how to clean injectors ourself??

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Jan 29, 2006
hello there..

asking the experts if we can clean injectors ourself. any alternative method??
u buy the STP carb's shop selling at rm13.90.....spray the whole bottle to the throttle body n rev it when spraying...when spraying, sometimes u rev it harder n sometimes slower.....n then let the engine run at idle n u spray it shot by shot(dun press so much, if not the engine shut off 1)......after tat perform full open throttle revving n at the same time spray again.....hope tat is useful
any carb cleaner will do?

thanks for the info anyway... :)
Does the STP cleaner come with instructions ...?

or i can search online anywhere where they teach where to spray..? actually i dun reli noe which part is the throttle body n where to spray... :X-:

how many KM only we have to do this cleaning ...?
better use onli STP brand.....if use STP then u'll c many black smoke come out from yr ekzos......tat means the carbon stick in yr intake & manifold is being i use other brand ar.....damn many white smoke come out......n there's goes the white smoke all the way i go back home......n the white smoke coming out fow few days oredi
nitrus said:
Does the STP cleaner come with instructions ...?

or i can search online anywhere where they teach where to spray..? actually i dun reli noe which part is the throttle body n where to spray... :X-:

how many KM only we have to do this cleaning ...?

yr car is running on injection or carburettor? for injection, u know where is yr air filter box? then there's a big black hose connected to the throttle body....then u unscrew the screw there n remove out the hose.....after tat u can c something like a pipe 1(i oso dunno how to explain tis).....tats the place u shud spray.....n when spraying u have to trigger yr accelerator cable to rev the engine.....but u gotta find where is the cable 1st lar....for wira is behind the throttle body

for carburetor, remove the air filter from the carb case n then u'll c the intake hole of the carb......spray at the hole n its surrounding.....some carb got few smaller holes....spray tat holes oso......n oso need revving when spraying....

there r instructions at the bottle there.....cheers
for better effect is reccommended to spray every 5,000 km.....oor everytime b4 yr car send to service.....if not when they check the throttle body is dirty they will con u 2 do TB cleaning at rm160.....of cos tat 1 is much more better la cuz it's a complete cleaning ma......but as long as u spray every 5,000 km then yr TB is ok oredi......ttat rm160 1 ar if wan do once a year la
nitrus: yeah.. some research will do.

last time i'm using carb. last week just converted my engine using injection. its some kind of semput (don't know how to describe laa) on 1st gear. don't know how long the halfcut engine is not running.

kiran84: i think both can la.. i've done this before on my carb. but don't know if we can do the same on injectors. this is why i'm asking..
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hehehhh i juz serviced only today... but still can do the STP carb cleaning rite..?

tnx roy, u've been very helpful ! :regular_smile:
kiran84 said:
That is for carb oni izzit? for fuel injection how to do? same arr?

both carb n injection oso can do.....better if do b4 u send to eon or proton edar service centre.....scare they con u do the expensive cleaning....if u can afford it then nvm la......after service oso can do la.....but gotta careful la.....dun do when u oredi change new spark plugs....cuz the carbon come out will stick to yr spark plug it's wasted la if u juz changed new plugs n at the same time u clean the TB....
ya la roy ma ...... tns punya budak ...... wanna add something .... for me i do every 2500 ... before every service n in the range of 2500 ...... that one until now i no need do the complete cleaning ..... some ppl in zth say cannot la but we don`t give a fuck .... we still use carb cleanin for our cars .... until now many in zth using no problem ...... erm somemore advice ..... dun do middle in of the night n in flat areas ...... ask la roy what happen when u do there ..... erm one more thing b4 start doing it i mean start the car u spray spray a little la just to clean the TB mouth la ...... haha ......
hahahaha.. revving in the middle of the night in flat areas?? if u do so.. i guess ppl will hantam you kaw kaw or worse!! wakkakakakkaka :) :)

edwin: how to do complete cleaning? is it like roy's post up there??
last time we help our fren do cleaning.....we did at midnite n in flat areas.....tat car is so old lar, so when revving is damn loud.....ppl upstairs shouting lol....complet cleaning is the mech use special chemical which cost rm160 per bottle......the size which like the size of the engine oil additive bottle......then they pour it into a special bottle n then connect the bottle wif pressurized air then they hanging the bottle then spray at yr TB la......tat 1 engine wun die off during the spraying cuz they got do something to make the engine rev higher itself.....
hahahaha.. ppl upstairs shouting is still ok what? what if they throw trash or else? all of u would have trash shower la that night.. :) lol..

about cleaning the injectors with special chemical, i've found an article before.. it cleans those injectors using ultra-sonic cleaning process. but first u must bukak / take out those injectors.
i got many thing 2 ask bout using the stp carburator cleaner on throttle body.
u guys sure this way can clean the TB??? does it bring any harm 2 the engine???
i reckon the STP cleaner is somethg like WD40(oil), if the oil stick on the TB, then the TB will easily trap dirt n spoil the servo gear(dunno called ISC or what la...)????????
i really wish 2 clean my TB also but i really scare eventually it will make it worse.......
pls help........
roy, i reckon the RM160 chemical u said is the de-carbon.
if STP cleaner really can work like the de-carbon, then a lot of white smoke will come out from exhaust when u do the cleaning lor???
nofear: i think he mentioned that before.. hehehehe.. lots of white smoke!

i don't thing i will kacau the whole thing. is it similar to clean carb?
comparing this and STP FUEL INJECTOR/CARBURATOR CLEANER, which 1 more effective and give better result???
liquid or aerosol????

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