4k salary can buy what car?

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Hi everyone,

I must say the advice given has been very good, i myself am looking at buying a car . As an intro, Im a 26 year old earning about 5K after tax. I was thinking about buying the 2.0 civic but spending 1800++ per month (including maintenance+insurance+roadtax+misc) for a car doesnt sound sustainable to
me as im planning to get married in a couple of years :D.
So im now looking at a unregistered 2001 celica thats going for 108K.However
im missing some important data in terms of reliability and maintenance costs for the celica.Can some of the sifus here tell me what i can expect in terms of yearly maintenance for the 2001 celica and how reliable it is?My gf already has the family car for our future as she has already bought a pesona. What were looking for now is a car for us to have fun with but still reasonable on the pocket.Would really appreciate all the bros advice 2cents or otherwise!

P/S: I have 20k for downpayment. If any of the bros have any other car suggestions im all ears :) Preferrabaly sporty though as we already have a family type car.Thanks!

Bro, I'm 4 years older than you, salary about yours x 4.x times (tax free). But sadly to tell you that, you need to have at least 50% cash (depends on the car value) before you commit to a sport car. Why? A lot of hidden cost / indirect expenses. To own a car, monthly repayment is not the only thing. You can ignore the RM3-4k+ insurance, you can ignore the tires wear and tare, but you can't ignore the parts cost when the car break down. Once happen, you still can pay for it. But you will lost your economy balance for the rest of the year. Except someone can borrow you money and you have the options pay him back next life, or, a workshop can let you pay installment for 1-2 years. Other thing like buying nice clothing, TT and etc not include yet. I spent about RM4xk on this year for my car maintenance and mods, including repaired my blown engine. What do you think if this happen to you?

RM5k salary, better just buy a Vios or City. Got extra money, go and buy a house or a 2nd house. After all settled and have 6 digits of cash, then can think about which sport car to buy. Those rich men's kids are different la. They can buy whatever they want. But for those who have no good family background (rich family) like you and me, need to think more before spending. Just like playing real time strategy games, your opponent start the game with a strong base and plenty of tanks/army but you only start with a resource collecting tank, how to play?

A good advise will never sound good. Don't let your urge and emotion ruin your bright future.
Own it for a year, experienced the fun & glamour, then quickly sell it, b4 'pain' starts to kick in.......
CSL.... my sympathise to u on ur blown engine man... i know the stress u went thru... I almost had to go thru that as well.... thank goodness it was a false alarm... else i probably would spend about the same amount as you too... Yeah... driving a sportscar is all glamorous and all... but back to the reality is that its inpractical.... unless u have more than Rm50k to throw every year... else any sportscar for that matter is basically burning money... sure its fun when u get the attention and when u feel the thrill of the speed... but whether or not the pocket can support it...

bro.. if u are only willing to spend 1.5k a month... dun go buying urself a car beyond your means ler... its better to build the wealth first... then if u wanna burn away 5% on some luxury sports cars.. do it...

"Wise man learn from their own mistakes, Successful Men Learn from Other People's Mistake"
A good advise will never sound good. Don't let your urge and emotion ruin your bright future.

Yeah, wise words. Most young people get taken in by all the glamour of owning a sportscar, not fully realizing that there are can be significant sacrifices both in terms of utility and finance.

Honestly, first get yourself to the point of being a made-man before dabbling in the luxurious life. Many young people with the stars in the eyes are writing cheques their bodies can't cash.
Wah Bro CSL, RM40K?? Thats freaking expensive dude. What kind of sports car do you have?? My god if i kena like i that i sure die one lorrr...

Your 30 years old and earning RM 20K ++?? Damn thats good man!! What are you doing for a living? Do you have your own business? Or are you working for a company? Man i need to get a piece of that action... I wanna earn 20k++ a month too!
Wah Bro CSL, RM40K?? Thats freaking expensive dude. What kind of sports car do you have?? My god if i kena like i that i sure die one lorrr...

Your 30 years old and earning RM 20K ++?? Damn thats good man!! What are you doing for a living? Do you have your own business? Or are you working for a company? Man i need to get a piece of that action... I wanna earn 20k++ a month too!

Brother 666,

The average cost of Changing engine is about RM10k already for those old cars.... when engine blow u need to change the engine... therefore u gotta hunt for either a halfcut or an engine itself... that will set u back for...urm.. lets use EG6 as an example.. the halfcut cost Rm7k... and then dun tell me u wanna put that engine straight inside.. u need to overhaul the new engine first mar... coz u dunno what is really screwed up inside( u dun wanna drive after a month then need to send in to overhaul rite).. that will cost another RM3k( port polish, balancing, etc etc) that wil bring total cost of halfcut and overhaul to RM10k liao... then the initial cost of take out and check engine old engine... will be around RM2.5k (cheap cheap figure)... then fit back ur new engine in... cost around another RM1.5k.... that is already total cost of RM14k... then change oil lar, etc etc etc... another few hundred... Bring it closer lar..

RM15k.... that is the cost of change engine just for old cars like the EG6(take note... this is an early 90s car... newer cars such as the celica or whatever would be at least double that price lar) therefore RM40k for change of engine is not surprising lar...
His tauke = his dad.....

I'm in O&G industrial, Russia. My dad passed away before my 1st birthday.

I guess Lennon should know how much I send my Renesis to Autoexe Japan for rebuilt.
I'm in O&G industrial, Russia. My dad passed away before my 1st birthday.

I guess Lennon should know how much I send my Renesis to Autoexe Japan for rebuilt.
Sorry dude, Russia O&G in Malaysia??? Not schlumberger??
Oh.... RX8 engine ar... no wonder lar.... wah.. quite a lot of RX8 seem to have blown their engine ar... sheetz..... scary ler... but honestly.. if I know my car will have to spend around Rm40k to repair... I will spend Rm300 to tow it to a hill... and then roll it down and then jump out to crash it... total lost it.. muahaha.. then claim insurance lar...
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guys sorry to say this way ...dont u feel bore this topic on and off for some time and now already page 32... have you get any idea wat car to buy?
Oh.... RX8 engine ar... no wonder lar.... wah.. quite a lot of RX8 seem to have blown their engine ar... sheetz..... scary ler... but honestly.. if I know my car will have to spend around Rm40k to repair... I will spend Rm300 to tow it to a hill... and then roll it down and then jump out to crash it... total lost it.. muahaha.. then claim insurance lar...
He can choose a cheaper option, but he didn't..... But an engine from jap kinda worth it....
To be safe, a civic 1.8 or Lancer GT will be the maximum (need to get 9 years loan). These cars have less/cheaper running cost. The Optra also can consider ok for long term (my wife has 1). But have doubt on Altis. Cuz both my friends' car got their drive shaft replaced and the quote from toyota was about RM4k+. Luckily both also under warranty. 1 In KL and 1 in Kuantan.

BTW, I'm not working in Malaysia. Cuz bosses are usually too smart and too stingy. :rofl:

And, I won't forget Lennon did help me a lot when I was in trouble at the beginning. Else, more bleeds on my wallet.
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Oh.... RX8 engine ar... no wonder lar.... wah.. quite a lot of RX8 seem to have blown their engine ar... sheetz..... scary ler... but honestly.. if I know my car will have to spend around Rm40k to repair... I will spend Rm300 to tow it to a hill... and then roll it down and then jump out to crash it... total lost it.. muahaha.. then claim insurance lar...

Bro, that was a human error la. Cuz I push the car to 9.5-10k rpm in 1st,2nd,3rd gear (as long as got chance :rofl: ). Total repair cost was only RM2xk. The rest was on other things/mods. New engine cost below RM20k (hidden cost unknown). Celica's engine should be more lasting. But need to calculate the timing chain, road tax/insurance, tires and etc. Easily burn away RM4-6k a year, excluding regular maintenance (except week end car). Need celica owner to tell.

Last time with my wira, 1 month salary used to last 3-4 months. Now....money just disappear like that without knowing where it gone.
Bro, that was a human error la. Cuz I push the car to 9.5-10k rpm in 1st,2nd,3rd gear (as long as got chance :rofl: ). Total repair cost was only RM2xk. The rest was on other things/mods. New engine cost below RM20k (hidden cost unknown). Celica's engine should be more lasting. But need to calculate the timing chain, road tax/insurance, tires and etc. Easily burn away RM4-6k a year, excluding regular maintenance (except week end car). Need celica owner to tell.

Last time with my wira, 1 month salary used to last 3-4 months. Now....money just disappear like that without knowing where it gone.

I feel ur pain brother.... I also going thru the same thing... every now and then car go into workshop sum more.. sigh... i damn scared everytime i hear something rattling or knocking.. or lack of power... coz that means pockets gonna have bigger hole... what a contrast to what we imagined before we buy our cars eh??? sigh....

Brand New Civics and lancers are a good deal.. on a long run... its good to run and reasonable pricing also... but dun ever take 9 years loan ar... its not worth it... the lesser loan and faster pay up is better ler... else... if half way u wanna sell off the car... u will realise that ur loan clearance amount will be higher than the market value of the car lar... sell off the car also still have to top up to pay back the bank..... the first 2 years installment payments will be interest payments alone man... so no worth it lar... i think if can afford it.. pay off the car in 3-4 years lar... anything above that.. interest is too high liao.. the car value dun equate the market value anymore...
If wanna get a <5 years loan, then should not go beyond CIty/Vios. Need to maintain the cash flow level. Else, the car or family got a little bit problem, the wallet will suffer for big time. When start using credit card or touching the reserves, more problems will occur. I had been through that situation during 1998 (similar salary stage), when I was in my satria 1.3M era. And I was lucky because everything was not as expensive as today and my car was not an EG9.
hehehe... yeah lor... Local car is the cheapest to Maintain lar... everything also can find... downtime in workshop also not more than 2 days... but these days local cars dun serve the same purpose liao lar... hahahah... Local cars sometimes give more problems.. hahaha.. nobody knows anything about cam takda pro...
hm... mind i ask. what's the out come? i'm damn interested to find out what's the wise choice. hehe...

so happening and for so many pages, man... i should have ask this question long time ago before my ride.

just to cure my curiosity, S15 or anything else he have got?
there is no right decision lar... if u feel u can afford this investment... then by all means go ahead... but after considering the total cost u will incur... u feel that it will take over more important spendinds.... the consider a cheaper alternative.... here is a lil simulation for total cost of owning a imported car:

Say eg... u buy an 1999 S2000 at RM 140,000. u pay RM70k cash...
Car Loan : RM70k @ Int of 4% 5 years loan = RM84,000
Per Year = RM16800
Road Tax : RM460 per year x 5 years = RM 2300
Insurance coverage : RM2000 per year x 5 = RM 10000
Repair Maintenance : Rm5000 per year (min) = RM 25,000
Upgrades or Overhaul : RM5k per year = RM25,000

Total Cost over 5 years = RM146,300
Plus initial Cash Payment = RM70,000

Per Year cost : RM24,260.00

There u go... this is roughly an estimate if u should buy a sportscar... such as S2000, Evo, Subaru, Skyline, Silvia.... if u comfortable with spending this amount... then by all means go ahread man.... oh yeah... also take into account... that after 5 years liao... ur car value will be only less than half... that means... after 5 years... u only can sell the car off at RM80,000 or less... so consider all this lor....

Editted and corrected the figures
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