Hypertune Jazz Totalled!

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yalor... the CF hood really solid... i will think twice whether to buy the ori CF or immitation CF already... kekeke
juniorkirk said:
lolz... 100% total lost... they wont pay for those mod parts... juz the market worth of tat car... like A car is 100k... then this A guy mod the car another 50k... the insurance will pay the most 80% of the market price... means RM 80k ... keke
I know, dude. I'm talking about the 100% of the insured sum for that car. Of coz it will be 80 or 90% for normal procedure total lost claim but it's due to some "other" reasons which is not quite nice to be stated here. cheerio.:regular_smile:
errr... anyway... money is not that important at all... juz glad the driver could come out the car without and injuries at all... money lost edi can earn back... life lost edi... hmm... tat one not sure.. never tried before...
juniorkirk said:
errr... anyway... money is not that important at all... juz glad the driver could come out the car without and injuries at all... money lost edi can earn back... life lost edi... hmm... tat one not sure.. never tried before...

indeed, the owner himself is surprise that he escaped the accident without any injuries. The impact was very great but lucky it's a 4 star rated NCAP car.:regular_smile:
WMY22xx? remember not to buy this car.
from lowyat.net 2f/2f forums , checkout the 39th post

Raymond isn't in the picture.. The pink guy isn't him..

I just spoke to Raymond. He said it happened on Sunday morning. Happened at Taman Tun there. He was speeding then lost control..

What a pity to see the car smashed up like that. Most importantly, he's all right..

Still got heart to ask me to change my car to Jazz. Haha tongue.gif
insurans will not pay 100% de..
even claim insurans.. ur car oso will b back to de stock only..
it will not change into any mod tat u mod..

ya.. juniorkirk,
u r rite..
money is not as important as life...
so zhen xik ur life...
Legend Speedy said:
insurans will not pay 100% de..
even claim insurans.. ur car oso will b back to de stock only..
it will not change into any mod tat u mod..

ya.. juniorkirk,
u r rite..
money is not as important as life...
so zhen xik ur life...
i'm wondering if my english is that bad to be understand. i said, 100% insurance claim due to "other" reasons. It's all about "know who" and not "know how" anymore. and the parts can be salvaged.:emoticon_U:
man! The car must be turning and hit brick walls more than once to be all smashed up like that!
n it's a good thing the body can tahan the brutal smashing like that.....sheeeshh...
ya mehh...
not even claim insurans oso will get back stock de mehh???
i tot not includin de mod de... only stock..
If u nkow the insurance adjuster and are close with the workshop......anything can be done........trust me.........
When there's a will, there will b ways!
I don't mean to be John B Rain, but If I were the insurance company, I don't think I wanna pay a single cents for the damaged car. The reason? many parts of the car are not original as stated and agreed upon during the purchase of the car insurance. Thus the issurance is considered VOID, so not money for the owner...

Don't believe or doubt? read the fine text in your car insurance policy...
like tat de izit...
den sum ppl will hav their mod back after crash loo???
aiyohhh...another Jazz....
beautiful Jazz @ Bdr Sri Damansara...
still remember the rim previously attached with a Vios...
errr...Ken...u got a point there....
That's technically or theoritically and ethically correct.

If the world is so perfect, than no more corruptions for the polis, jpj, puspakom. Not even cheating for students in schools! Long live a fair world!

Pls read..............
b00n said:
If u nkow the insurance adjuster and are close with the workshop......anything can be done........trust me.........
When there's a will, there will b ways!

Sorry guys.....too much stress, still in the office; so pls dun feel offended by my hard way of talking.
this meant the moded parts which still can use.....can be taken back by the owner and replace back the standard stock parts to the Jazz b4 total lost claimed?
actually ... when u claim a total lost.. it will only based on their price they give u... like if u give "good deal" to the adjuster... the claim will based on the price the adjuster give...

goh... not sure about this... but from what i know... for what in total lost means is total lost.. it belongs to the ... hm.. it dont belongs to u anymore...
gouki aka roy....wei..wat happen to raymond car lah....i din c him for a while....like tht already?????wasted man...the ICE..???the angel eye???the HID?????wahhhhhhh....yoo....the rims..the rims.....superstar rims....noblesse bodykitt....all gone...........
that wan not noblesse bodykit it is mugen bodykit heheheh
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