ZTH Miri Members

ok guys have a nice w'end!!!:burnout: dun forget to take pic for today event ok:driver:
ACQ plz update us hehehe..
surprisingly many turned up. i dragged for over 7 rounds until my belt slipped. LOL. my charger cannot tahan drag more than 5 rounds. not sure if any ZTH members took pics or not, i didnt take also. non-stop doing drag....

Was against 20v Silvertop, 20v 4 Throttle, Shane's Yellow Monster, and Vr4....

Dragged too much with the 4a's, until no chance to drag with Vr4 due to belt slipped.

But at the end of the day, shane's EG6 Yellow monster was screaming past me!!! :adore:

Bump: ACQ wasnt thr, only QMF287. Malu malu mauk drive keta kedirik ka? :biggrin:
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wahh....i assume you tapau them all ahh....by the way the stuff you were asking that day, the injector mahal ler - 450cc costs rm430, and the saddest thing is, they don't even know what TVIS camshaft is....:banghead: i think u better find in ZTH here? should be cheaper....
i didnt tapau them "all"... i only won the 4a cars.

The injectors price there is quite high. Thanks for your help. I will be getting them at RM300.
They dunno TVIS? Thats sad. Did you ask them what is VTEC?
yeap they do know about vtec though. who doesn't? but TVIS, nah. all those dungu faces there, hehe. i told them TVIS is from toyota engine, the AE series, they do know about it but they don't know about those TVIS system, hence they couldn't provide more info to me regarding it - i assume they couldn't even provide the stuff even. ahh, bintulu.
they know abt it i think. its just that they dont use the term TVIS. tvis only used in ae86. some call it big port. nvm la bro. thanks
if got time, will find it for you at KK. will be going for family trip to KK on this 28th. just wait, but don't hope so much lah.:biggrin:
huhuhu pity me.i was on my way there. baru lepas jambatan tengok2 semua dah baris2 kt jambatan sebelah ya mok balit dah. hahhha guess i was late.hahha last2 end up at pakson, shopping at toy r us.hahahhahaa
if got time, will find it for you at KK. will be going for family trip to KK on this 28th. just wait, but don't hope so much lah.:biggrin:

its ok la bro, no need to trouble yourself. im very grateful already for your help.
its ok la bro, no need to trouble yourself. im very grateful already for your help.

well, we're all kaki kereta, should be helpful to each other - not MAKAN each other la.....unlike those past few years ago....u have better car/mods/stuff in your car - terus kena target......anyway that's old story~ (i hope)

huhuhu pity me.i was on my way there. baru lepas jambatan tengok2 semua dah baris2 kt jambatan sebelah ya mok balit dah. hahhha guess i was late.hahha last2 end up at pakson, shopping at toy r us.hahahhahaa

kol brapa kau pegi sia tek? nang kenjet kau tok pegi lewat2. dah la pegi toys 'r' us, ciarabiii muka jak brutal tapi beli mainan~~ LOLL :bike:
haih,ada juak race today..was raining around my place,and from my place,it did look quite dark lerrr...so,thats why did not make it over...sorry guys.. mayb if nxt week weather is fine..

no pics from me this time..hehehe
kol brapa kau pegi sia tek? nang kenjet kau tok pegi lewat2. dah la pegi toys 'r' us, ciarabiii muka jak brutal tapi beli mainan~~ LOLL :bike:

hari ujan lah.hehe ingat sekda tek.saja lah mok jln2 tgk kedey baru.hahahaha rasa mok main rc jak murah sikit belanja. hahahaha main lam umah.
asyik bakar minyak, masih syok lagi kah?

Bump: asyik bakar minyak, masih syok lagi kah?
maSIH SYOK,...hehehe
hopefully not raining this coming Sunday...been raining the past few days non stop..wana go out,pun malas wana dirty d car..hahaha..

i almost went..but i was in town..so i tot there oso hujan la...heh..hopefully this weekend no rain.hehehe
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