Carbon Fiber Look Bonet-updated!

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Exterior and Body

Carbon Fiber Look Bonet-updated!

huiyo...damn nice wei....
those sitckers cannot stick at the dashboard ar?
Look so real la.....dun touch the bonnet really duno is non-Cf...:p

How much does it cost for a galant's bonnet?
satria, wira bonet RM350
proton satria, wira roof RM450
back bonet for satria not doing it now,
dashboard cannot la brother....the glue is for metal... :D but we got cheaper CF sticker which cannot stand petrol n tina... u come n let the installer check for u...

galant... erm... big one leh, got scoop or hole(like evo) or not?
we charge extra for bigger(than wira, satria), n extra work like scoop bla bla bla...
price we meet n nego... :D
galant should be RM450

ok guys, no installation have to make appointment 1 week b4, coz the installer now changed job.... so when u wan, he get sticker frm supplier n install for u... sorry for the inconvinience....
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damn cun....but a bit expensive no money right now if not sure i do
sorry for tat.. coz our cost also very high... :D
yup yesterday really havoc i when to pump petrol also.Man it was so jam up.The meter is running so slow like counting by seconds.:mad: Maybe they want to delay until 12 and charge u (cow cow):eek:
Can u pm me back for more details..private pm me your location and using a perdana wants to do hood and back hood...
bro, i saw mira boot attaching this CF, how much it cost?, my boot also same like that come with big scoop. :confused:

now cannot view the sticker oredi?
if can, where is the shop, address pls?
which part of oug?
the installer now change job already.....
so... if wanna see.....
plz call 016-3561999... LIM.... he'll arrange to let u see his car.. n he is the installer.. can arrange when to install also... :D
I also want to see what it looks like, so that i can consider about it.
For those wanting to put CF stickers on their bonnet or bumper or front lips, Let me tell you certain things. When pebbles or small stones from cars in front kena the part where the sticker is, the cf sticker would have small cuts or dots. First few days, it will look fine but as days passes by, the cf sticker would have lots of chips n dots n it doesnt look shiny no more. No matter how good the sticker is, you have to know that stickers when hit by pebbles and sand flying at high velocity is bound to be rosak.....!
Bonnets are not so bad...usually only at the frontpart, the pebbles kena.
Bumpers....not a good idea.
Front lips...forget about it.

CF stickers are cool but try using them for interior use. Some cf stickers can be used in engine compartments. Tapi bukan dekat sangat dgn engin, okie?
Anyway, this is my opinion. Sorry if anyone disagrees with me.

Ps. also the cf sticker job which i did on my side mirrors looks great except roughness can be felt from the sand n pebbles that hit it at speed of usually 60km(travelling speed in city)...and that is in the middle bit of the car and not the front.
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