sell lightning audio which for me is cap ayam..


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 20, 2005
Zenn said:
u need to go to higher high end shops la bro, the type of shops that dont sell lightning audio which for me is cap ayam..
Yes, this is the type of attitude on high end accessories shop. The mind set is I'm the best, others cannot compete with me. So if the amp is cheaper than rm1200 is consider ayam brand, is it true? Anyway is KF Audio considered as high end accessories shop? If yes then for the rest of my life I will not put my leg to this shop as the attitude is like this, think they are the best in world. If go also my ICE sure will be comment as rubbish by them


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 12, 2005
was only talking SQ wise, lighting audio amps & speakers just dont cut it, sorry u feel that way...

we sell quite a few alpines which are under 1.2k i wont call them cap ayam. also lightning has few amps which cost more than 1.2k,

too bad u wont be visiting us soon, or else we can teach u how to use the LP/FR/HP functions on your amp and how to connect tweeter directly to amp so u can stop using capacitors & HU power for your tweeters to get much better SQ.
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1,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 20, 2005
Aik! Statement change very fast? Anyway to become a so-called pro in high end car audio shop this is 1 of the important thing to do, statement can be change very fast in order to cover mistake.
Lightning Audio amps atleast cost more than 1500 starting from Bolt series, I just use the lowest power amp (B2.150.2)to compare with other brand.
As highlighted, you never mention anything about SQ wise in your first statement or maybe I don't understand English?
Use the amp to power tweeter also I know how to do by selecting HPF/FR/LPF, only the sound still too sharp. Maybe my amp is ayam brand, who knows?
Anyway some of the speakers also using a capacitor, is your shop will remove it before you install for the customers? Oh yalah, high end speakers where got capacitor in the speakers, only the ayam brand speakers some got capacitor installed.


2,000 RPM
Senior Member
Jul 12, 2005
every reply i make is based on SQ, this is my hobby and now my everyday life. i am here to help people to get on the right track so they dont get misinformation from ppl like you. u asked someone to use HP for his tweeter, when the highest frequency was 300Hz, for damn sure the tweeter will koyak, and also why in your case it is too sharp, because its not playing the frequencies it is supposed to, hence the need for a capacitor to further reduce the frequencies.

u need to widen your visits to more than the 30 shops u mentioned bcoz they arent high end enough. also please dont stereotype ppl just from one bad experience.

there are many nice & kind ppl around, especially in ice forums that help other ppl for nothing, just to share the passion we have for SQ. if u join out TTs u will know what im talking about.


Known Member
Senior Member
Nov 17, 2003
I look like a cheap charlie as well...
So far I visited few ICE shops, I received good treatment as well.
Those shop ranging from famous ice shop and those sotong shops.....
I guess I talk nicely to them and able to break the ice in few mins .....

Yes, sometimes, when u walk into a shop, they might not come and approach u...
some of us, especially like me, don't like to be followed. I like to take my time to look around and when I spotted something, i will ask them and they will come and explian to me. Is the matter of how you talk to them and break the ice ...

If you are not getting good response from all those 30 shops, perhaps you might want to rework on your communication skill .... no offense and if my reply offended you, my aplogy to you in advance, okie?


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 20, 2005
Anyway is nice here, but looks like you are not one of them. If you are really a nice guy then you are not suppose to say something bad about other ICE shop bad words. Yeah, is your hobby to reply, is mine also so do other people, but to say other shop is ayam brand shop directly won't you think is abit too rude? You can say anything, but when a statement is out atleast you have to responsibble for it, atleast say a word sorry or say is your mistake, try to become humble, not showing the so-called high end accessories shop attitude.
What you say is true also as 30 high end shop not enough. But is the nos really that important? These 30 shops that I went some of them got a coffee shop inside(Seremban LTM) is this considered high end shop? But now I prefer to go to a normal shop, atleast they sell cheaper by 30-50% compare to high end shop and more friendly. If want to add this normal shops, I think it will breached no 50 and above for the total car audio shops that I have visited so far.

Well Devil, you have offended me abit, just joking, haha. But let me make it right first. 1st I'm also the type of like to see alone, but most of these 30 shops is treat me like a thief, some is treat me like a stupid guy. 2nd, everyday I work I have to wear long pants rubber type, so when not working I prefer to wear short pants and a simple t-shirt to go out. I only say a word 'want to see first' is this my communication skill got problem? If really want to say got problem, is the shop's people got, not me. As a shop when opens a door for customers to walk in, they should try their best to serve them, not use one kind eyes to see the customers. Nowadays these shops is not customer focus, is their mood focus.
So Devil, do I need to rework on my communications skills? Maybe next time when I visit the shops again, I think the best is wear a coat to go in, is it true?


Helmet Clan
Thread starter
Mar 28, 2004
ryws said:
guys, I've heard good reputation of CV audio. This morning, i paid a visit to CV Audio(at kuchai lama). Guess what, it was a disappointment. I went there, nobody entertainment me. So, i approached them. Asking how much is a Alpine Type-S SPS171A? And they just replied me RM800. What man. If i din do research, i kena sotong man. ( I went to another alpine shop, they sell it around RM680).

Summary of the shop.

Price: Skyrocket high
Will go there again: Definately NO!
Friendliness: Not being entertained

Ehh.. wtf is this. My thread turn into a ICE shop bashing thread liao. Incidentally, I've never been to the Kuchai Lama CV Audio. I've only been to the Serdang and Uptown CV Audio and they both entertained my questions to my every whim and fancy. Even though in the end I didn't buy from them I left a happy man. Which I why I went back there to get my stuff installed (Uptown). I drive a proton and I wear shirt and shorts sometimes sandals too. Peter from CV Uptown has never looked down on any customer who steps into his shop. Even a kancil and the malay owner who just wanted to install a cheap Phillips tweeter Peter immediately asked his fellas to do cuz it was the easiest thing to do there and charged less than RM40 for it.

Perhaps their prices maybe high, but it's always negotiable and the service is always top notch. I've recommended 3 or 4 friends to Peter and when they go they never get turned down or ignored by CV even though they never mentioned my name.

So seriously bro, I think you damn sui la to kena like that.

KYHENG : Bro, not all shops are bad. You've just never been to the right ones. You come CVAudio in Uptown and don't tell him Chris intro one see if they do something funny. If they do let me know and I'll fire them upside down for you.

Oh.. and usually if the staff ignore you it's because they are doing something. 100% concentration la. Can't be doing something halfway and then abandon the whole thing just because of one inquiry right? This one should be directed to the boss anyway.


Helmet Clan
Thread starter
Mar 28, 2004
kyheng said:
wah lau, you really go few place and ask around. but normally as far as I know, that people that talk alot 1 is actually don't know much.

Right back at ya bro.

Let's stop the flaming and get on with the proper discussion. People can say what they want but people will judge him/her based on their own opinions. So let's cut the crap and all live happily ever after.


1,000 RPM
Senior Member
May 20, 2005
Yarloh, I might be gone too far on it, sorry for the flamming. But nowadays most of the people's attitude is like this: gao an hon yan dai(dog eyes look people down if don't understand). Should advise the fellow that comment some shops is useless also, not me alone only, must be fair abit. Anyway what ryws said is true also. Not everybody that want to install ICE has alot of money.
And sometimes I'm not happy with some shop is even got no customers they prefer to smoke rather than entertaint me, what to do, not handsome enough. Is smoking considered as 100% concentration? So far the best shop I visited is LTM in Seremban, ask a girl to entertaint me that totally knows nothing about ICE, ask her about the price also don't know. Think of changing to Alpine HU as my Pioneer 5750 almost time liao, but see the price on the spot stop thinking already, is skyrocket high, atleast 300 more expensive than what offer on ZTH or Lelong for some models.
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Helmet Clan
Thread starter
Mar 28, 2004
Well, if you're gonna compare brand new units from ZTH vs shops, I think ZTH is gonna be cheaper because they don't have overheads to pay for. And what's more is you won't have any backend support if you buy from ZTH or lelong. Once spoilt, it's your own problem to go back to WKH to repair (for Alpine units la). Whereas the shops will kaotim the whole thing for you and ask you to go back to them the next day and re-install for free.

I guess its all about the service. CV Audio Uptown is crazy gila about service and even though they are sometimes more expensive than others, their service is really good. I've taken my friend there to remove and install stuff before and what did CV charge? Nothing cuz it was a very easy matter of unscrewing and screwing it back. Took less than 15 minutes and wasn't done half heartedly. I've bought quite a few things from them since and each time I go back it's for adjustment la, laying of new cables (that I bring myself) la and tuning la, all free.

So yeah, I'm more than willing to pay that 300 extra for the service. In return I recommend people to CV too and my friends so far have no complaints.

Bro, it's not a matter of whether you got budget or not, it's a matter of how much you got and whether you're willing to let them set it up for you without worrying about brand. I've seen people go into CV and tell them :

"My budget is 2k. I want my system to sound nice. Don care what brand".

So the fella lays some decent RCAs (not cap ayam..won't talk about brands here), some decent components, a matching amp and a sub. I won't talk about the brands here because people will start commenting when they see the combo. You go and listen to this fella's 2K setup and you'd be amazed later when I tell you what brands that he put in.

So bro, give him a try la. No obligations one la.
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Active Member
Senior Member
Feb 7, 2006
wah my one comment let you guys fight for so long. Izso, good suggestion. I think i might wanna try to go to this CV audio at Uptown. and ask them to install with a budget RM2000 without HU regardless the brand :P


Known Member
Senior Member
Mar 3, 2005
so exp with CV is oki & good,even at Jln kuchai lama or Uptown branch.and other installer also they quite nice.Wonder why other peple complaining so much lorr...and i'm not a CV or other installer fan coz i shop around...

but pls behave,dont post stupid things about any shop in the forum coz it will spoil the reputation of that shop itself.and dont simply judge that shop after one time been there coz u dunno them yet.

my advise,do a smart shopping & survey...dont blame any shop that sell expensive things to u,coz thats their business...and if they duwan to entertain u, does'nt mean they were "lansi"...

dont be a stupid person!!!bcoz u have a Brain inside ur head...


Known Member
Senior Member
Dec 1, 2003
aurie said:
so exp with CV is oki & good,even at Jln kuchai lama or Uptown branch.and other installer also they quite nice.Wonder why other peple complaining so much lorr...and i'm not a CV or other installer fan coz i shop around...

but pls behave,dont post stupid things about any shop in the forum coz it will spoil the reputation of that shop itself.and dont simply judge that shop after one time been there coz u dunno them yet.

my advise,do a smart shopping & survey...dont blame any shop that sell expensive things to u,coz thats their business...and if they duwan to entertain u, does'nt mean they were "lansi"...

dont be a stupid person!!!bcoz u have a Brain inside ur head...
I like this comment... teh tarik on me bro!! :wink:
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