Animals on the road

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if dog, when u horn them, they will run away from blocking ur way. but some stupid cat even stop in the middle of the road or suddenly cross the road. untill now i jus hit a stupid cat with my motorbike in low speed after i do an emergency brek. luckily i didt suffer anything n also the cat which throw about 3m away n still can run away.
for me if saw a dog/cat trying to cross the road, the best way is slow down ur car n horn them if they can understand. if too late the best way is slow down as much as u can or change to right line which is much slower.

SanatiC...ur car grill is too big until some bird thought is their 'home'...hehehe
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if you hit any animals on the tolled highways, you are legally entitled to sue the highway concessionaire.

we pay the toll not only for the maintenance you know.
sadly the right is never used thanks to the hassly nature of our justice systems and the fact that our living costs hardly permits one normal citizen to financially stand up in the event of a lawsuit.

or it could be bcoz of our "tak apa" attitude that makes us feel the hassle in such proceedings. haihz.
never bang any animals but got 1 crow fly so low i was going damm fast then i saw black
crow passing my windscreen then i bang him with my wind screen then i saw he lying motionless must be dead cos going around 140 that time somemore cornering. haiz i pray for 1 night damm. cos langgar crow damm suey 1.
I guess accident do happen.

It happen to me last month when i hit a dog. I was cruising in the middle of the night driving less then 30 km/h, then suddenly one dog jump out of nowhere. I saw the dog on my right light and i immediately press the brake. Because it is too near, i still hit the dog at the left hand side of my front bumper. i stop the car but the dog dont know run where already. then i check my car, my front bumber have a big crack and now still got the dog fur stuck to my bumper. Now going to change my bumber already.

Last time, my friend hit a dog, the dog died and the cost to repair his car is RM 900.

I think it is very subjective, to change lane or hit the animal. But i guess between the animal life and your life, you make the choice.

I guess if have choice, no one would like to hit an animal.
And one more thing, i'm guilty of killing a lot of insect in highway where a lot of it stick to my windscreen during long jurney.
soulseaker said:
And one more thing, i'm guilty of killing a lot of insect in highway where a lot of it stick to my windscreen during long jurney.
ya, any idea why that always happen?
I'm a cat and dog lover. I have 2 dogs and 11 cats.

Remember last time when my dog was been hit by a stupid dumb as driver speeding in housing area. My sis and my lil bro was going for a walk. That time was Chinese New Year lots of ppl playing fire cracker my dog barks everytime it hears fire cracker sound.

My dog's collar came loose during the walk because it was barking here and there cause of the fire cracker. My dog ran to the road. The Merc driver from far far can see my sis and bro still dont wanna slow down then BOOM bang up my dog and terus cabut like nobody's business. I was so damn angry, quickly rush my dog to a VET.

My sis, lil bro and me get bitten by my dog because it was unjured badly. injured animal can be very fierce even owner also bite. 3 of us go for injection scare got disease.

My parents spent RM3000 on the dog's surgery. I was so sad that time. The week after, I seek revenge of the owner. I know where he stays and his no plate.

Bought Thinner, DOT4 brake fluid and paint remover. All campur into 3 bottles, screw his car kau kau at midnight.

Heard from the security guard after 3 days, said his car's paint all habis, back windscreen also pecah by me. The driver was mad and said would find out who did it.

I felt better cause that big fat ass fellow deserves it. where can u speed in housing area. Stupid ppl...:mad:
I also dont know, it is either we cross their path or they cross our path.

Or maybe we drive too fast, hehe.
TitanRev said:
I'm a cat and dog lover. I have 2 dogs and 11 cats.

Remember last time when my dog was been hit by a stupid dumb as driver speeding in housing area. My sis and my lil bro was going for a walk. That time was Chinese New Year lots of ppl playing fire cracker my dog barks everytime it hears fire cracker sound.

My dog's collar came loose during the walk because it was barking here and there cause of the fire cracker. My dog ran to the road. The Merc driver from far far can see my sis and bro still dont wanna slow down then BOOM bang up my dog and terus cabut like nobody's business. I was so damn angry, quickly rush my dog to a VET.

My sis, lil bro and me get bitten by my dog because it was unjured badly. injured animal can be very fierce even owner also bite. 3 of us go for injection scare got disease.

My parents spent RM3000 on the dog's surgery. I was so sad that time. The week after, I seek revenge of the owner. I know where he stays and his no plate.

Bought Thinner, DOT4 brake fluid and paint remover. All campur into 3 bottles, screw his car kau kau at midnight.

Heard from the security guard after 3 days, said his car's paint all habis, back windscreen also pecah by me. The driver was mad and said would find out who did it.

I felt better cause that big fat ass fellow deserves it. where can u speed in housing area. Stupid ppl...:mad:

good on u! but why'd u waste ur money on fucking his car up, when u could've fucked HIM up man??
TitanRev said:
I'm a cat and dog lover. I have 2 dogs and 11 cats.

Remember last time when my dog was been hit by a stupid dumb as driver speeding in housing area. My sis and my lil bro was going for a walk. That time was Chinese New Year lots of ppl playing fire cracker my dog barks everytime it hears fire cracker sound.

My dog's collar came loose during the walk because it was barking here and there cause of the fire cracker. My dog ran to the road. The Merc driver from far far can see my sis and bro still dont wanna slow down then BOOM bang up my dog and terus cabut like nobody's business. I was so damn angry, quickly rush my dog to a VET.

My sis, lil bro and me get bitten by my dog because it was unjured badly. injured animal can be very fierce even owner also bite. 3 of us go for injection scare got disease.

My parents spent RM3000 on the dog's surgery. I was so sad that time. The week after, I seek revenge of the owner. I know where he stays and his no plate.

Bought Thinner, DOT4 brake fluid and paint remover. All campur into 3 bottles, screw his car kau kau at midnight.

Heard from the security guard after 3 days, said his car's paint all habis, back windscreen also pecah by me. The driver was mad and said would find out who did it.

I felt better cause that big fat ass fellow deserves it. where can u speed in housing area. Stupid ppl...:mad:

I can empathise with you mate being a dog lover myself. I have to say I sometimes pity animals that suffer more than I do humans. At least we have the power to make choices and decisions that affect our well being. In doing so we have imposed ourselves onto dogs and other animals. They now suffer because of us and not the other way around.

In your case, I would have done the same thing. I know vigilante justice is not a popular course of action and do not recommend it on most occasions but being seriously concerned with the well being of my dog, I would nonetheless have reacted in a similar fashion.
try hitting a chicken/cow in a kampung la... see what the villagers will do to u... haha... alwiz drive safely... because the next time it might not be an animal... it might be a toddler jumping out onto ur road...

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